Member Since: 11/16/2006
Band Members: Opium consists of Danielle Haberstock and her blue bird, Bobby.
Influences: Bjork
Emilie Simon
Massive Attack
Aphex Twin
Marilyn Manroe
Led Zeplin
Buck 65
Death Cab For Cutie
The Deftones..
Sounds Like: SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT WHILE RIDING THE BUS:Suggested proof of the world existing over the years is done so with geology; based around the study of layers that exist in rocks and fossils or any type of solid compound to determine how old something is. Earth is only historically documented to be (biblically) 2000 years old...yet in proof Earth started many years before hand; to be exact the earth has been determined to be anywhere around 4.550 billion years old! and the oldest fossil of a living creature to ever be recorded was anywhere between 4.6 (when the earth was not even completely developed) and 2.8 billion years! so basically like any other planet that we know of today. The creatures that were discovered as fossils in the recent years are currently known to be opinionatingly deformed, rare, and inhuman. ei. A beatle with a snake like tounge and a head at the end of its tounge, six headed water animals. There are fossils to prove these discoveries some of them in fact are kept in the Drumheller musium (Drummheller, Alberta, Canada) we have problems getting outside of our atmosphere let alone getting to any other planet. Could this mean that besides our knowledge for what we have scientific rights to discover that there could most definately be other living creatures in our galaxy? OF COURSE! if we are to think that out of all the planets in only our single universe that we are the only creatures that are concsious to our surroundings...we can also say that we are ignorant and misguided creatures. Just a small bit of OPINIONATED knowledge for you -Danielle
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None