Here is in blog form "The Legend of the Pinappleman" Gathered and compiled over the years from numerous sources" tribal legends --excerts from journal writings from people he was in contact with and illustrations. These blog entries will display what has been gathered concerning this mysterious figure. It will detail in bits and pieces some of his many adventures. Due to the many sources and points of views of the various sources the truth about the man simply known as "The Pineappleman" may never really be known. --but hopefully this will help to enlighten us a little about this mysterious figure.The Pineappleman was most recently heard about in a early 1990's song from the Long Beach Band WASH (WASH song written by BAC and END)Character Based on a 1992 WASH song by BAC and END
"The Naked Ladies down the River they Float"
WASH ---The Pineappleman concept was created in Maui on a tour of the pineapple fields by BAC and END ---We wrote a song pre-wash that made its way into WASH when the band formed. Now the Pineappleman lives on. Here is a clip of WASH performing at Skate Depot --non-Pineapple RelatedAnd here are 4 clips from the Pineapple Show at Bogart's in Long Beach CA mid 90's --with Pineapple Heads and all.1st the intro with heads post Pineappleman songMike Myers (not that Mike Myers) makes his entrance with PineappleHead so big he has to prop it up with paddleBefore the heads went on we opened up with some hawaiian styleThen the Pineappleman sang before the traditional smashing of the Pineapple over the head
Influences Indiana Jones(Lucas and Spielberg) Raiders of the Lost Ark is my favorite movie of all-time --Conan books--Buffy --Pirates of the Caribean --------------- Love Star Wars
Pre WASH recording of the Pineappleman song that we made a bad music video to in the pre-digital camera days. (We are talking editing by VCR to VCR transfer and adding sound via tape recorded song through headphones) Check it outWASH At Skate Depot --"Speed the F--- up" one Devil of a concert
101 Ways to use a Machete!
A Young Pineappleman! END-------The Journey Home Introduction to Writings by Cire Darb Historian ---From the Myths of the Swohs Valley Elders.----------------------------------------------------- ----The Great Pineapple Field War had ended. Thousands of bodies lay strewn about the vast battlefield. The Blood of the dead soaking into the once fertile soil. What remained of the stronghold was now in flames.They were known as the Pineapplemen. Guardians of the great field and the secret that it held. They were the elite --hired from regions all over the world. Entrusted with the secrets of the fields --bound by a blood oath to protect it. But one of their number had revealed that secret to the world and ignited a bloody war to end all wars. Once numbered in the hundreds only 10 were still alive. With the Stronghold in ruins and their employer dead -their contract and oath was over. It was time to return home. They gathered up their belongings and their spoils of war and with the remaining warriors under their command and the field hands that had survived the devastation --set out down the road that eventually lead to the river and civilization. Yes the Great Pineapple Field War was over --but The Long Journey home was just beginning--- ------------------ The Temple of the Monks Evil MonkThe Man behind the Pineapples