my interest include but are not limited to: Music programing, e=(mc)2, stories we share, figuring u out, a better me, love nature and trees, the moon, the sea, the brain, the illusion of time, making words rhyme, my inner soul, and the health of my temple, keeping my old friends and making new ones, the family unit, psychology, a way out , a way in, these are some things that interest me.
What I want in a partner is someone who knows they are content and happy with the idea that our love will last forever. They must be able to treat me with the same respect that they expect me to treat them with. I would like someone with ambition in life that is willing to have an open mind about the future. I would like it if this person could appreciate the fact that we all suck just like life but we suck a little less with someone to experience life with us. An Unconditional bound is a must. I would also like someone that is not going to get up and run away, cheat, lie, and fall out when the going gets ruff. They should have a proper understanding of what it means to be honest to themselves and me. They also will know that communication is the key to a healthy relationship and this means that just because a little emotion comes out in an argument it doesn’t give them the right to become immature and ignore the problems we might be facing. I want to be number one like I would treat them. As long as there is total honesty then there is nothing we cant get through or work out. I will never vote you off the island as long as I am treated this way. I am a very forgiving person but you have to be genuine and understand that if you do mean that your sorry you work towards not repeating the same mistakes. Always know there is someone better you can be.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
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Atmosphere, Fisherspooner, Scissor Sisters, Mount Sims,New order, Depeche Mode, Red Hot Chilli Pepers, Prodigy, Sublime, VNV Nation, Cyndi Lauper,and one, , icon of coil, nitzer ebb, imperative reaction, das ich, combichrist, suicide commando, wumpscut,
I like movies
only educational, animal planet, game shows, comedy central, and cartoons
Running With Scissors, Lord of the Flys, Kite Runner, All is quiet on the Western Front, Animal House, Dry, Possible Side Effects, Children of the Corn, Chose your own adventures, On The Road and Encyclopedia Brown
Dori Lees, Heidi Martinez, Joe Martinez, Robert Sr. Einstein, Newton, Pee Wee, Pippy Long Stocking, teachers, Forest Gump, Budda, Missy Towey, and Steve and Cedric