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Quantum Paranormal

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Table of Contents
  • Bulletin
  • About Quantum Paranormal
  • Request a Free, Detailed Paranormal Investigation
  • Our Members
  • Our Methods, Philosophies, and Protocols
  • International Database for Paranormal Research
  • Paranormal News
  • Links

  • About One of Mike's Favorite Topics: NDEs with OBEs
    Captain Quantum on Entanglement
    Captain Quantum on Superposition and Wave-particle Duality

    Visit The Intention Experiment

    A Brief Introduction to QP

    Quantum Paranormal is an organization whose goal is to research paranormal phenomena. We specifically concentrate on investigating psychic and spiritual phenomena, such as ghostly, spiritual, psychical (psi), and related phenomena. Individuals and organizations of all sorts whom have experienced various types of paranormal phenomena approach Quantum Paranormal for answers, and we attempt to provide them to the best of our abilities via investigations, using the knowledge, experience, and tools at our disposal. Our purpose is to both learn from our research and to help those who request our investigations. Our investigations are free, and we each put to use our own personal resources, time, and money.
    For more information about Quantum Paranormal, please visit our About Us page.

    Are you experiencing something that might be considered paranormal and would like experienced paranormal investigators to help you find out? If so, contact us for a free investigation by clicking here .

    The International Database for Paranormal Research is ready for testing.
    Paranormal News
    Paranormal News:
  • Hobby group hunts ghosts [Feb. 16, 2008]
  • Paranormal 'beings' reported at the sewage station [Feb. 15, 2008]
  • Real life Ghost Busters: Is Mansfield home haunted? [Feb. 13, 2008]
  • Group based in Sheboygan hunts ghosts [Feb. 13, 2008]
  • Middleboro hall haunted? [Feb. 12, 2008]
  • Council pays psychic for exorcism [Feb. 12, 2008]
  • Ghost hunters: Sheboygan group investigates reports of paranormal [Feb. 11, 2008]
  • News Channel 5 Goes Ghost Hunting [Feb. 10, 2008]
  • Who you gonna call? Ghost Hunters [Feb. 10, 2008]
  • That’s gotta hurt [Feb. 9, 2008]
  • Spirited spirits [Feb. 8, 2008]
  • East Kilbride man fools world with fake ghost pic [Feb. 6, 2008]
  • Group says that they have proof that town hall is haunted [Feb. 5, 2008]
  • "Forget the paranormal!" [Feb. 4, 2008]
  • Tombstone damage investigation a job for psychic sleuths [Feb. 4, 2008]
  • Pleasanton Hotel has spirited past [Feb. 2, 2008]
  • Does Raymond have a ghost [Feb. 1, 2008]
  • 'Electricity Woman with amazing powers' causes lights to flicker when she gets stressed [Feb. 1, 2008]
  • ‘Yes, the town hall of Cohasset is haunted’ [Feb. 1, 2008]
  • Hunt Ghosts at Mountainair Hotel [Jan. 31, 2008]
  • Paranormal Activity Detected at DreamWorks [Jan. 30, 2008]
  • Possible messages from the beyond? [Jan. 30, 2008]
  • No explanation: Ghost hunters hear voice on tape [Jan. 30, 2008]
  • Unwelcome Spirits Haunt 'The Bedlam in Goliath' [Jan. 29, 2008]
  • Dead spirits could help Longoria persuade Clooney [Jan. 29, 2008]
  • Ghost... or doll? [Jan. 29, 2008]
  • Supernatural studies in the material world [Jan. 29, 2008]
  • Chance to be a ghostbuster at stately home [Jan. 28, 2008]
  • Paranormal summit could cause clash [Jan. 27, 2008]
  • Ghost hunters prowl halls of old Idaho TB hospital [Jan. 26, 2008]
  • History of the Ouija Board [Jan. 24, 2008]
  • Hotel Maison De Ville In New Orleans Hosts Ghost Hunter University [Jan. 24, 2008]
  • Ghost hunters search Bushwhacker Jail [Jan. 22, 2008]
  • Ghost Trackers welcome psychic guest speaker [Jan. 21, 2008]
  • Brookdale Lodge sees plethora of the paranormal [Jan. 19, 2008]

  • IDPR Venture/Project

    Contribute your paranormal expertise and experiences to the
    International Database for Paranormal Research



  • Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine - Various psi related papers have been published here
  • Journal Explore - Published some psi related papers.
  • Journal of Paranormal Research - A peer-reviewed journal for us paranormal investigators and researchers.
  • Ghost Science - The ultimate source for ghost hunters. This is Vince Wilson's site.
  • Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF)
  • Exceptional Human Experience Network - An educational, research, and information resource organization studying all types of anomalous experiences.
  • The Archive of Scientists' Trascendent Experiences (TASTE) - An online journal devoted to transcendent experiences that scientists have reported.
  • - Excellent site on NDE research. Dr. Sam Parnia, NDE researcher, is associated with this site.
  • International Association for Near Death Studies (IANDS) - Another great NDE research site. Checkout Dr. Peter Fenwick's article on NDE research there.
  • Rhine Research Institute - A great site about consciousness and psi.
  • The Alister Hardy Trust - Hardy (1985), dualist, zoologist, started this organization in 1969 in an effort to gather research regarding religious and paranormal experiences.
  • Institute of Noetic Sciences - Dean Radin is associated with this institute. He's one of their researchers. It's another psi related site.
  • American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR) - Their journal is pretty good.
  • Society for Psychical Research (SPR) - The original society, based in the UK.
  • Global Consciousness Project (GCP) - This project has provided evidence in support of psi.
  • Parapsychological Association - There are many awesome researchers associated with this organization, which is largely associated with psi research.
  • Division of Perceptual Studies (DOPS) - The late Ian Stevenson founded this research center (formerly known the Division of Personality Studies) at the University of Virginia, as well as the current reincarnation expert Jim Tucker, and Emily Williams Kelly, co-author of "Irreducible Mind".
  • Metanexus Institute - Promoting the constructive engagement of science, religion and the humanities in the communal pursuit of wisdom in order to address humanity’s most profound questions and challenges.
  • Horizon Research Foundation - Sam Parnia's site.
  • New Dualism Archive - A philosophical archive for the constructive study of ontological dualism.
  • Templeton Advanced Research Program (TARP) - Supporting innovative scientific studies on religion and spirituality.
  • People:

  • Dean Radin - Ths is Dean Radin's personal site, author of two of my favorite books, "Conscious Universe" and "Entangled Minds". Radin is a psi researcher. His research has convinced me ever further that psi are real paranormal phenomena. Also, please checkout his blog here.
  • Loyd Auerbach - This is Loyd Auerbach's personal site.
  • Rupert Sheldrake - Another great psi researcher and the author of great books such as "The Sense of Being Stared At".
  • Dr. Raymond Moody - The pioneer in NDE research. His "Life After Life" book has sold over 13 million copies!
  • P.M.H. Atwater - Another great NDE researcher, mainly in children.
  • Dianne Arcangel - One of my all-time favorite books is "Afterlife Encounters", Arcangel's book. It's based on her 5-year survey research into encounters with deceased loved one's spirits. A very good read indeed!
  • Dr. Sam Parnia - Sam is another NDE researcher. He's author of "What Happens When We Die", founder of the Horizon Research Foundation, and a Senior Clinical Research Fellow at IANDS .
  • Dr. David Fontana - Author of "Is There an Afterlife?" It's a very broadly complete book.
  • Dr. Stephen Braude - He's the author of "Immortal Remains" and Professor of Philosophy and former Chair of the Department at the University of Maryland Baltimore County.
  • Lynne McTaggart - Author of 'Living the Field' and, my favorite, 'The Intention Experiment'!
  • Kevin Williams - Webmaster and creator of 'Near-Death Experiences and the Afterlife' website.
  • Dr. Ian Stevenson - Renowned reincarnation researcher.
  • Dr. Jim Tucker - Author of "Life Before Life", child psychiatrist, and reincarnation researcher.
  • Stuart Hameroff, MD - Well known for his appearance on "What the Bleep Do We Know?" Stuart's an anesthesiologist.
  • William Braud - A psi researcher, Braud proposes that ESP works well ("lability") under certain circumstances and not-so-well ("intertia") in others.
  • Evan Harris Walker - He's written perhaps the best philosophical book on consciousness that I've read to date--The Physics of Consciousness.
  • Rex Stanford - He devised a theory of psi called "conformance behavior".
  • Michael Murphy - Major contributor to psychic and Survival research and is associated with the Society for Psychical Research.
  • Adam Crabtree Psychotherapist and co-author of "Irreducible Mind", an academic book which aims at showing the mind is not given rise to by the brain.
  • Dr. Charles T. Tart - A long-time researcher of parapsychology and Survival issues, since 1963.

