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Cheri ~ Quest 4 Truth Of Justice

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

♥♥♥This Page Is Dedicated To Frank, We'll Always Miss You. My Son Jonathon, Matt, And All Who Have Been Falsely Accused, Wrongly Convicted, and/or In-prisoned...Their Families, and Friends. And All Who Fight For Them ♥♥♥*Life Isn't About Waiting For The Storm To Pass...It's About Embracing It...And Dancing In The Rain*!! Dance Like No One Is Watching.... Sing Like No One Is Listening.... Love Like You've Never Been Hurt Before.... Live Each Day Like It Could Be The Last!! ♥♥♥I Try To Fight For What I believe In.♥♥♥My name is Cheryl Stepnioski. Eight years ago my 18 year old son, Jon, was arrested along with two of his friends, for a murder they did not commit. We live in a small lakeside community outside of Detroit. There hadn't been anything like that here in 30 years. It was highly publicized here and around the US. You may or may not, have heard about it. It was in New Baltimore, Michigan. A 16 year old young man was shot execution style, in a walk in cooler at a local Pizza Shop in town.A week later they arrested our son and his two friends. It was the very worst time of my life to say the very least. The thing that got me through it was the other two mothers of my son's friends. Originally I did not know either of them. And I was afraid they would hate me. But from the first court hearing we three became almost like sisters. Without them I'm not sure I could have survived. The community treated our families horribly. I have 7 children and had 4 grandchildren at the time. Three of my children and one grandchild were still in school here and one child was in college. They were all harassed and mostly by the the school staff not the other students. We lost friends and family over it.They raided our homes looking for the gun and any evidence linking our sons to the horrible crime. All my children were home it was 6:00am in the morning. The FBI, the COMET team, the Sheriffs dept., two local Police depts. And I believe the ATF. They took bags and bags of things, mostly my other childrens clothing. They found nothing though that linked our son at all.The things the media said and printed in the papers were so hurtful. The media tried and convicted our sons. It was like a Modern Day Witch Hunt. The first time I saw my son after his arrest, was on TV. While they were still here in my home searching it. Only one of us was allowed to leave to go to his arraignment. My husband went. I stayed with my other children.(This Is What I Saw On TV The 1st Time I saw My Son After His Arrest)(I Cry TO This Very Day When I Look At These Pictures)It was the most horrible sight. I'll never forget it. He and his two friends being paraded,in ftont of reporters and cameras, into court in In striped uniforms, bullet prouf vests, with shackles and chains. Surounded by press and people.(Jon Being brought In At One Of the Court Hearings...That Was My Son, My Baby Boy...I Can't Explain What I Felt)The news called my son a 'cold hearted killer'. Yet he had tears in his eyes. I could tell he had been up all night. I cry even now when I think of it. ♥♥♥(Jon In His Striped Jail Garb~Notice The wieght he lost by the time he was released. I hate these pictures.They still still Make Me Cry)Although, one other thing that will always stand out in my mind.And in the mist of such pain and persecution... was that when we went to our sons pretrial. I had fully believed that there would be a crowd of people screaming at us. There was a crowd, but they were raising there fists and saying that our sons were innocent. It was like the last scene in the movie "Billy Jack". I cried. I did alot of crying then.We knew our sons were innocent from the very start.So We Three Families had to remortgage our homes, and barrow, to get good Lawyers. Then We Found , that there had been a murder in Florida that was identical to the one here right down to the very time frame. One of the other mothers had found the story on the Internet and brought it to me. We took it to our lawyers. Our lawyers brought it to the courts attention to no avail.During the Pretrial, the judge let the 16 year old go at that time. There was no evidence and he had not signed a confession. But the judge made a horrible speech when he released Matthew. Saying he fully believed he was as guilty as his two Co-horts, and would be back soon sitting next to them. He called all three of our sons miscreants. (The judge was later reprimanded for his comments) Mathew's mother fainted at my feet. It was horrible.You see the police had *Coerced* a *False Confession* from my son Jon, and the other young man, Frank. My son had just turned 18, Frank was 19. Mathew was only 16. By Michigan Law... anyone 16 years or younger had to