I'd like to meet:
WHO I'D LIKE TO MEET: Others interested in or affected by juvenile sentencing laws, in particular juveniles tried and sentenced as adults. Senator Sheila Kuehl once supported a Senate bill (SB1223) that would have allowed juveniles who receive life sentences to have their sentences reviewed after they've served 10 years or have turned 25 - just reviewed, not overturned. Unfortunately, this bill was shot down - we'd still like to meet the Senator, tho, and lobby for her (or one of her collegues) to sponsor a new version of such a bill!
LINKS: HERE ARE LINKS TO RELATED ARTICLES and databases, as well as to other MySpace pages and websites concerning juvenile sentencing laws and case histories.
ARTICLE: "When Your Love Is Locked Up" - on CA women's prisons and the families and loved ones of prisoners. Cover story from the San Diego Reader, about JuvieLaw contributor Danielle Barcheers (see her blog page for more):
DANIELLE BARCHEERS was arrested days after her 15th birthday for being an accomplice in a murder that took place while she was on poorly prescribed psychotropic drugs mixed with alcohol. The 2nd youngest female capital conviction in CA state history, now 11 years into a 25-to-life sentence. http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&f
FREE CHRISTOPHER PITTMAN - ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. In November 2001, 12 year-old Christopher was arrested in South Carolina and charged with the murder of his grandparents. http://www.myspace.com/surpriserewind
JOHN ANTHONY SILVA - sentenced to life without parole at 15, currently serving in adult prison. http://www.myspace.com/justice4john
TYLER EDMONDS - charged at 13 with the shooting death of his 28 year-old brother-in-law, sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole until at least 50 years. http://www.myspace.com/tyleredmonds
ERIC HAINSTOCK is an abandoned, abused, & bullied 15 year old boy who has been charged as an adult with First Degree Intentional Homicide for allegedly shooting his school principal. http://www.myspace.com/saveerichainstock
KENNETH BARTLEY - 14 years-old, being tried for murder as an adult in Tennessee,despite evidence the shooting he was involved in was accidental. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewpro
DEREK AND ALEX KING - 13 year-old Alex and his 14 year-old brother Derek King are in a Florida prison awaiting their (adult-level) sentencing for second-degree murder without a weapon and arson, in the death of their abusive father. http://www.derekandalexking.org
KRISTA McDANIEL - 16 years old when charged with murder during a store robbery, was held as an adult in Charleston, SC, for two years without a competent attorney. She was sentenced to 30 years, serving in Greenwood, SC. Krista McDaniel, S.C.
SHAWN SMITH, 13, committed suicide by hanging himself in a Florida prison, because he was scared of being assaulted by older inmates.
JOSHUA PHILLIPS, Florida , was 14 years-old when charged with killing his eight year-old neighbor.Tried as an adult at 15, he was convicted and recieved a mandatory sentence of life-with-no-parole.
ANDY WILLIAMs was 15 years-old when sentenced to 50 years in prison for a shooting at the California high school where he was constantly victimized and abused.
REBECCA FALCON was 15 years-old when accused of the first degree felony murder of a cab driver. She's now serving a sentence of Life without Parole at Lowell Women's Prison in Lowell, Florida.
LIONEL TATe was 12 when he killed a 6-year-old female friend while imitating wrestling moves seen on TV. Convicted as an adult for murder, he was 14 when he received a mandatory sentence of life in prison.
NATHANIAL BRAZILL was 14 when tried as an adult for the classroom shooting of teacher Barry Grunow. His conviction for second-degree murder spared him a mandatory life sentence but the judge still sentenced him to 28 years.
HOLLY HARVEY and SANDY KETCHUM are two Georgia teens who pled guilty to murdering an elderly couple.
CHRISTOPHER PITTMAN - a website (rather than MySpace page) for/about the12 year-old boy accused of killing his grandparents. A very compelling case, comprising many of the most important issues regarding current juvenile justice laws. http://www.christopherpittman.org
BRETT JONES, Mississippi - 15 year-old boy from Jupiter accused of stabbing his grandfather to death, sentenced to life in prison.
CHRISTINE ROGERS, Florida - 13 year-old, African American girl accused of killing a friend, charged as an adult for second degree murder and sentenced to 45 years in prison.
EVAN SAVOIE, Washington State - 13 year-old charged and found guilty of killing a friend, youngest person in state history to be tried as an adult.
JAKE EAKIN, Washington State - with Evan Savoie, accused of killing a friend, pled guilty.
ESMIE TSENG Kansas - 16 year-old pled guilty to voluntary manslaughter in the stabbing death of his mother.
JEREMY AVERY, S. C. - 14 year old charged with killing a 42 year-old man.
CHRISTOPHER THRASHER, Alabama - 16 year-old convicted of complicity in the murder of two juveniles, serving life with no parole.
TOM GESKE, Wisconsin – 14 year-old charged as an adult with the beating and rape of a 14-year-old girl.
ERIC SCHLORLING, Michigan: - 16 year-old accused of stabbing an ex-girlfriend in the back, at school (she survived), charged with assault with intent to commit murder.
DEMERIOUS BANYARD – 13 year-old charged with killing pizza delivery man, sentenced to life without parole.
KENNETH BARTLEY, TN – 14 year-old charged with first degree murder.
LOHSTROH BOY, Katy, TX – 10 years old (!!), facing 40 years for allegedly killing his father.
JAMES S. LEWERKE, Indiana – 15 year-old being tried as an adult for murder, despite recommendation otherwise by the prosecution’s psychologists.
