John.. profile picture


In the School of LIFE... I Have a Black-Belt!!

About Me


Greetings My "Friend"...

Thanks for Stopping By,

And If We Never Meet Again,
Then Much Joy to You on Your Magical Journey.
May I Suggest You Have A Good Time and Enjoy Your Visit,
Feel Free to Spin Your Tires a Little on the Way Out
I am John... an Optimist to the enth degree,
I am a Father,
and "Proud Parent",
I Take The Road Less Traveled,
I Listen Learn and Grow..
So I Can..
Teach, Inspire,and Lead
I am a Professional Network Marketer, Friend,
Successful Entrepreneur,
Scuba Diver,
World Traveler,
and an Adventurer and Lover of Life..
more to come, but the book isn't finished...
I Live Just North of BOSTON
and Florida in the Winter...

This Is "My Office Chair"!

"Pull Up A Chair and Enjoy The View" "Friends Welcome"


Everyday I AM a Work In Progress... Living, Learning, Laughing, and Loving Life along the Way..
So DON"T Rain on My Parade...
"If You Insist, You Can Be the Rain and I'll keep On Being The Parade"!
I Like People, Life, Milk and Cookies...for starters.
"Dream No Small Dreams, for They Stir Not the Hearts of Man"!
So Dream! Dream Big! Dream Often!"
"You are a Loving Child of God and Your Playing Small Does NOT Serve You, Your God, or The World!"
If You Are Not Living On the "Edge"... You're Taking Up Too Much Space...
And in a World Where We are All Slaves to Gravity...
I'm Proud to be "A Freedom Fighter".
Just Remember...
Never, Ever Go Faster Than Your Angels!!
Let Your "Soul" Be Your Pilot...
And, Always Shoot for the Moon...
If You Miss... You'll Be Among The Stars.

************************************************************ *** "Get The MESSAGE"?
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My Interests

SKYDIVING 2006 US Nationals - 1st Place

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This Is "WHY" I Network..


Click Here

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"Teachings of Abraham - Ester Hicks"

You are a Physical Extension of that which is Non-physical.
All-That-Is, or God, is not finished and waiting for you to catch up..
You are the leading edge of thought..
Here seeking more..
More of all that feels good to you..
More of that which is fresh and gloriously uplifting..
You are, in essence, bringing heaven to earth!!

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I'd like to meet:

JESUS.. because He Died For Us.
Our ForeFathers... because They Died For Us.
People that "Lay It On The Line" everyday... because They Risk Their Lives For Us... So that WE can Live the Lives of Our Dreams.
People that Dedicate Their Lives to the Health and Well-Being of Others.. Because They Put Us Back Together.
People with a "Burning Desire" to HAVE More, BE More, and DO More.
Other Leaders and Entrepreneurs Because... "They Set the Bar".
And Just Because...

People Who Live on The Edge.
People Who Swing For The Fence.
People Who Dream BIG.
People Who Love.
People Who Laugh.
People Who Inspire.
People Who Believe. (RED SOX FANS)
PATRIOTS FANS (Tell Oakland... "It Was A FUMBLE" & Get Over It)
Network Marketers.
People Who "Dare To Look Foolish" because as Cher said.. "Until You're Ready to Look Foolish, You Will Never Have the Possibility of Being Great."

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Matt and Dans Grad. Present! (sshhhh!)


"How I Enjoy LIFE"

"Life Moves Pretty Fast... If You Don't Stop and Look Around Once In A While, You Might Miss It."

Ferris Bueller

You Have Come All This Way...
Add yourself and "Say Hello" :-) ..


"Visionaries, Audacious Leaders, Successful Entrepreneurs, Dreamers, Believers, Youthful, Powerful, Faithful, Passionate, Vital, Courteous, Competent, Confident, Strong, Polite, Cheerful, Generous, Honest, Happy, Kind, Modest, Secure, Disciplined, Imaginative, Capable, Dynamic, Motivating, Calm, Decent, Serene, Charismatic, Able, Daring, Diplomatic, Inspiring, Courageous, Vibrant, Cultured, Funny, Enterprising, Compassionate, Brave, Creative, Persistent, Hard Working, Considerate, Frugal, Unselfish, Optimistic, Peaceful, Loving, Bold, and Principled"
To "Add A Comment" - go to Bottom! If your "Comment" is Nothing More Than a "BillBoard" "It Will Be Deleted"



w/Dave Mathews Band

Your Not Alone - Jason Upton

"The Power of GOD at Work! Jason Upton"






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"Hangin with my 2 sons - Dan & Matt - They're Extraordinary Awesome Guys"
"Just chillin with Great, Super, Audacious Friends"
"Ocean Sailing at Night with the Stars Out"
"Skiing in the Alps"
"Spending New Years Eve at Foxy's on Jost Van Dyke B.V.I"
"At the Full Moon Party.. Tortola B.V.I."
"Skydiving with "The Boys And my son Dan" (Matt next Year :-)"
to be cont...


