music, love, family, charity, movies, bicycling , blading, surface-tapping (all drummers do it), animal care, traveling, hailing cabs I have no intention on using, camping, working less,wearing long-sleeve shirts under a t-shirt, free food, late afternoon naps, social drinking, keeping clean, getting some, and physical fitness!!.. ....
bands, musicians, artists, industry people, neighbors, animals, Randy Quaid, ghosts, realistic people, cookie monster, and new friends who are motivated to go out and see LIVE BANDS!!!
I'll have a double shot of AUDIOBON followed by a mix of heavy metal, classic, alternative, techno, indie, punk, stoner, light, industrial, grunge, on the rocks from AC/DC-ZZ Top, shakin', not stirred, with a twist of jazzy, blues, reggae.....and what the more shot of AUDIOBON!!!!!!Some of my favorite locals are in my top 40 friends, and throughout my friends list...they are all worth your click!!!
action, sci-fi, crazy disturbing, dramas :-( , documentories, epics are good too, WARLOCK ,any thing involving an escape from captivity, can't forget the knee slappers.
24 , Prison Break, NFL, major league baseball, Nova, Murder She Wrote, In the Heat of the Night, , Matlock, National Geographic, any kind of animals caught on video, To Catch a Predator(What are you doing here?),game shows, lottery drawings, and The Three Stooges.
Self help books are good, non-fiction, The Eddie Money story, historical stuff, content you would probably be bored with earlier in life. Do magazines count? I think so!
First and foremost Family and Friends,it's people that are in my life that really count,like fans of AUDIOBON! visionaries, philosophers, peacemakers, Snake Plissken, inventors, elderly, Billy Mays( it'll whiten your grout), vegetarians,funny little kids, non-smokers, those who doubt me, nice girls, animals, pepto bismal, veterans, former employers, Strongbad, positive people, 4:20, food, and Sunday mornings!