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About Me

Myspace Layouts at / Cat sylvester

DUDE!!! All my about me stuff got erased and my background is gone and I didn't do it!! Hiss!!! Now I have to go find a new background and I don't remember what I talked about. I'm a cat. I live with my humans, brother, and step-son in Mohawk, NY. Oh I guess I live with two dogs too but I try not to go near them as they smell. Ok so I found a new layout. Well I didn't but my female human did and she insisted I use it. Damn these paws, if only I could type. Probably doesn't help that I smack the mouse around. It's named mouse, what else am I supposed to do with it? Ok she found a layout we both like. In fact, one of my heroes is featured. No matter how beat down he got he just kept trying. I just wish someone had told him that giant mouse was a kangaroo!Will Ferrell. "The Landlord"

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My Interests

Daily jaunts around the neighborhood, hunting, frequent naps, bathing, annoying the humans to see which one will cave first and give me their dinner, attacking the next door neighbor's dogs and tormenting their bunnies (as they're in a cage and I'm not, neeners), trying to teach my adopted son, Pippin, to walk around objects not run into them head first

I'd like to meet:

Other cool kitties. Cool kitties does not mean half naked women trying to drum up business for their porn sites. I'm a cat, naked humans are unattractive. And the fact that you insist you have a crush on me is just a tad disturbing. Let me just reiterate, I am a CAT!!! I don't have a checking account or credit cards. My female human really isn't interested either and she's the one that controls the money and the chances of you getting any of it are slimmer than the chances of me getting my catnip back.Any musicians, comedians, actors I will accept as friends as I know you're just trying to get your product out there.


Cat Stevens, Stray CatsI should put down my female human's interests since she is typing this for me. Hard to type with no thumbs. Edwin McCain, Van Morrison, Shawn McDonald, Lifehouse, Toad the Wet Sprocket a whole bunch of other people that I can't think of right now and neither can she. She says just about everything except rap and Metallica, but she likes more along the lines of folksy/acoustic/alternative kind of music, whatever that means.


Garfield, Homeward Bound, Milo and Otis, The Cat in the Hat,Call me a sucker but I just love The Princess Please check out this site. It's a documentary about what's going on in Darfur. It's disgusting that we hear so much about celebrities on the news and hardly anything about the atrocities going on in that country.Chad Vader: Day Shift Manager

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Monk (he's very clean and I can appreciate that), Corwin's Quest, Meerkat Manor, Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations (he eats grosser stuff than I do), Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Psych (that gus knows how to dress), Firefly, Medium, Heroes, Lost, The Office, My Name is Earl, Supernatural, Veronica Mars, I would say 24 but the mountain lion actually let Kim live, Doctor Who, Torchwood, QI, Inspector Linley, Jonathan Creek,Robin Hood, Brisco County Jr, Titus, Life on Mars (one of the most awesome shows from the Brits ever), Arrested Development, Wonderfalls, The TickJust want to say I absolutely hated Tom and Jerry. What a crock. Like the mouse would ever get the better of a cat that isn't my numbskull brother.The Office Cocktails Outtakes

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To Kill a Mockingbird, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, The Cat Who..., Stephen King, Lots of stuff.


Garfield, Morris, the Cheetohs cheetah, Simba, Sylvester, Tom, Elsa, God for making cats surpreme beings
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My Blog

A very special poem written by me

Mousy Mousy fur of brown Mousy Mousy making me run around I will grab you with my teeth And pound you like a dog named heath I shall eat you up all nice I hope from you I don't catch lice Mousy Mousy ...
Posted by Frodo on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 09:58:00 PST

No time to chat

I have not done much blogging with good reason.  The sun is out the snow is gone and I'm a cat.  I spend oh I don't know 22 hours a day sleeping and enjoying the spring.  Before I had t...
Posted by Frodo on Mon, 21 May 2007 12:03:00 PST


I have been bugging the female to get online so I can update my myspace page all week, but she's all sick with bronchitis or pneumonia or something and is being a big baby about it.  Oh like she ...
Posted by Frodo on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 07:40:00 PST

I have been clean and sober...

For two weeks now since the b.... flushed my stash.  And that is the worst possible insult coming from a cat.  She said it was for my own good.  I do not believe a word of it. ...
Posted by Frodo on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 08:17:00 PST

Catnip...why oh why do I love thee so

Soo I'm a bit worn out today, had a bit too much catnip last night.  I ate at least a gram of it.  I don't have a problem, though, I can quit anytime I want.  It just helps the arthriti...
Posted by Frodo on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 04:27:00 PST

I survived

I know it's been two days since I actually went to the vets, but I was just too tired for the whole ordeal to post.  Where to start...The day started off with me waking up to find a large cage (b...
Posted by Frodo on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 08:15:00 PST

Going to the vets

Ok I am so not happy with this.  The female human says all of us cats have to see the vet on Wednesday.  Now I'm not a chicken or anything, but bad things always happen there (please look at...
Posted by Frodo on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 10:38:00 PST