Singer/Songwriter Joshua C. Edwards started the band with drummer Tim Pocklington in early 2005, however the band (if you could call it a band at that stage) never really did much except have a jam every now and then. Josh, busy furthering his own musical pursuits (visit, put The Mogadishu Syndrome and Tim on the backburner untill he had more time to dedicate to the cause.
It was when he finished his Music Technology course at college (with three distinctions i might add), that they decided to invite Josh's classmate Steve Watts (again with a Triple Distinction) to join the band as a bassist. Steve had studied the same course and they both had an understanding and respect for the way each other played. Steve also brought a greater understanding of the mechanics of music to accompany Josh's unconventional writing style and Tim's driving drumming style. Paul Newark, the final member of the band, joined a couple of months after Steve, he also studied the same Music Technology course but was a year below. Paul was the finishing touch to an already fast progressing band and with his fine input playing lead guitar and his additional songwriting skills, it appeared that The Mogadishu Syndrome after 18 months in the making were now officially a band to be reckoned with.
The band have now recorded 2 new tracks (6 in total), and plan on recording a few more before mastering them all and putting their own album together.
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