CHARLES MEYER, Mde – 15 year-old being tried as adult for manslaughter over a car crash where two teen passengers were killed.
ORLANDO SALAS, New Mexico – accused with three adults in the shooting death of a 10 year-old relative of one of the adults.
ANGEL ROSA, New York – 15 year-old confessed to killing a 45 year-old woman, commanded to do so by a 50 year-old convicted pedophile.
DENNIS SLOAN, Indiana – 15 year-old being tried as adult in car crash that killed a policeman.
RYAN WATTS, California – 15 year-old being tried as adult in the shooting death of his father.
MICHAEL TOTER, Colorado – 16 year-old charged as an adult in the car crash death of a friend.
JASON CLINARD, TN – 14 year-old boy found guilty of shooting a bus driver, sentenced to life in prison.
JASON McLAUGHLIN, MN – 15 year-old accused of shooting two classmates, serving life in prison.
MICHAEL HERNANDEZ, Florida – 14 year-old accused of stabbing a friend to death in school bathroom.
CHRISTOPHER DANKOVICH, Michigan – charged with killing his mother.
TODD STANSFIELD – 16 year-old charged as adult in crash that killed four people.
KIDS IN COURT - one of the most comprehensive websites regarding juveniles facing or who have received adult prison sentences. Breathtaking variety of information, resources, personal accounts of affected children and their families, databases and more. This JuvieLaw webpage you'relooking at might not exist if it weren't for these dedicated individuals. http://www.kidsincourt.net
JUSTICE FOR JUVENILES - a wonderful activist whose page has petitions regarding juveniles serving adult sentences,links to related sites, and check out her PHOTO SLIDESHOW of children tried as adults! http://www.myspace.com/juvenilejustice1
WEBSITE: WHOOPASS FOR JUSTICE. Make your voice heard, for the children. - http://www.whoopassforjustice.org
THE JUVENILE JUSTICE FOUNDATION - http://janetsisk.forumup.org/index.php?mforum=janetsisk
JUVENILES IN PRISON - Prepare to be shocked at what you see on the following pages. Graphic text describing what children in adult prisons face. http://writ.news.findlaw.com/mariner/20010125.html
JUVENILES IN PRISON 2 - thanks to author and legal expert Andrew Vachss. http://www.vachss.com/help_text/tried_sentenced_as_adults.ht
FRONTLINE - PBS documentary spinoff article on prosecuting children as adults, and the long term affects this can have.
BUILDING BLOCKS FOR YOUTH - an alliance of children's advocates, researchers, law enforcement professionals and community organizers working to protect minority youth in the justice system and promote rational and effective justice policies. Lots of Juvenile Justice information on this website, including statistics, state by state information, advocacy group listings, etc. http://www.buildingblocksforyouth.org
TEENS HELPING TEENS - great advice, information and access to resources. http://www.myspace.com/whymeteenshelpingteens
JUSTICE FOR CHILDREN, INTERNATIONAL - working to abolish child sex trafficking and exploitation through advocacy, prevention and aftercare. http://www.myspace.com/jfci
RAINN - the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network. http://www.myspace.com/rainn
PREVENT FUTURE ABUSE - It shouldn't hurt to be a child. Includes a message board for victims, information on California Proposition 83 and more. http://www.preventfutureabuse.com
PERVERTED JUSTICE - you've seen them busting .. sexual predators on Dateline NBC. http://www.myspace.com/pervertedjustice
ADVOCACY FOR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS OF INMATES - http://www.myspace.com/the_lera_act_2006
FAMILIES AND FRIENDS FOR INMATES - http://www.myspace.com/avocacy_for_inmates
SHACKLED WOMEN INMATES - http://www.myspace.com/shackledinmates
SUPPORTING MY INMATE - http://www.myspace.com/taterfreakintot
CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION, run by concerned high school students. http://www.myspace.com/keepourkidssafe
THE SURVIVORS EVERYWHERE PROJECT: Adult survivors of childhood sexual assault. http://www.myspace.com/survivorseverywhere
THE SURVIVOR ARCHIVES - On a bi-weekly basis, a different survivor of abuse/trauma shares their story, published on the site with an eye toward helping them to heal and connect with others. http://www.myspace.com/survivor_archives
2.5 MILLION TOO MANY INCARCERATED - http://www.myspace.com/2million2manyincarcerated
RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS, aka RAK - one of the most wonderful, supportive activists on MySpace, with amazing and inspirational art on the webpage. http://www.myspace.com/randomactskindness
KNIGHTS OF THE INNOCENT - stop the hurt before it starts. http://www.knightsoftheinnocent.org
ABA JUVENILE JUSTICE CENTER, Washington DC - American Bar Association advocates. http://www.abanet.org/crimjust/juvjus
THE SENTENCING PROJECT, Juveniles In Adult Criminal Courts - Washington DC. http://www.sentencingproject.org/issues_08.cfm
PROTECTING CHILDREN - http://www.protect.org
FORUM: Parents of Children Victimized by State Laws
Support for parents whose children are "caught up in the In-justice System." Forums for discussion of circumstances and problems, as well as suggestions and solutions.
Many sites and links related to the legal rights of juveniles, Miranda Rights, what to say and NOT say if arrested, etc. Courtesy Kids In Court.
Bill Farkas is a singer/songwriter whose website billfarkas.com, has juvenile justice forums, music, daily and weekly "live radio rants," and more.
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