


About Me

Capital-"X" is a Brooklyn born Puerto Rican who now resides in the South Ward of Newark, New Jersey when he is not on tour fighting on the front lines in the war for justice. Spending nearly half of his life trapped within the web of the criminal justice system Capital-"X" transformed himself into a prisoners rights activist. A strong opponent of capitol punishment Capital-"X" spends much of his time traveling across the US as well as over seas speaking and performing to educate and enlighten the masses on what he considers to be the truth about a corrupt and unjust legal system. Intertwining facts gathered by years of extensive study in criminology, penology, law, personal experience and the experiences of fellow captives with hip hop music "X" intoxicates audiences with what he calls Raptivism. Called the Voice of the Voiceless, Capital-"X" claims to be the spokesman for over 2.4 million captives held in US prisons. Projects include: Single for death row prisoner Anthony Haynes titled "999330". Single written and released for Patrick (Dead Man Laughing) Knight one week before he was executed in Huntsville, Texas titled "Dead Man Laughing". Music for FBC Televisions documentary "The Green Mile" (Letters from Death Row). Music and voice overs for documentary on executed prisoner Dominique Green titled "Thou Shalt Not Kill" which included a single using Dominiques' lyrics titled "My World". Provided music for the Kenneth Foster film coming out soon, "Till Death Do Us Part". Single "Life" Featuring Akir Viper/Koch Records scheduled for summer of 08 release. Capital-"X" is affiliated with many organizations such as: Senza Voce, Rome Hip Hop Parade Amnesty International, NJADP, TCADP, Journey of Hope, 4Wardever and the Mikey Powell Campaign just to name a few. "X" has embarked on five European tours performing over 200 shows in 7 countries. He recently opened for Slum Village in Jesolo, Italy in January 2007 for a crowd of over 3500. In Italy he has received national news coverage and has been covered by local and national news papers speaking and performing in middle schools, high schools and in maximum security prisons there. In Croatia he was featured on MTV Adria. His own Internet show "From The Frontlines" is now being featured on ONLOQ. com. His debut album scheduled for release in the summer of 2008. Raised in the streets and in prison, Capital-"X" turned his life around through his music he calls Reality Hip Hop, or Raptivism. A strong supporter for death row inmates, and activist for prison rights, Capital-"X" brings awareness to people and hope to prisoners through his music, and lyrics. (Associated Content 2007)

My Interests


Member Since: 6/19/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Read blog on this story! "Taurean White Story"!
Influences: New Shirt only $15.00 Click On Shirt To Purchase! Click On Shirt!We are selling these Prisoner Awareness Bracelets for $6.00.00 The money from the sales will be used to fund s series of conferences that will be held in varies schools around the world. Thus far these conferences which incorporate hip hop, with education have been very effective, and we are looking for help to continue this work. We look to bring about awareness of prisoners because it is often forgotten that we are talking about human beings. Put the ranting about murderers and thieves getting what they deserve aside for a moment. Because the fact is, 70% of the prison population are there for non-violent crimes. Mostly for drugs. A large percentage of drug cases, are marijuana. So if you blaze, pay attention. When it comes to mass imprisonment, everyone of us is a suspect. I don..t care who you are, you can be next. I have been on prison blocks with fallen cops, and lawyers. Bringing about full awareness of how easy it is to get caught up in the system, and why it is so hard to escape, opens doors to kids minds. They start to really listen. We then talk about drugs, gangs, and violence. The government isn..t going to do anything. They don..t want anything to change. Because they are getting richer by the minute. Thanks for the support. ..X..
Sounds Like:
Record Label:
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

THE REVEALER: Capital X's Walk 4 Life in Tuskegee ...
Posted by Capital-"X" on Fri, 02 May 2008 08:15:00 PST

8th Annual March to Stop Executions - Houston Texas

My second tour of Texas was no easier then it was the first time around. When you're dealing with an issue that is so serious I don't think you ever get used to it. The only thing that empowered me t...
Posted by Capital-"X" on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 05:43:00 PST

My trip to Texas. No not a vacation, but a mission. Fighting on the front lines.

  Livingston, Texas. (Death Row)   Huntsville, Texas Slaughter House (This is where prisoners are executed.) Huntsville. (Where they bury executed Prisoners.) (Hundreds of Nameless Gr...
Posted by Capital-"X" on Sat, 19 May 2007 07:22:00 PST

Revolution 2007

Check out this film, it's my boy Monte. Killer poet/Revolutionist. Good dope right here. Holla. "X" Monte Smith Word Clash 2006 Taking bookings 3 month advance. I.G.W.T. Entertainment
Posted by Capital-"X" on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 08:57:00 PST

Pix first show in Modena, Italy part 2

These pictures ar of the first show I did in Modena, Italy. This was a night I will never foget no doubt. Big up to the Blak SoulZ. It was an honor to share the stage with ya'll. Enjoy, peace ya'll. "...
Posted by Capital-"X" on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 09:21:00 PST

Pix from Italy Part One!

Representing Hip Hop to it's fullest I did not just perform in Modena, Italy I took part in their hip hop lives. Here are some pics of me dancing with locals and showing  some hip hop heads some ...
Posted by Capital-"X" on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 08:27:00 PST

Fuck Mike Reynolds

Fuck Mike Reynolds! Who the fuck is Mike Reynolds? A lot of peeps asked me this question, including Styles-P, homeboy down with Saigon, to Joel working at the quick-mart in Philly. Mad e-mails too. An...
Posted by Capital-"X" on Fri, 19 May 2006 04:29:00 PST

The Taurean White Story.

The Taurean White Story Back in 1997, I was scheduled to release my first independent Ep with my crew. Let me say that at the time I still lived a double life. Anyway, only weeks before the release, H...
Posted by Capital-"X" on Wed, 17 May 2006 02:09:00 PST

The 13th Amendment

13th. Amendment to the U.S. Constitution   Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist w...
Posted by Capital-"X" on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST