Deadbabypinata profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Ive lived in SF.LA,NM,AZ,NEV,WA,OR, and cant decide which one i want to call perminant home, it most deffinantly isnt ARIZONA. Ive been into the whole punk/psychobilly/rockabilly movement since it wasnt cool. (Where Were You In 82?) and am not gunna let some early to mid 20s, freshly fullsleeve tattooed, brand new greased up doo, Dickie's sportin', wifebeater wearin', Social D worshipin' kid try to school me on something he wasnt even a part of.

My Interests

Ive lost interest.....

I'd like to meet:

Respect the people who paved the way for you and your lifestyle? I like people who dont conform to trend..people who are pioneers in their own little world even if that world is in their own little mind.. Be fuking real.! AIM= xdeadbabypinatax YAHOO=xdeadbabypinatax


Nardcore, old school punk 78-85,Rockabilly, Psychobilly,western swing,surf.


The Loveless, GUMMO, 4 ROOMS, the ONLY Decline of a Western Civilization, Repo man, Suburbia, Mondo New York




where the wild things are...


idolize no man

My Blog

looking for Mikael McKay

Im searching for my son Mikael McKay Thompson.. I am missing a part of my life that was and is very important to me. Mikael If you find this Please contact me. I have alot to talk to you about. I hav...
Posted by Deadbabypinata on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 09:58:00 PST

R.I.P Colin Winski

  ..>   ..> Colin Winski died at his home in Phoenix, AZ at the age of 50. He was one of Ray Campi's original Rockabilly Rebels. Oblivious to all passing pop music trends, Rockabilly H...
Posted by Deadbabypinata on Thu, 03 May 2007 04:59:00 PST

Davey and Son of Goliath

Davey and Son of GoliathAdd to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Deadbabypinata on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 11:08:00 PST


First you always pretend you mean     the opposite of what you're saying.Then study the people who hate you,brag about what you can't do and don't have,and make fun of people who m...
Posted by Deadbabypinata on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 05:37:00 PST

if it's Monday morning

There were times when being together was fun. And there were times when being apart was even more fun. And there were times when there was nothing but time, and that was no fun.Well the man just let m...
Posted by Deadbabypinata on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 05:27:00 PST

where were you in 82?

Call me a"grumpy old man"Fuck that.! .. How about disgusted by the whole collapse of the Punk scene as we know it... nothing you can do about it, its just a fact.. I can give a good example that IM su...
Posted by Deadbabypinata on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST