"The Brazilian Sound: Samba, Bossa Nova and the Popular Music of Brazil" (Temple University Press), by Chris McGowan and Ricardo Pessanha, has been the leading introduction to Brazilian music in English since 1991, and has been translated into German, French and Japanese.
A 3rd edition of the book will be published in December of 2008. Pre-orders are available here:
The Brazilian Sound revised hardcover edition (USA)
The Brazilian Sound revised paperback edition (USA)
School/trade orders:
Temple University Press
Copies can also sometimes be found at the Toca do VinÃcius book store in Ipanema (Rio de Janeiro). Call 21-2247-5227.
The French-language edition can be purchased here:
Le Son Du Brésil (Français)
You can find Brazilian music, DVDs and books here:
The Brazilian Sound Shop at Amazon.com
The Brazilian Sound Shop at Amazon (U.K.)
The Brazilian Sound Shop at Amazon (Canada)
Ricardo Pessanha is the co-author, with Carla Cintia Conteiro, of Caetano Veloso: L'âme brésilienne (Editions Demi-Lune) , a biography of the singer-songwriter in French.
And Chris McGowan is the author of the recently published science-fiction novel The Big God Network , available on Amazon.com , Amazon U.K. and Amazon Canada .