  • Russell Targ - Renowned physicist and parapsychologist.
  • Jessica Utts - She'a a professor of statistics at the University California, Davis, and has shown certain psi have statistical support.
  • Amit Goswami - Physicist, known for his appearance on 'What the Bleep Do We Know?' as well as author of 'The Self-Aware Universe'.
  • Marie D. Jones - Author of 'PSIence', a book about the proposition that a unifying field can explain phenomena such as psi.
  • Bernard Haisch - Astrophysicist and author of 'The God Theory'.
  • Dr. Bruce Lipton - Biologist and author of 'The Biology of Belief'.
  • Edwin C. May - Long-time parapsychologist, with specialization in remote viewing (RV; know referred to as clairvoyance); he was associated with the STAR GATE government RV program.
  • Edgar Mitchell, PhD - Former Apollo astronaut and founder of IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences).
  • Roger Nelson - Founder and director of the Global Consciousness Project (GCP).
  • Bruce Rosenblum - Professor of physics at the Univeristy of Santa Cruz, CA, and author or 'Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness'
  • Brian Josephson - Nobel prize winner and physicist who supports the existence of psi phenomena.
  • William G. Roll - Parasychologist who investigated the famous Columbus poltergeist case.
  • Mario Beauregard - Neurologist and author of "The Spiritual Brain - A Neuroscientist's Case for the Existence of the Soul".
  • Dr. Drew Leder - Professor of Philosohy at the University at Loyola College in Maryland, as well as author of many health related books and a psi apologist.
  • Dr. Ervin Laszlo - Author of books such as "Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything" and a TOE theorist, including the explanation of how it pertains to psi phenomena.
  • Sir Alister Hardy - (1985) Zoologist and believer in a dualistic nature of mind and brain.
  • Stanley Krippner - Co-author of "Telepathy: Experiments in Nocturnal Extrasensory Perception", psi researcher, and member of the Parapsychological Association.

  • My Interests

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  • The Immaterial Self: A Defence of the Cartesian Dualist Conception of the Mind - John Foster
  • The Spiritual Nature of Man - Sir Alister Hardy
  • The Big Book of Near Death Experiences: The Ultimate Guide to What Happens When We Die - P. M. H. Atwater
  • States of Consciousness - Charles Tart
  • Investigating the Paranormal - Tony Cornell
  • There Is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind - Antony Flew
  • The Ultimate Journey: Consciousness and the Mystery of Death - Stanislav Grof
  • Extraordinary Knowing: Science, Skepticism, and the Inexplicable Powers of the Human Mind - Elizabeth Lloyd Mayer
  • Dream Telepathy: Experiments in Nocturnal Extrasensory Perception - Montague Ullman, Stanley Krippner
  • Mindful Universe: Quantum Mechanics and the Participating Observer - Henry P. Stapp
  • The Biology Of Belief: Unleashing The Power Of Consciousness, Matter And Miracles - Bruce H. Lipton
  • The Spiritual Brain: A Neuroscientist's Case for the Existence of the Soul - Mario Beauregard and Denyse O'leary
  • Best Evidence: An Investigative Reporter's Three-Year Quest to Uncover the Best Scientific Evidence for ESP, Psychokinesis, Mental Healing, Ghosts and Poltergeists, Dowsing, Mediums, Near Death Experiences, Reincarnation, and Other Impossible Phenomena That Refuse to Disappear - Michael Schmicker
  • Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home: And Other Unexplained Powers of Animals - Rupert Sheldrake
  • Beyond Death: Empirical Evidence of the Human Soul - Timothy Owe
  • Life Before Life: A Scientific Investigation of Children's Memories of Past Lives - Jim Tucker
  • Rational Mysticism - John Horgan Looking At Philosophy - Donald Palmer Physics Demystified - Stan Gibilisco
  • The Philosopher's Toolkit - Julian Baggini and Peter S. Fosl
  • The Intention Experiment - Lynne McTaggart
  • Emotions and Beliefs: How Feelings Influence Thoughts - Nico H. Frijda
  • The Sense of Being Stared At: And Other Unexplained Powers of the Human Mind - Rupert Sheldrake
  • Mindsight: Near-Death and Out-of-Body Experiences in the Blind - Kenneth Ring
  • Closer to the Light - Melvin Morse
  • The Conscious Mind - David J. Chalmers
  • Psychology - Theo Sonderegger Ph.D
  • Hauntings & Poltergeists - Loyd Auerbach
  • DMT - The Spirit Molecule - Rck Strassman M.D.
  • Psychology for Dummies - Adam Cash, Psy.D
  • The God Theory - Bernard Haisch
  • The Physics of Consciousness - Evan Harris Walker
  • Forever Ours - Janis Amatuzio
  • Entangled Minds - Dean Radin
  • The Day I Died - Tammy Cohen
  • What Happens When We Die? - Sam Parnia
  • The G.O.D. Experiments - Gary E. Schwartz, PhD
  • A Case for Ghosts - Jeff A. Danelek
  • PSCience - Marie D. Jones
  • From Science to God - Peter Russell
  • Lessons from the Light - Kenneth Ring
  • A Paranormal Casebook - Loyd Auerbach
  • One Last Hug Before I Go - Carla Wills-Brandon
  • The Afterlife Experiments - Gary Schwartz, PhD
  • Is There An Afterlife? - David Fontana
  • Life After Life - Raymond Moody, PhD
  • Immortal Remains - Stephen Braude, PhD
  • Will Storr Versus the Supernatural - Will Storr
  • Afterlife Encounters - Diane Arcangel
  • The Scole Experiment - Grant Solomon
  • How to Hunt Ghosts - Joshua Warren
  • The New Children and Near-Death Experiences - P. M. H. Atwater, LhD

