gregory profile picture


I am the agony and the ecstacy - and I offer them both to you!!!!

About Me

polka Layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts Newest / Music / Movies / frazy.comI am listening to Radiohead's "Kid A" for the ten millionth time on a Sunday night, bored _just enough_ to fill out my social networking profile. Generally I'm too busy doing AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE to do this sort of stuff, but right now, I felt a bit ambitious and thought I'd chime in with a thought or two about little old me.Writer. Perpetually poor. Underpaid - but underworking also. I seem to spend a lot of time dabbling and never finishing. The doctors tell me all this will change when I take the speed they've offered me like a good boy. I prefer drinking beer, shooting pool, and chasing broads - not necessarily in that order. I used to read books a lot. Now I read the Internet and imagine ways to spend Even Less Time Doing Anything.I like my life. I cook, clean as Little As Possible, DRINK BEER, and mess around with weird ideas. Get in touch and I'll you about one - I promise.

My Interests

slacking, reading, writing, talking to people, getting drunk, screwing, hearing new music that actually rocks, meeting people who can teach me something interesting.

I'd like to meet:

People who'll let me cook for them in exchange for Beer. And sex., no scintillating conversation. Just smile pretty.


bauhaus, flogging molly, pixies, harvey danger, bloodhound gang, canton becker, jerry faires, gentry bronson, love & rockets, beatles, jane's addiction, moray


A Clockwork Orange, Bottle Rocket, Benji, The Love Bug, anything with Dudley Moore


Six Feet Under. And lots of it.


The Illuminatus! Trilogy


Fuck heroes.

My Blog

Gay Purge in the Republican Party?

The BlondeSense blog reports that there may soon be a purge of top level gay staffers who work for the Republican party.  Couldn't happen soon enough for me - who are these self-hating fags who w...
Posted by gregory on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 02:00:00 PST

Nerves of Play-Dough

Nerves of Play-DoughSo yesterday, my nerves were completely shot as I tried to write a personal essay for this film program I am applying to.Today, I actually called the director to ask if the persona...
Posted by gregory on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 03:05:00 PST

Have you ever wondered how indy features end up on Netflix?

Wonder no more:  I wrote to them and asked.  And they sent back this URL: would bet it's not that easy for it to happen, but who knows, really?cheersgregory...
Posted by gregory on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 10:07:00 PST

Beat Angel uses MY QUOTE on their DVD box!!!

Not quite as cool as getting my own beat novels published, but still pretty neat!Check out the back of the box in my comments section, or go check out the movie at
Posted by gregory on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 12:41:00 PST