my smokin' hot wife and my bad-ass sons, rocking with The Maids of Honor, dive bars, gravy, Santa Cruz Roller Girls, playing music, zombies, traveling to sketchy exotic places, my motorcycle, my cats and dogs, tattoos, old bakelite tube radios, vinyl (33's, 45's, 78's), vintage ukuleles, surfing, fishing, roadtrips, cold beer, sneakers, cool sunglasses, bubble tea, my rocky & bullwinkle pinball machine that used to live in the arcade at the santa cruz beach boardwalk, slim jims, corned beef hash, behaving like a total jackass, the smell of a good used bookstore, my shovel crew (you know who you are)...
Jamie Oliver
all over the map and way too much to list...
love my iPod, but love my collection of vinyl even more
ALL zombie movies (from the gems to the turds) especially the Romero 3 (Night, Dawn, & Day)
All the Wes Andersen/Owen Wilson flicks (Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, Royal Tennenbaums and Life Aquatic)
James Bond (all of 'em...but Sean Connery will always be THE man)
To be honest though, just about anything'll do. My idea of a perfect day: staying in bed with my hottie wife (snacks 'n drinks within arm's reach) and watchin' movies all day.
Jamie at Home, Dexter, Friday Night Lights, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Lost, Meadowlands, Project Runway, Freaks & Geeks, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Creature Features (with Bob Wilkins)
Anything by Kurt Vonnegut, King Dork, Catcher in the Rye, My Uncle Oswald, Battle Royale, World War Z, The Walking Dead, The Road
my grandpa and my wife