<The San Diego Tiki Carvers are an unincorporated group of tiki carvers that began carving together at the famous "Oki-Oki" chopping class, held at Matt Reeses' house, featuring teachers such as Benzart, Bosko, Tiki Diablo, and others. After the class, a few of the attendees decided to have carving parties (called Chop-chops) once per month, and the group was born. In Spring of 2008, due to rising gas prices and artistic differences, the group split into two factions. This page represents all who wish to have their art displayed here.
We are Mug makers, pendant casters, tiki carvers, poets, maniacs, and people from all walks of life.Most of our artists and carvers have work for sale, so feel free to inquire on the availability of any tiki, mug, or pendant you may see here.
I edited my profile with a one armed midget with a hairlip V3.6 !