"Let Me Know - Leave a Mssg Below"


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Master Networker's Favorite Books

The Bible, Anything by Dr. Seuss, Prosperity by Charles Fillmore, The Law of Attraction by Ester & Jerry Hicks, Ask and It is Given by E&J Hicks, Conversations with God, Conquering Fear by Lisa Jimenez, Secrets of the Millionare Mind by T. Harv Eker, Laws of Leadership by John C. Maxwell, Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill, "Anything" by Og Mandino, As A Man Thinketh by James Allen, The Four Agreements, The Richest Man in Babylon, Leading an Inspired Life by Jim Rohn, Awaken the Giant Within, The Millionaire Next Door, Jesus CEO - Laurie Beth Jones, The Trilogy - J.R.R. Tolkien, Anything by Max Lucado, Developing the Leaders Around You - J.C. Maxwell, Worlds Greatest Networker - John Milton Fog, Mach II With Your Hair On Fire by Richard Brooke, Spiritual Marketing by Joe Vitale, Soup for the Soul by Jack Campfield You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor,


"These Are My Heroes"

Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes..
The Ones Who See Things Differently..
They are not fond of rules and have no respect for the status quo..
You can quote them, disagree with them or vilify them..
About the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things, they push the human race forward and while some may see them as crazy..
I See Them As Genuis..
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world ARE THE ONES WHO DO..
"Here's To The Radical Few."

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"These Are My HEROE'S"

My Son's Dan and Matt,
My Family,
Mary and Diane,
My Nieces, and Nephews,
My Friends,
Cristopher Zullo
Michael Fernbacher
Network Marketers,
Anyone Who Never Gave Up On Their Dream,
Anyone Who's Gone the Extra Mile to Create an Extraordinary Life,
Internet Marketers,
Friends of "The Secret",
Dr. Michael Beckworth,
Jason Upton,
Leo Buscalia,
Joel Olsteen,
Ayn Rand,
Jerry and Esther Hicks,
Tony Robbins,
Bob Proctor,
Randy Gage,
Kyle Rousseau,
Jack Canfield
Eva Gregory,
Richard Branson,
Bill Gates,
Dr. Joe Vitale,
Denis Waitley,
Bob Doyle,
Abraham-Ester Hicks,
Law of Attraction,
Mike Dooley
Joe Schroeder
Val Smyth
Kim Klaver (Ms. Stud)
Jerry Clark
Tom "Big Al" Schreiter
Marlon Sanders
John Reese
Yanik Silver
David Ledoux
Michael Dlouhy
Robert T. Kiyosaki
Perry Marshall
Landmark Education
.. On January 7,2007 This "World" Lost a Great Guy to a Hit and Run Driver"
And "I" Lost a Really Great "Friend"! Would You Kindly Add Him To You "FRIEND" List
He was the kind of "Friend" Everyone Would Want! "Ya-Zoo Chris" - John

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"Need Directions"?

My Blog

Geese and Network Marketing

Next fall when you see a geese heading south for the winter,  flying along in a V formation, you might consider what science has discovered as to why it is that they fly that way.  As each...
Posted by John.. on Sat, 10 May 2008 08:19:00 PST

For My "Marketing" Friends..

A little over a year ago I got involed in the "My-Space" community.. not only did I make a lot of really "Genuine and Real Friends" ... I also met some of the best "online entrepreneurs".. I'm gratef...
Posted by John.. on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 03:36:00 PST

But Im Still "Old School"..

I’m a modern man, a man for the millennium,I have been tailored to fit A diversified postmodern deconstructionist,politically, anatomically, and ecologically incorrect. I’ve been uplinked ...
Posted by John.. on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 11:58:00 PST

The Invitation..

"The Invitation" It doesn't interest me what you do for a living..I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.It doesn't interest me how old you are.I wan...
Posted by John.. on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 07:38:00 PST

"Bragging Rights"!!

Sometimes you just have to "brag" a bit..  you just can't help it.. Once in a while,  it really does feel good to "puff up your chest" a little... Pump that fist... Scream "YES"... Especiall...
Posted by John.. on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 06:57:00 PST

What Sustains Me When All Else Falls Away ...

"Everyday I Live only the precious 24 hours that I have.  I realize that I am not living in eternity.  Life is like a snowflake melting in my hand.  Life must be lived to the fullest.&n...
Posted by John.. on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 08:00:00 PST


Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Devel...
Posted by John.. on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 06:27:00 PST

The Finish Line

The " Finish Line" is also the starting line. My challenge to you today, is to set your sights, and strive toward hitting your goals. Some of us may not have a clear focus or a clear vision. So ask ...
Posted by John.. on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 03:04:00 PST

Spiritual Network Marketing by Abraham Hicks

Abraham on Network Marketing GUEST: I have a question that has to do with business. I have two businesses that I'm working on right now. And one of them, it's real easy for me to flow my Energy to. An...
Posted by John.. on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 09:58:00 PST

Do You

  There is an old Indian Proverb that says... That everyone is in a house with four rooms, a physical,  an emotional,  a mental,  and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one ro...
Posted by John.. on Thu, 10 May 2007 11:14:00 PST