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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Myspace Layouts at / Blue Moon

Born into paternal strife and disappointment of post war Britain amidst the scars of north London’s streets bomb sites. Emigrated to a better life in Australia via a six week journey on an ex troop ship. Gender separation in cabin birthing and a life changing experience in sailing through the American Fifth fleet in one of the last civilian ships through the Suez crisis. Through childhood eyes witnessing poverty, malnutrition and deliberate mutilation of children to allow begging, yet be a spectator to the magnificence of religious centres such as Kandi in Sri Lanka and US Naval power in Egypt.(The picture below is the ship we went over in, en ex troop ship). Upon my return to Britain was inducted with educational emphasis of the shame my nation, having witnessed some of the Commonwealth countries we had all but deserted by independence. Growth into the area of Teddy Boys then Rockers, (just to set a timeline) Very conscious of the Cold War and Cuban Crisis, which naivety caused me to revel in the prospect of global conflict. I saw it as a means to sort out the mess, instil sense of purpose and pride, and replace post war allowance in letting one oppressive regime that replace another. Placement in Hornsey Art College was retarded by attendance at an extreme left wing political rally where elderly people proudly wearing medals to dispaly their effort in defending democracy people fell victim to extreme, violence meted out to them by misguided youthful left wing idealism. Teenage years encountered a time of rivalry between mods and rockers, and the birth of a music revolution. The Christian ethic remained, but believing those that administor faith, do so singing the words to the hymn. ‘His truth is marching on’; in the metal hull of a tank!’ To replace my sense of displacement, I joined Territorial Army units and retained erratic attendance and membership for around twelve years. Due to loss of fingers in an accident, emphasis of service changed and I embarked upon adult tutorship of cadets. In addition, supervised the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme with welcome successes. Old fashioned sexual respect, succumbed to earthly desire and mutual Employment thrust me into a realm of high responsibility for labour force and successful building construction, accompanied by over stretched demands for financial need to support a growing family. Fisrt son born when I was 19, then daughter and movement of family home to maintain employment and secure access to education during a time of massive immigrant (multi national) population that suffocated the domestic support system in the vicinity we lived. Absolute confusion of life’s purpose, reinforced by the death of a newly born baby, three close friends being murdered in criminal activity, and the beginnings of a concerted quest to simply ‘understand’ Convinced of the sad inevitability of Orwell’s ‘Big Brother’. Recognised the power of first manifestations of global policing through American Imperialism and firm belief in prime conspiracy theories. Enjoy all music as a vehicle that transcends all national barriers, to act as a common denominator in communication between race, culture, age, religion and political expression. ‘Please lock me away; And don’t forget the day, Where I hide, from my pride and my loneliness, I don’t care what they say I won’t live in a world without love.’ Shocked to discover personal votes are not secret and the true extent of Big Brother! Despise the motive power of money as all prevailing. Pressure of work, extremely long working days due to extreme distances travelled to place of work and an immense struggle within myself to make sense of what I had witnessed in growth through confusion, armed conflict, betrayal of idealism supporting political regimes, financial demand for day to day family needs and a life that seemed to be running amok. Read countless books on history in search of a sense of pride, dignity, or reason. The confusion of not being a racist, yet living in the turmoil of continued tension, implication on family environment, decline in children’s schooling and the decline of city life and community support systems. All leading to an escape into surreal idealism of village life, community living and the long established, yet now flowering admiration of nature and all its manifestation. Undertook many years of martial arts discipline, plus early inquisitive research in to the paranormal, to flourish further in recent years. Exploring spirituality through numerous experiences that led me to an almost nonchalant acceptance of Spirit and a belief that why should I pursue and develop it, when it is a perfectly natural phenomenon. Pursued Pagan ideology and its links to Shamanism, bypassing Wiccan involvement, yet crossing swords on occasion. I recognised the multi cultural cross pollination of nature’s part in global belief systems and ideologies. Then early space exploration embracing the concept of alternative worlds and the simple word ‘hope.’ Never really able to come to grips with domestic, economic needs of a five child family and modest economic ability to provide for them. I sought a means to present history at a human level. The sdavagery of wearfare was enhanced by a spiritual grasp that was eventually to lead to being prescribed as sufferiung from P.ST.D.Sleep depravation, medical prescription of sleep apnoea and narcolepsy, which imposed a negative, depressive menmtal burden. Endured the trauma of a son engaged in war during the nineties, death of my closest friend, my Dad. Witnessing the rape of all that my parents had worked for by the state to pay for elderly care and nursing for my mother they had fought a war to preserve. Meanwhile, increased pressure upon material, financial provision for family, my wife and I took on a public house but were not financially able to sustain its needs. This resulted in the loss of two businesses, one mortgage free home and the destruction of my family based upon some of my own short comings and her short sighted attempt to survive at all costs, yet in the process lose all that we had achieved being seized into bankruptcy. I endured a mental breakdown that resulted in the true manifestation of the governmenst 'care in the community' by being impisoned with numerous other inmates denied care and psychiatric aid.

