Shawn profile picture



About Me

New Top Friends Theme!

My Top Friends theme is back - and let's just say with the encroaching (that's right. I used "encroaching" in a sentence - Gus, if you're reading this, you owe me $5) summer months on the croach, let's summertime it! Time for some sun and sand in your profile photos. I'll move the Top Friends around as I get them.
Psummer Time!

As always, you can also feel free to continue to send photos for the Psuper Psych fan Photo Gallery. If you're not sure how, just put them in your own gallery and then tell me where they are, and I'll get them from you.
Remember - .jpgs, and nothing too big, I don't want to catch any hooey from Tom for crashing his system.
As usual, you complete me.

My Interests

I have a lot of interests, but these days I'm mostly into fighting crime and getting free meals while I'm doing it.

I'd like to meet:

I know what you're thinking right now. And ten minutes from now.
I work with the Santa Barbara Police Department, cracking cases with my remarkable powers of observation, my keen perception, and occasionally the head of my assistant, Gus.
And speaking of Gus, his official title is "Special Helper". He doesn't like it, but has yet to come up with anything better. You can check out his official myspace page HERE .
I like restaurants and dogs. I also like fun, but unlike a lot of people (namely, my aforementioned assistant), I believe that you can and should have fun everywhere. This is why I've crisscrossed the country working practically every kind of job there is. You can see my resume HERE .
If you're still dying to know more about me, you can actually visit my office here and even read some of my old letters HERE .

Alright. Enough. I'm tired of this. Leave me a message.


Acoustic classical postpunk disco. It's a very small subgenre.


Yes. I've been thrown out of a number of movies.


I own three of them.


Anything by Sarah Vowell. "Anything" is not the title of the book, although I imagine if she wrote a book with that title, I'd read it.


Jonas Salk. Linus Pauling and the guy who invented Fritos, I think his name was Charles Frito, I'm not sure. But he sure makes a tasty chip.

My Blog

Psych FanFoto Gallery

Hey everyone - In case you didn't know - 2008 is almost here, which makes 2007 sooo last year. This means it's time for something new: the PsuperPsych FanFoto Gallery!I'm thinking we need some new fu...
Posted by Shawn on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 04:46:00 PST