Member Since: 4/12/2005
Band Website:
Band Members:Ben Franks - FrontmanJosh Engle - LEAD GUITAR BAD ASS
Influences: Iron Maiden, Kiss, Van Halen, Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Metallica, DioTHUNDERLIPS guitarists, Josh Engle and Johnny Vasenda, can be seen featured in a Celestion Speakers advertisement on:
THUNDERLIPS can be heard on 850 WKNR, M-F from 3-6pm, during Cleveland's best sports talk show: MUNCH ON SPORTS!!THUNDERLIPS supports The Lake Erie Browns Backers!! Check the show schedule to see when THUNDERLIPS is playing another LEBB tailgate party outside of Browns Stadium!!THUNDERLIPS supports Bloodoll Entertainment!! Click on the link above to get more info on Bloodoll Photography, Rise Above Promotions, and Twisted Grafix!!
Sounds Like: A stud sandwhich with a side order of sweet and some kick-ass juice.
Record Label: N/A
Type of Label: None