"I know right?", accents, adventures, all sorts of art, amaretto, ancient civilizations, animation, artistic people, awesomeness, beaches, beauty, being naked, bisexuality, blasphemy, bondage, boots, boys, caring souls, chess, claymation, cloudy weather, comedy, cooking, cursing, death, deep sea fish/creatures, dreams, dresses, ending sentences in ellipses..., exploring, forests, freaks/geeks, gender and sexuality, general silliness, guns, hidden things, history, horror, hugs, insanity, instant messaging, insubordination, introspection, kangaroos, kissing, kitties, knowledge, learning, listening, looking mischievous, loud industrial music, love, madness, making fun of bros, massage, mermaids, mirrors, music, musicals, mythical creatures, mythology, naked yoga, narcoleptic insomnia, night, nonsense, nostalgia, nudity, occult, pain, people-watching, piercings, pin-up girls, playing dead, poking people, pornography, psychology, rain, redheads, remembering dreams, restraints, sarcasm, singing, skinny dipping, soft comfortable places, space, spanking, star-gazing, staring at myself, staring at people, staying up late, stories, strangeness, sushi, tattoos, telling stories, thinking, underground comics, vampires, vodka, water, weapons, weirdness, when accidents go wrong, writing...
Elliott Smith, Nine Inch Nails, Muse, Depeche Mode, Coldplay, Queens Of The Stone Age, Nirvana, Beck, Mew...too much to successfully list...
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, V for Vendetta, Little Miss Sunshine, Labyrinth, Pan's Labyrinth, The Royal Tenenbaums, Garden State, The Rocky Horror Picture Show...many others...
I so rarely watch television, but when I do: Mythbusters, anything on the history channel, 2am Korean home shopping, 3am congressional hearings, The Soup, MST3K, Monty Python, anything about deep sea creatures, Project Runway, those "but how is it made?" type shows...yadda yadda...
House of Leaves, god is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, The Chronicles of Narnia, Queen of the Damned, The Devil's Guide to Hollywood: The Screenwriter as God!, Fight Club, High Fidelity, various band biographies & autobiographies...