have their parents present during questioning. Mathew's parents were there and they couldn't bully him in to a *False Confession*. Though they did try to get him to sign a blank confession, his parents would not let him. And they did not Videtape any of it. Not Matt, not Frank, and not my son Jon's.During their interrogations, I was pounding on the door of the police station trying to get in, but they wouldn't let me in. An officer had told me on the phone earlier, that my son was being very helpful to their investigation, and I should be very proud of him. That he was a fine young man. That they would be giving him a ride to his home personally....In the mean time while my son was crying and asking for me. That same officer and his "Co Horts", were telling him that I didn't want to see him. That I knew what he had done, and I was ashamed of him. The FBI, and two Local Police Depts. took turns Interrogating the boys.My son then asked for a lawyer, but they continued to ask questions. That was one of their fatal mistakes. Which later helped us to win lawsuits. Anyways, they wore them down after hours and hours. They told them what to write. They told them not to worry if they didn't do anything then there would be no evidence and they would go home.A News ClippingThere never was any evidence, Ever. But what neither Frank nor my son or ourselves knew then, was that by signing the confessions it was like signing their own Death Warrant's. Like a binding contract. And it was next to impossible to ever retract it. Jon and Frank were held over for trial.♥♥♥(The Thanksgiving The Boys Spent in Jail. We made these posters and posted them with balloons, on the cementary fence accross from thier cell window.)During all this, two men from our own town, who knew and worked with the young man who was killed. Were arrested in Kentucky. They had gone on a 37 state crime spree of mayhem and murder. They were charged with the murder of a 64 year old gun shop clerk in Virginia, and then the murder of the young man that was killed, in Florida. The very same murder story that we had taken to our lawyers earlier. We knew then, that these two men were the murderers of the young man our son's were accused of killing. We knew our boys were coming home. What we didn't know is we were in for the fight of our lives, for our sons lives.Our lawyers tried to get the confessions Thrown out. But the prosecutor wouldn't hear of it. Even though three of the Prosecutor's own witnesses turned on them and said the police also coerced them into testifying against our sons. All three of their witnesses claimed that the police made them say things that were not true. One of their witnesses was prosecuted later for drug charges for not testifying. We spoke with his parents later. And a reporter wrote a story on the tactics of the local police and how they harassed many teens and their families trying to get anything they could to implicate our sons. There never was any evidence of any kind putting our boys at the crime scene. Not finger prints, no DNA, no witnesses... Nothing.What made the police go after our sons in the first place you might ask. Well a statement made by a young man who was a friend of the other two men now being held in Virginia. That young man had also worked with the young man who had been killed. But had been fired a week before the murder. This young man was in the parking lot the night of the murder. Questioned and released.Our boys were at a bon fire the night of the murder. No where near town. We had 15 signed sworn statements. From our witnesses. But the police actually told 3 of them that they were interfering with a Federal investigation. And if they didn't want to be put in a jail cell next to our sons and charged as accessories then they better stop and go home.When the murder weapon was then found on the two that were arrested in Kentucky. We again thought our boys would be coming home. But the prosecutor kept saying that he felt he had the right boys in jail, and would not hear anything else.There was a "Walker Hearing" to show the validity of the confessions and to show that there was reasonable doubt.Now the two down south when arrested, had 13 guns, all loaded, and had price tags still on them. They had stolenthese guns from a gun shop in Virginia. Where they had killed the clerck. They also had a backpack filled with bloody clothes and two bloody hunting knives, false ID's and utensiles to make more, a road atlas with their route clearly marked, showing they had come back to Michigan, and red dots on all the places where they had murdered some one. One of those marks was on New Baltimore. The prosecutor said that the reason they had a red dot on our town was because it was their home town? The judge told the prosecutor to get a copy of the atlas. But he never did. And the judge