Jenny profile picture


To thine own self be true, all else is an illusion

About Me

simplified complexity; love the outdoors... hiking with Alex in the rain or by myself up in my hills when the moon is full; mmmmmm... i'm a home health RN... i like joining my friends on ghost hunts and other travel... my family and friends mean alot to me; i go crazy if i am not regularly growing my mind; i'm empathic and intuitive; i'd much rather keep my mouth shut and listen to what you have to say... unless you're my boyfriend, family, or a best friend... then I get to talk! i love you guys! let's see... jeez... i like to drive my car, i like coffee and bookstores, art and rocks, meandering aimlessly, exploring with intent... yadayada... tell me about you!

My Interests

Good conversation, philosophy, psychology, must take another ceramics class, hiking anywhere, traveling, kids, nursing, people, relationships - especially ones with purpose, exploring paranormal stuff - 'twould be totally awesome to establish scientific proof that consciousness does transcend the death of the body, exploring my sexual potential, reading on numerous subjects, journaling and poetry, openminded spirituality and personal growth are big interests, adopting rocks, museums and puttering with my Mom in San Diego; and in Riverside, hanging out with Alex and doing things like damming and digging trenches to change the course of the rivulets in the spillway by where we live - as therapeutic as meditation! there's Starbucks and errands with Brittany, and the hookah bar or arguing with Tori... she can be fierce! Chris has moved back to So. Cal. *yeah!* so I get to hug him and watch him grow into a wonderful adult life with all its lessons and nuances. did I mention family?
You Are 40% Weird
Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it! How Weird Are You?

I'd like to meet:

People who are eclectic; people who practice unconditional human regard; people who have been to unusual off the beaten track places; people who have had outrageous experiences and can weave a good story; everyone who finally realized that they were sleep-walking through life, chose to WAKE UP, and now create their own universes; educators and students and healers and happy people who laugh 'til they can't breath and sad people who need a shoulder and scientists and counselors and kids and elders; someone who can teach me how to travel out of body; a psychiatrist who thinks he/she knows it all; the Indian brave who turned into a panther on whose back I was racing up a jungle mountain but I woke up and haven't made it up that mountain yet and I REALLY want to know what's up there; Robin Williams and Braveheart and Michael Talbot and Einstein; fairies and elves; ghosts and other paranormal entities (benevolent ones); all the saviors that have been crucified or otherwise maltreated by the human race; my real Dad; my next best friend; my highest Self.


Everything EXCEPT opera (although I like Phantom of the Opera) and head banging heavy metal (though I do like Metallica!) or crappy rap such as the stuff with extreme foul language or condoning abuse of life and women. I also don't care for anything too twangy - but I love Los Duggans. Really like music that's different or can get inside my head/spirit. And simple artists. Currently in my car I listen to Enigma, Moby, Aegis Integer (intelligently designed to wrench mind/body/soul), Jewel, Peter Gabriel ('specially latest stuff), and an album called Thunderdrums with some awesome American Indian drumming. Ahhhh.... that reminds me, the drum circle at sunset on Venice Beach... outstanding experience!




YUCK!!! Unless it's an educational thing about unusual stuff... or being used to play a DVD.


Fantasy Fiction, Books that E X P A N D my mind, Erotica, Quantum Physics type stuff, Paranormal/Ghost-hunting, Short Stories that make me ponder the foibles of humanity, anything that has to do with Healing of the Body/Mind/Spirit and Relationships, Poetry.


Definitely my kids: Chris, my Rock; Britt, my Heart; Tori, my Fire; and Alex, my Adventurer. I've watched them develop into the most awesome human beings even though we've all been through hell at times. They make me so inexplicably proud to be a Mom!
You are the Universe card, sometimes called the World card. The Universe is the complete, perfect whole. The spiritual path has come to an end and enlightenment is reached. Events have reached completion. The different facets of your life are well-integrated and harmoniously balanced. This is an ideal state in which to rest and feel the true state of your vibrant physical being. Your creative potential is maximized and you have achieved goals that you have set for yourself in the past. After enjoying the pleasure of this state, a new cycle can begin with new challenges and triumphs that will keep you feeling alive and keep building on the foundations you have planted thus far. Image from The Stone Tarot deck.
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My Blog

Max Ehrmanns Desiderata...

Desiderata Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and ...
Posted by Jenny on Wed, 31 May 2006 03:50:00 PST

recommended websites

I highly recommend checking out these websites and where possible, give your support... even if it's just to sign on the dotted line... together, we can make a difference! I'll add more as they press ...
Posted by Jenny on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 07:23:00 PST

miss kim tagged me... :-P... heres my ten... now youre it!

  ..>. ..> ..> Here's how you play: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random, facts, habits or goals about yourself , at the end choose 10 people to be tagged, li...
Posted by Jenny on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 05:25:00 PST

deeper fears???

the following is a copy of  a note i wrote to a friend... blogging it to keep it safe and think it's a cool learning experience for wrote, "of course the thing[s] we want the most seem to...
Posted by Jenny on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:07:00 PST

a piece of hawaii retreat

appreciation& for a few moments, my chin drops to my chest and my spirit silently bows to the heavens as my heart sends out inexplicable, eternal gratitude to Eric Pepin, and his staff  Matthew, Eric...
Posted by Jenny on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 04:51:00 PST

Pan's Labyrinth

pan's labyrinth definitely a must see, but not for the squeamish&i'm thinkin' i'm a bit squeamish, 'cause the movie left me with a heavy feeling in my heart and a not so funny tickling in my belly an...
Posted by Jenny on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 09:20:00 PST

drive safe... please...

Beautiful, vibrant, wild/crazy, loving, 18 years young, happy, wonderful, full of hugs and laughter, absolutely radiant Nichole... Taken from us in a heartbeat when a driver took her eyes off the roa...
Posted by Jenny on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 01:15:00 PST

an eternal sigh...

sometimes i am tempted to think that there may be something fundamentally twisted about the way that i view romantic relationships... long term ones that is... short term romance is always exciting......
Posted by Jenny on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 03:01:00 PST

Dance to Heal the Earth

A friend posted this in a bulletin... just had to put it somewhere safe to be a reminder for those who care about the earth and its people. Namaste!!! Dance to Heal the Earthby Dee SmithWhenever you ...
Posted by Jenny on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 03:15:00 PST

Beginning of Astral Travel???

 An answer I posted on a forum to a question regarding vibrations felt during meditation... the following was a very real experience (by the way, I have consciously been seeking to astral travel ...
Posted by Jenny on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 05:56:00 PST