*TRASH* profile picture


From all the way of the back of the food stamp line......

About Me

I was a bum when i squatted it up in toronto 4 a year but now I live in a basment with my boyfriend. I don't have a job Im not a working class mother fucker....not yet anyways...Im mostly known at shows and having a fuck you Attitude. I mostly like to sing in crusty punk bands ,and play the drums. Someday I would like to be a hairdresser. I have 4 tattys, and a couple of piearsings.

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My Interests

I love getting pissed drunk, getting high.... who doesn't!! I love crusty punk music. Going to shows...starting fights.....Smokin the reefer and travling.I also like the whole 50's pinup era.

I'd like to meet:

THE REST OF LEFTOVER CRACK!!! I met EZRA when my boyfried and a good friend DROVE TO DETROIT!!! YOU!!!!! IF YOU FUCKIN HIT ON MY BOYFRIEND!!!!! .....just peolpe who know to have a good time.


Leftover crack, Choking Victim, INDK, Morning Glory, No Cash, Team Spider, Citzen Fish, Dead Kennedys, Misfits,GG, The Matadors. I'm pretty much into PUNK/SKA/PSYCHOBILLY


I like old corny horror flims.


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NOAM CHOMSKY. The outsiders, 1984.


My boyfriend for gettin me off the junk.

My Blog

Hair piss off!!!!

Dying my own hair sucks!!! I like to do other peolpes hair, and I can say that i'm quite good at it! So all you mother fuckers that want there hair done call me!!!! I wont even charge ya.........just ...
Posted by xSQUATERxCLAWS on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 09:16:00 PST

GOING TO BUFFALO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by xSQUATERxCLAWS on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 07:48:00 PST

R.I.P. ZAK from team spider.

we will miss all of ZAK's crazy lyrics and music! go to www.teamspider.com and apreaceate!!!!
Posted by xSQUATERxCLAWS on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 12:25:00 PST