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One of the strongest lifeforms alive, Ultros is feared worldwide. Ultros pwns you.
I cannot fucking stand fake ass mother fuckers who's false sense of pride relies on nothing other than their superficial understanding of personal aesthetics, and application of said process to their selves.
Same thing goes for over made up hoochies with their pouty lips trying to look all tough, you don't look hot, you look like a fucking slut. sure it might appear to be somewhat appetizing to split a sausage into you, and that can take you places, but it doesn't necessarily mean anyone will truly love or respect you. Don't neglect what is in your brain.
I remember a time when those of us who looked different than the rest of the conformist zombies walking among us actually had someting rash and meaningful to say about the sorry state of affairs we were in, got off their asses and tried to do something about it- now most of those who poorly attempt to emulate our actions or styles do nothing but go partying or sit online trying to determine how popular they think they are. Nobody with any intelligence gives a shit. Stated individuals fail.
When we are dead and buried what would you like to be remembered for?
The world fucking sucks right now and it's our fault. Stop looking in the mirror for once and do something significant with your life, the clock is ticking and our generation is waiting for results.
How pretty you are or who you are practicing/functionally splicing genes with may be fun, but is rather inconsequential.
The absolute blackness of the depths where all that remains is the faint light of hope.
DUNE, Snowcrash, The Gilgamesh, The Divine Comedy, Black Elk Speaks, Man & Myth, Carmilla, In a Glass Darkly, Vampire Hunter D,