let the charges against our boys stand. To our dissmay. They were going ahead with a murder trial against our sons.Bail DeniedAt that point all three of us Moms decided to take things into our own hands. And for the first time we felt we were in some sort of control. We got a hold of a reporter who we trusted and we got donations from family and friends and we went on a road trip down south to get the evidence we knew was there ourselves.The reporter, her photographer, and us three Moms, all went in one car, to Kentucky and then to Virginia. We were able to speak with the Prosecutor and the defense lawyers of the two boys down south. We found out that the Kentucky and Virginia Authorities had tried several times to get Michigan Authorities to come there and look at the evidence they had showing that their suspects very likely had committed the murder here, and that Michigan had the wrong people in jail. We also learned the the Prosecutor here had gotten a statement from one of the boys down south, heard by an FBI agent that would've gotten our sons released. It was "Exculpatory Evidence". And he got it in ..his was now April. They also had the wallet of the young man who had been killed here. That the Prosecutor tried to say my son had stolen the night of the crime. *During the interrogation of my son. The police had my son describe a wallet*. My son described his own wallet.What we didn't know about the two young men down south, was that their trial was to start a day or so after we left. And that they were going to confess to the murder here. I'm sure the prosecutor knew this. But wasn't letting it out up here. The reporter found out and stayed behind to cover the trial.We held a press conference ourselves when we returned. Telling everyone what we had found out. The prosecutor and the police chief here berated us and our trip, on TV. And denied all our claims. A week later after spending 178 days in jail. Our son's were released. Jon Being Released From Jail One Of The Happiest Days Of My Life!! THE DAY JON CAME HOME!! ♥♥♥A week after that the charges were dropped, "Without Prejudice".We took a trip with our sons to our State Capital a week later, to speak on the need to "Video Tape All interrogations and subsequent confessions." Only three States have made it mandatory. Our county Prosecutor also spoke on the need. It was the first time we were on the same side. Had their interrogations and confessions been taped I might not be writing this now. ♥♥♥ (Jon His 1st Day Home)It's been 7 years since. And I can say our lives will never be the same. I am a diferent person now. I trust no one. I see so many flaws in our Judicial System. But this is my story, and that of my son, his friends and their familes. I'm sorry it was so long. I actually condensed it quite a bit. I could tell you so much more of what I consider to be a conspiracy against our sons and our families. And the still on going problems we are all experiencing.The worst is...Not Only Did The First Young Man Lose His Life Needlessly. But One year Later..So Did Frank, the young man who was in Jail 178 days with my son Jon. Was he himself, was murdered. Shortly after Our Boys filed a law suit against the Authorities here. It was on the very date of their arrest one year earlier. And the things we learned pertaining to his murder are in themselves frightening. If I wrote everything I'd end up writing a book.This story is now Our story. It is a part of me. It is a part of my life, but not the end of it. We go on.And it is true...."What Does Not Kill You.. Will Make You Stronger".Thank You For Taking Time Out Of Your Day, To Read My Son, His Friends, Their Families,And Ours StoryCheryl A. Stepnioski Mother Of An Innocent Young Man♥♥♥ Jon,Dan,Jon's Dad,and I. The day Jon Came Home:)I kept Our Christmas Tree Up Til Jon Came Home In April.I redecorated it For Easter,and would've done it again for The 4th Of July,if I had too! His Xmas Presents and Easter Basket were all under the tree. Waiting For Him ...I Knew He would be Coming Home**A Mother's Notes** My Heart Will Always Go Out To The Family Of the Young Man Who Was So Needlessly Murdered. It Always Has, Though The Media Never Would Quote Me On that. Also To The Mothers And Families Of the Two Young Men Who Really Did Commit This Crime. I Have Walked In Their Shoes* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
*****************************************I Thought Of This Song So Many Times Through Out Jon's Ordeal. The Day He Came Home I Wanted To Blast It As Loud As I Could!!:)What A Great Song With So Much Meaning To Everyone Fighting For True Justice!! Take A Listen:)*Seize The Day!*Extended Network Banner made with! Click here to make your own! *******************************************
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My Interests