My Interests

Spirituality, History, art, wood carving. Nature in all its extremes, tree's, ancient monuments and historic sites, the sea, good English Beer and people.As a disabled person my only supplimentry income is through artwork and wood carving. If you would like some work undertaken, please have a look at a modest selection of my work in the photogrpah section. Thankyou

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with a smile and an interest in the things that interest me. Love talking to people but am fearful of boring them with the enthusiasm of my own interests....

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I find all music emotionally powerful and cannot think of any I do not like. Once played a guitar and sitar, then cut some fingers off, so that ended. Enjoy enormously the versatility and talent of all the musicians that play in the Cherry Tree. The spirit that is put into delivering the sound, by hand, mouth or amplifier, is truly electric.


Recommended viewing. "What the Bleep do we know" and "The Secret". Plus all but one of Robin Williams films. Any films on supernatural, spiritual and extra-terrestrial subjects. Plus adrenalin based films such as Zulu and Waterloo. Bit parts undertaken in some films including Being Human. Plus a large number of TV presentations on historic themes.


Sixth Sense. Most Haunted. Wildlife programmes of all kinds, Geographic and historical programmes. Country File, Heaven and Earth Show. Question Time, Keeping Up Appearances, Little Britain and I loathe TV adverts.


Any books on spirituality and history.


Harold Godwinson, Hereward the Wake. Mickie Pierce, Native Americans, Nelson, Wellington and the English working classes.

My Blog

Petition in support of Tibet. Please sign and pass on.

Dear friends, In just 36 hours, 253,553 of us have supported the Dalai Lama’s call for dialogue and human rights in Tibet. This is an incredible response--if each of us can get 4 more of our fr...
Posted by Alan on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 03:26:00 PST

Olympic Games in China; Oppressors of Tibet.

TIBET. Tibet is the last remaining nation on earth that holds moral values above money and influence and believes peace and harmony are the way forward in this life.   The rest of us have a...
Posted by Alan on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 03:10:00 PST

Olympic Games. China, oppressors of Tibet.

TIBET. Tibet is the last remaining nation on earth that holds moral values above money and influence and believes peace and harmony are the way forward in this life.   The rest of us have a...
Posted by Alan on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 03:07:00 PST

Expert in the field of life. Armourer and Longbowman.

Experts. Through my interesting and long life I have had the great pleasure to have made and kept many good friends who are leading lights in their respective fields, whilst others have histories and...
Posted by Alan on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 05:20:00 PST

More state fear of people power/independance.

Samurai. Legislation  is soon to be passed to make it illegal to buy a Samurai sword, which requires some clarification, for example:- What is a Samurai? What is a Samurai sword. And,  is th...
Posted by Alan on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 12:09:00 PST

Next Phase in destroying whats left of the English

Next stage. Successive governments and political parties have succeeded in diminishing and destroying any sense of pride, disciple and respect over the last five decades in a deliberate act of demoli...
Posted by Alan on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 08:56:00 PST

21st Century Canterbury, not the fiteenth!

Streets of Canterbury. It is 10.10pm. on the fourth of March here in the UK, Canterbury and I reside in what is loosely termed the Cathedral city of England. The journey back from the l...
Posted by Alan on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 02:24:00 PST

Continued chaos managed by British government

UK sets the pace in insanity and self harming. The population of England appears to have become a nation of scavengers that is an assumption based upon the sheer number of boot fairs that occur every...
Posted by Alan on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 08:38:00 PST

Seeking advice on a light phenomena.

Can anyone explain or help me with a strange phenomenon? For some days now I have been seeing a strange light occurrence on the left hand side of my vision. The nature of it is like a concentrated to...
Posted by Alan on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 11:19:00 PST

Our baby died, but not recently; Or was it?

'Our baby died', but not recently, my young son's sister died and I didn't know it, my daughter's sister died and she was too young. Our third child was born on the 29th of March and we chose to name...
Posted by Alan on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 09:28:00 PST