  • There are many more, so if you'd like to know what they are, send me a message accordingly.

    My Blog

    As a paranormal investigator, which opportunuty would you take first?

    Posted by Quantum Paranormal on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 09:00:00 PST

    "Intentional chocolate" - Research by IONS Dean Radin

    Dear friends, Take a minute to shift, with "A Chocolate Version of Mom's Chicken Soup" featuring Dean Radin, IONS Research Fellow IONS research has led to the development of a new kind of "intention...
    Posted by Quantum Paranormal on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 04:40:00 PST

    Latest Water Intention Experiment Was A Success!

    THE LATEST WATER INTENTION EXPERIMENT RESULTS   Glowing in the Light Dear Readers,I have just heard back from Russian physicist Dr Konstantin Korotkov about our latest Intention Experiment last F...
    Posted by Quantum Paranormal on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 01:39:00 PST

    Dont forget to join the next Intention Experiment on Friday

    Our next Water Intention Experiment with Konstantin Korotkov will take place TOMORROW, Friday 18th January at 5pm GMT.That corresponds to the following times in other parts of the world:12 noon US/E...
    Posted by Quantum Paranormal on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 04:38:00 PST

    Start practicing now for the next Intention Experiment on January 18

    Start practicing now for the next Intention Experiment on January 18 Dear participants,Our last Intention Experiment, in November 2007, was successful in many ways.  Please click here for a full ...
    Posted by Quantum Paranormal on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 01:25:00 PST

    Skepticism--the Believers Defense Mechanism

    I recently read an article which was posted by CSICOP and written by Sheldrake. It's about how some, if not most, skeptics use their skepticism to reinforce and/or validate their skeptical beliefs, su...
    Posted by Quantum Paranormal on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 09:18:00 PST

    The Current State of Paranormal Investigation & Summary of 2007 Events

    This will be the last blog I write for the year of 2007. I hope everyone had a great 2007! Summary of QP's/my 2007 Events I established Quantum Paranormal (QP) after leaving the LAPRG (Los Angeles Pa...
    Posted by Quantum Paranormal on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 09:22:00 PST

    Chris Moon and the Telephone To The Dead (TTTD) Allegations Mount

    The allegations continue and the pressure is mounting regarding Moon's TTTD claims and practices, not only in terms of the claims he's made regarding what his TTTD device can accomplish, but also in t...
    Posted by Quantum Paranormal on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 09:47:00 PST

    Vince Wilson’s PSI Challenge

    What's in this box? In my home in Baltimore, MD, on a bookshelf of paranormal books, in a locked box are some items. What are the items? No, it is not the key to the lock. I do not have $1,000,000 lik...
    Posted by Quantum Paranormal on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 01:23:00 PST

    Christopher Moons TTTD Claims - Put Up or Shut-up

    I got this message from a MySpace friend regarding Christopher Moon's recent message/bulletin published regarding his Telephone To The Dead (TTTD) device and just had to comment. Firstly, read his mes...
    Posted by Quantum Paranormal on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 11:08:00 PST