My Husbad, My Family, and Friends.
Dan & His Passion
Dan & I At The LA AirportThe Kids When they Were Young

The Kids Now...
And Now..The NEW and *Ever Growwing* Generation:)

The Grand Children

The Three Latest Editions
Reading,Writing,Drawing, Puzzles, and Taking Pictures for Fun:)
Light Houses
A Beautiful Sunset Or Sunrise:)
Good Conversation, Good Friends, and Good Company. Educating Myself and Others:)Helping Others and Fighting For What I Beleive In

I'd like to meet:


People Who Are Not Afraid to Fight For What They Believe In:)People and Groups Who Believe in Truth and True Justice.People Who have The Same Interests, But Also People Who Do Not. Because Life Would Be So Boring If We All Thought A like.Professor Steven Drizin, who I actually met last October On the Dr Phil Show, but wasn't able to really sit and talk Professor Richard Leo, who Gave Encouragement and Much needed Advice These Past Few Years Shelia Berry From "Truth in Justice" Who became a friend Ann Rule who was so Kind To Me When I Needed ItAnd Most Of All...Heather From The LAEP Program. So I Can Give her A Big Hug!! And Tell Her *Thank You* in Person:)♥♥♥ Jon, Age 5 Jon, Age 25So Good To See That Smile Again!!!* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *CHECK OUT THESE PROGRAMS AND WEB SITES.."[email protected]"...THE *Life After Exoneration Program* "LAEP"The "LAEP" Program is A VERY Worthy Program. Dedicated To Helping People Who have Been Exonerated, Get Their Lives Back. A program Near And Dear To My Heart. They Have Worked VERY Hard At Helping My Son Jonathon Get His Life Back. Without Their Help, Caring, And Intervention. I Don't know If he Ever Would Have. They Very Well May Have Saved His Life. And they Do It All On Donations Alone. Go to their website to learn more, to help, or make a donation....I Will Forever BE Greatful To Them!They helped Give My Son His Life Back""...Efren Paredas Jr...Another Horrible Case In Michigan Of Misscarraige Of Justice. A 15 year old Youth Sentenced to 3 Life terms for a Crime He Did Not Commit. Now 34 years Old and Still in Jail. When The Two Who Actually Admitted To The Crime Are Now Free...Please Go To This Site, Sign The pettition, Write a Letter of Support to Michigan's Govenor Granholm. And Add The Myspace page to your friends List."""The TRUTH IN JUSTICE" Website. So Much Info There about The Injustices of our Justice System. Police and Prosecutional Misconduct cases, and Much Much More...''...Dedicated to the Rights of Children caught up in our justice System''...Dedicated to the rights Of Children and much More* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *The Interrogation Of 14 Year Old *MICHAEL CROWE*Interrogation OR Child Abuse??

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

West Memphis Three: Time for Truth from Brian Quist on Vimeo .

Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley - also known as the West Memphis Three -- were teenagers when they were wrongfully convicted in 1994 of the murders of three children in West Memphis Arkansas. As highlighted in the landmark HBO Documentary "Paradise Lost," the investigation of these murders and subsequent arrests and trials were tragically mishandled, and amounted to little more than a witch hunt. To date, not one piece of substantial evidence, physical or otherwise, has connected the three men to the crime.

Now, after spending 15 years in prison, new DNA and forensic evidence has proven the innocence of the West Memphis Three.

This 20-minute video explores the new evidence in the case and gives Damien Echols a chance to speak in his own defense. Compiled from new defense and expert testimony, an interview with Echols on Larry King Live, and footage from '"Paradise Lost," 'West Memphis Three: Time For Truth" explores the latest chapter in this harrowing miscarriage of American justice, and leaves you aching to get involved.

"This is the most powerful and comprehensive visual representation of this very complicated story that we have seen to date. We only wish we could condense the facts so effectively.

" - Dennis Riordan and Don Horgan, Lead Counsels for Damien Echols

Video Produced & Edited by Brian Quist***************************************HAVE YOU EVER HAD A COP IN YOUR FACE??Posted by Steven Drizin at.....

**************************************Links to Posters and Flyers8-1/2" x 11" Free Efren Poster (for home printers) Email Fax and Phone Campaign Flyer Fax and Phone Campaign Flyer (for Half Page Double-Sided Printing) the international call of solidarity for an end to the imposition of life without parole sentences against children in the USA. By joining the Abolish Juvenile Life Without Parole Sentences in the USA group you can fortify the growing collective voice of consciousness.You can join the group by visiting the following link and clicking on the "Join Group" button. You are encouraged to invite others to join as well. to you by The Injustice Must End (TIME) Committee to Free Efren Paredes, Jr.www.4Efren.comHELP STOP VIRGINIAS 100TH EXECUTION - JUNE 25TH

Robert Yarbrough is scheduled to be killed by the people of Virginia at 9pm on June 25, 2008


90's, 80's, and 70's Rock Some Country, and Jazz


Paradise Lost 1 & 2The Story Of The WM3Billy Jack & The Newsies Both Movies Of Fighting InJustice


THE JOHN WALSH MORNING SHOWJon, John Walsh, and I. When Jon & I Went To New York, And Went On His Show 2 Years After Jon Was ReleasedTHE DR PHIL SHOW Jon, Dr Phil, And I. When Jon, Amber,Dan, And I, Went To LA. To Be On The Dr Phil Show 2 Years AgoJon On The Dr Phil Show With The Director Of The LAEP Program*LIFE AFTER EXONERATION PROGRAM* The Detroit Red Wings!!! In The Stanley Cup Play Offs!!

