‡ Meeting new people, Travel, Deep Conversations, Companions, Music, Going out, Photography, Friends, Graphix, Electronics, ElectroMusik, Bass Guitar, Tube Amps (Peavey U.S.A.), G and L, Rickebacker Bass, Classic Vinyl Records, Screen Printed Art, World View, Animation, Sound, Noise, Silence, Silent Weapons, Archery, Cross Bows, Swords, All Castillian information, Spain, Trust, Australia, Scotland, Italy, Germany, Friends for Life, new movies, Museums, walking, travel, train rides, airplane rides, adventure.‡
I'd like to meet:
You scored as Anarchism.
What Political Party Do Your Beliefs Put You In?
created with QuizFarm.com‡ More friends to hang out with after work ‡ A girl to share my thoughts with ‡ Anyone that would like to have my photo's of musicians added as a chapter in there BOOK/Publication. ‡Anyone that can get me photo passes. ‡ Someone that would like to take me clubbing, to musical events, amusment parks, movies, you get the picture. ‡ I would like to also meet all of my old friends once again. ‡ Penelope Spears, John Doe (X) , DJ Bone Brake, John Lydon, Paul Cook, you!‡Using your mind
Your sexual hidden talent is your ability to use your mind. Sex is mostly in your mind and to your partners delight you have mastered the arts of seduction and atmosphere.
Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com
‡ 45's , †Gothic †, Electro Clash , English Beat , Broken Bones, Vindictives , Cocteau Twins , Sonic Youth , SugarCubes , UK Subs , 999 , Knitters , Cramps , THE Avengers , Pixies , Anti Scrutiny Faction , GBH , Vice Squad , Epoxies, The Menace, The Nips, The Chamaelions , The Birthday Party , Bau Haus , THE Sex Pistols , Siouxsie and the Banshees , Bowie , Eurythmics , X , The Faint , Fisher Spooner , ChumbaWumba , X Ray Specs, The Pole Cats , Tones on Tail , Tuxedo Moon, Prodigy , Miss Kitten , Penelope Houston , Conflict, Fuzz Box , Skinny Puppy , Punk and Disorderly Compilations , The Exploited , Neubauten , other voices hidden within my vinyl stash ‡
‡ Something wicked this way comes,Time Bandits, The Champ, Donnie Darko, Return of the Living Dead, The Professional / LEON, Suberbia / 80's, Train Spotting, Idiot Box, UK DK, Punk and Disorderly, The Hunger, Factory Girl, Star Wars, The Matrix, 12 Monkeys, FMJ, Evil Dead 2 & 1 , A I, Blade Runner, Shawn of the dead, Punks Not Dead the movie documentarty, Eraser Head, Lady Hawk, Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Arch, City of Lost Children, Ne', Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, all Underworld movies, The Clash of the Titans, Over the Rainbow, Love at first Bite, All Resident Evil moives, Baraka
‡ Pippy Long Stocking, Felix the Cat, Robotech, Battle of the Planets, Bewitched, Land of the Lost, Grovey Goolies, American Band Stand, Twilight Zone, ABS FAB, The Young Ones, Voltron, G I Joe, Land of the Lost ‡
‡ Siouxsie and the Banshees - babylon books - 1986, Southern California Hard Core a story of punk and new wave, Lexicon Devil, Rotten-No Blacks No Irish No Dogs, Sword of Shannara, †B.asic I.nsturctions B.efore L.eaving E.arth †, Love and Rockets, Ninja Turtles, X-Men, TANK GIRL 2 !, The Dark Knight Series, Micheal Parks, Where the wild things are, French for Dummies, All Nightshade Series books, Steven Hawkings books, G-Force, Robotech, Control Freak, The Dictionary, The little engine that could. ‡
‡ Penelope Spears , Phillip Carly at www.newwavephotos.com , Penelope Houston , Colin Jerwood , Paul Hoddy , Greg Ingraham , Exene Cervenka , John Doe , Eve Libertine , Siouxsie Sioux , John Lydon , Nick Cave , Elizabeth Fraser ‡