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About Me

// about us

The aim of is to build an .. community for hip-hop in Scotland. A place where homegrown acts can showcase their talent and fans can get the latest gig information in Scotland.
Being fans ourselves, we felt in Scotland there were no websites which let you express opinions on hip-hop CD's, DVD's reviews etc or keep up with homegrown acts - old and new.
This is a site by hip-hop fans for hip-hop fans to do exactly that!
We make no wages from this site as it's our love of hip-hop that keeps us going. Any money made on this site goes back into the site to help with three main objectives:1. Promoting Homegrown acts
For FREE acts based in Scotland can have a web page in the homegrown section detailing information about themselves and containing up to 2 tracks for the life of the website.
Every homegrown act will be showcased on the homepage for the first week they sign-up.*
If any homegrown acts have a gig lined up, let us know and this will go into our gig section. Email gig information to:
If you wish to be placed in the homegrown section, email your bio and 2 tracks to : you can even send a link if you wish us to download any tracks.
We work in unity with other companies such as 17th letter which also help promote and organise scottish hip-hop gigs amongst other things. They can be found at*This will run in order of the date you sign-up. You will be notified when you will feature on the home page.2. Advertising
The more we advertise the more we can promote the site and the homegrown acts, letting our .. community grow. We aim to target publications like Hip-Hop Connection as well as other sites related to hip-hop. If we can, getting sponsorship from a radio station could boost awareness and promote the homegrown acts.3. Running & maintaining the site
Any money made will help to cover the costs of the domain name, webspace and general running of the site. If we need more space or bandwidth then we will do our best to get the funds in place to support that.
Any surplus money made will be given to the 'Maggie's Centre' who help cancer patients. More information can be found here:
If you wish a our copy of our logo to use, please email us at:

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// about usThe aim of is to build an online community for hip-hop in Scotland. A place where homegrown acts can showcase their talent and fans can get the latest gig information in S...
Posted by on Thu, 04 May 2006 08:12:00 PST