We, the Shadow Puppets, are an organization with a mission. Should we tell you the details of the mission, we would in turn be forced to kill you. Suffice it to say, you will know our work when you see it. Our calling card will be there, somewhere, on the scene. We watch enough CSI to know exactly how to succeed at everything. Don't question our abilities.
We must never meet, for we, the Shadow Puppets, are only your worst nightmare...
Music makes potentially good workers burn out bums; turn off your stereo...
Movies are images of fantasy that do not reflect the reality that we have created; melt your DVDs.
Television makes you believe in happy endings and psuedo-sadistic maschochism; burn your television...
Books make children believe in fairies and near sighted wizards; destroy all books...
We are our own heroes...A List of Needed Assasinations: Santa Claus; The Easter Bunny; and Pauly Shore