Stevie And Me:)

Steve Yzerman And ME:)



Stephen King, Anne Rice, Dean Koontz, Anne Rule


My Husband and My Family!! And a Few Good Friends:) Who Saw Me Through Some Really Tough Times, They Know Who They are:) I Love Them All Very Much!
One Big Happy Family
MY Sisters, Who have Always been There For Me No Matter What
My Mother, Sisters, and I
My Father, My Sisters, And I
MY MOTHER Who Taught Me How To Be Strong
Love You And I Miss You so Much!
My Bio Parents
Thank You
LUV You Too
Last But NOT Least
Best Dog Ever
**********************FREE THE WM3!!!FREE BRETT JONES!!!JUSTICE 4 SAM HALLAM!!! **"Faith is not simply a patience that passively suffers until the storm is past. Rather, it is a spirit that bears things — with resignations, yes, but above all, with blazing, serene hope." —Corazon Aquino For SCOTT DYLESKI"Justice for Scott Dyleski: http://scottdyleski.orgFREE BARRY BEACH!!! National Lawyers Guild There Is No Crueler Tyranny Than That Which Is Exercised Under Cover Of Law, And With The Colors Of Justice ..." - U.S. v. Jannotti, 673 F.2d 578, 614 (3d Cir. 1982)

My Blog

Message From Efren Paredes Jr To All His Supporters

Message from Efren Thursday, June 19, 2008 6:19 PM   "Faith is not simply a patience that passively suffers untilthe storm is past.  Rather, it is a spirit that bears things with r...
Posted by Cheri ~ Quest 4 Truth Of Justice on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 08:59:00 PST

RE: Sentencing Children To Die In Michigan?

Sentencing Children to Die in Michigan?Sunday, March 30, 2008 By Joyce GouwensSunday, March 16, 2008 a week-long fast for justice began for Efren Paredes, Jr., the 300 Michigan juveniles serving life ...
Posted by Cheri ~ Quest 4 Truth Of Justice on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 12:09:00 PST

My Letter Of Support For Efren Paredes Jr To Gov Granholm ~ Pray For Him Today

To The Governor Of The State Of Michigan And To All Whom This May Concern:   My name is Cheryl A. Stepnioski. I live in New Baltimore Michigan. I am the mother of 7 and Grandmother of 11. &n...
Posted by Cheri ~ Quest 4 Truth Of Justice on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 07:47:00 PST

*I Wanted To Believe*~A Mitch Albom Story On My Sons Case -

Mitch Albom I WANTED TO BELIEVE THEY were all so sure. The police. The prosecutors. The judge. The mourners. They were all so sure the killers were in jail. Justice was coming. A good kid had been mu...
Posted by Cheri ~ Quest 4 Truth Of Justice on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 06:15:00 PST

Does The Story Really End??

As I looked over these old stories today and I can't help thinking, How many lives were forever changed by the cruel acts of two young men? The Story never really ended. Because the pain goes on. Espe...
Posted by Cheri ~ Quest 4 Truth Of Justice on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 06:35:00 PST

The End To A Tradgic Story Pleas close pizzeria case: 2 men to get life in New Baltimore murder

Byline: John Masson Feb. 16--Justin Mello would have been 21 years old Wednesday, the day the two men long believed to have killed him during a pizzeria robbery in New Baltimore pleaded no contest t...
Posted by Cheri ~ Quest 4 Truth Of Justice on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 06:00:00 PST

Sometimes Theres Justice And Sometims Theres JUST US~An Old Story I Just Found Mothers Say Sons Didn't Kill Mello Women's Investigation Points Finger At Crime Spree SuspectsThe mothers of three men linked to the murder of a 16-year-old New Baltimore pizza...
Posted by Cheri ~ Quest 4 Truth Of Justice on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 05:02:00 PST

Another Old Story~The Story Of The Two True Murders......

Two men await trial in case of sandwich shop worker's death By KEN LEWIS Staff Writer Publication Date: 05/25/03 Two young convicted killers idle in the St. Johns County Jail. Both have lived there ...
Posted by Cheri ~ Quest 4 Truth Of Justice on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 05:28:00 PST

How To Get A False Confession In 10 Easy Steps

This article by the author of "Effective Interviewing and Interrogation Techniques" is a nice short primer on the kinds of interrogations techniques that are seen time and time again in false confessi...
Posted by Cheri ~ Quest 4 Truth Of Justice on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 05:19:00 PST

Mi Gov Granholm Commutes Man’s Drug Sentence

Governor Granholm commutes the sentence of Michigan prisoner who maintained his innocence.  He had no evidence against him and he was convicted based on testimony of a criminal, much like in Ef...
Posted by Cheri ~ Quest 4 Truth Of Justice on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 08:41:00 PST