Is it TRAGEDY? Or is it COMEDY? "There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dream't of in yer philosophy, Horatio." And trust me, it only gets curiouser and curiouser when you die [Yet "only your hairdresser knows FOR SURE]Though I have an interest in the success ratio of pleasant people compared to the MEAN, thoughtless ones, and it's looking kinda stinky for NICENESS, I realise, 'ploo sa shawnge...' [I GUESS...] Gotta just keep slogging it out in this darn glass timekeeper til someone turns it upside down again--and I'm still here a-waiting...! [O yeah, I forgot to mention that I am MUTE--the price, I guess for my life]
WHAT a SILLY section! Much like asking, "What do you FORGET?"
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I'd like to meet human beings, and especially those who can think, observe, & express themselves as clearly and passionately as this Iraqi man:
Iraqi Video To America!!! WATCH PLEASE!!!
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O. Dear. Are there any sounds that cannot be translated into music? OK OK--I love Ledbelly, John Lee Hooker, Jimi, J.G. Thirwell, Nick Cave...and of course Elvis & Chuck, Iggy & Mozart--basically--ELEGANT dissonance, human passions expressed without just WORDS--yeeg--sorry, BUT--castrati voices--YES! I've heard a REAL one--the last in Western culture I'm sure of it--chillingly beautiful--okok--but then there's also the big booming dastardly drums coupled with metallic clashes and clangs, whirrs and grindings...OMIGAWD--FLIP! There is NOTHING that cannot be translated into MUSIC...
"Paris, Texas"--the ONLY movie I have CRIED at--that FACE, that contained, destroyed FACE--whew! devastates me totally every time. "Apocalypse, NOW" ['78 Toronto version]--"Mean Streets", "Lawrence of Arabia", "The Cruel Sea", & "Born Yesterday" can be watched eternally--and you can't say that for many~~O yeah! ANYTHING with Peter O'Toole or Jimmy Stewart in it~~I guess you've noticed by now how unCOOL I am [haha]~~but herein comes the only TRUTH I have heard spoken in a movie~~"To be successful in this life, you either have to be smart, or pleasant--well, for years I chose SMART...I recommend PLEASANT"~~Elwood P. Dowds, "Harvey"
O, good GRIEF:
Par Lagerkvist's "The Dwarf"--and I'm a sucker for short stories, especially Russian--the writers I've loved ALWAYS get me hooked with their "mini-me's"--Flannery O'Connor, Capote, Shirley Jackson, Dorothy Parker, Saki, Sam Beckett, Vonnegut,Faulkner, Steinbeck, Jim Thompson, Harry Crewes, even particularly BAD sci-fi and and porn and horror, along with the great; ~~the early Michael Ondaatje's~~T.S. Eliot, ee cummings, Dante [ol'Gary], and of course...YIKES! oboy oboy oboy--the list would be shorter of things I HAVEN'T loved~~for one reason or another... there's just too many[!]~~I can find a delicious sense of poetry in almost ANYTHING~~try me. .. .. .. ..
'Antonin Artaud'----yep! I just always wanted to hang out in a Gauloise Looney bin...
'Buster Keaton'--the person I can watch forever---he can evoke the broadest reactions--while nary an expression seems to cross his face [!]
[his godfather was Harry Houdini---can you beat that, BUSTER?]...
uhhh--hate to say it BUT--Jesus was pretty mindboggling--2000 yrs later and they're fighting over His every mis-speech and the Word becomes MYTHOS....Mahatma Ghandi...and there was a man ["Mr. Campbell"] who saved me from a scorpion on my leg when I was little--he's my real-life super-hero. Kurt Vonnegut. Mother Theresa. And my husband. And [hehe, there's more!] both of my grandmothers--remarkable ladies each. ['Billie" is one of my grandmother to a T--she was SO smart, and played the great imbecile, to her complete delight.]O yeah--Dick van Dyke in "Mary Poppins"--cuz there's just nothing as cool as a nice one-man band.
And of course, the inimitable Jimmy Stewart...