WHO WE ARERandolph County At Large Members CBA/ABATE is a non-profit Motorcycle Rights Organization (MRO) dedicated to the rights of all motorcyclists regardless of race, political affiliation, membership in other motorcycle organizations, religious beliefs, geographic heritage, or the brand of bike you own or ride. We are a sustaining member of the Motorcycle Rider's Foundation (MRF).Concerned Bikers Association/ABATE of North Carolina, Inc. Freedom is NOT a spectator sport!NC BikePACWhile we all agree that grass-roots action is the purest form of lobbying, we also know that fair legislators deserve our campaign contributions when they give our legislation a fair look.We are no longer just cool little bikers who show up to the legislature in leather. We are now backed by a PAC that can and will make campaign contributions to legislators who do not discriminate against our legislation just because we are motorcyclists.For those riders who do not have the personal time to go to the legislative building and lobby in person, this is an avenue for you to be legislatively active without having to go downtown.This PAC was created to facilitate NC's motorcyclists' number one priority - bikers' rights! It should be ahead of biker charities and ahead of non-biker charities.Whether your chapter (group/club) decides to contribute to BikePAC or not, please consider becoming an individual member. If you decide to become an individual member, go to http://www.cba-abatenc.org/nc_bikepac.htm, and fill in all the required information on the application. The member list will be public information and the office of the Secretary of State needs all the required information.Please take an active role in protecting your riding lifestyle by becoming a member of North Carolina BikePAC.------------------------ WHY WE NEED A PAC!!PACs Deserve Your Support It seems that political action committees (PACs) have become a favorite media target in recent election cycles. PACs are often portrayed as nefarious political insiders, somehow thwarting the public good for their own selfish purposes. I am constantly surprised by these false characterizations. In my experience, PACs are the public.PACs are simply one way for individuals who share a common goal or interest to inform their elected officials and ensure their political representation. In that sense, PACs are merely tools. While one may certainly disagree with the policy objectives of any given PAC, the utility of PACs as a voice for the people is an important thread in the fabric of our political system.“Behind any successful PAC are people, be they laborers, business people or professionals. The PAC serves to educate, to increase interest in candidates and issues by raising money and to stimulate individual’s involvement in the political process. PACs are school teachers licking envelopes for their endorsed candidate; they are sportsmen circulating flyers on candidates’ positions viewed as favorable to them, they are real estate agents setting up a phone bank to help get out the vote for their favored candidate.†Quoted from Kenneth Brandt, Pennsylvania House of RepresentativesI would add another example. BikePAC, which consists of individuals from all walks of life who share a common interest in motorcycles and have banded together to protect their freedom from an often overzealous bureaucracy.The BikePAC example also gives me an opportunity to shoot down another media stereotype of PACs. Contrary to popular belief, PACs are not universally crying “gimme, gimme, gimme†and asking for special privileges for a particular interest group. As often as not, PACs are organized to try and prevent government intrusion into private businesses, private lives and private matters.For a good part of the last 200 years, the beauty of government in America was that you could afford to ignore it. It was not imperative to become involved in politics. Government was far off and did not really affect everyday life. In my opinion, that is no longer the case. Government has become so intrusive and overbearing that one ignores it at its own peril. Laws and administrative regulations permeate the lives of individuals in ways that could not have been envisioned in the past. And that’s where BikePAC comes in. It exists to promote the interest of its members, not so much asking for special favors as simply asking to be left alone.It is hard to say what the political landscape would look like without PACs. But one thing is for certain, without their advocacy it would be much more difficult for the average individual to be heard in the political maelstrom. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that government is “the principal obstruction and nuisance with which we have to contend.†PACs are one of the best means of dealing with Emerson’s “principal obstruction†and sometimes the only way for the little guy to let his opinion be known.Written by Teresa Forcier, Pennsylvania House of Representatives Reprinted by NC BikePAC, P.O. Box 1554, Shallotte, NC 28459 --------------------------- THE POWER OF FIVE LOUSY BUCKSIf every one of the 130,000+ registered motorcyclists in the State of North Carolina alone would give just five lousy bucks to NC BikePAC, we would have nearly one half of a million dollars to do our legislative work. We could support our registered biker lobbyist who is willing to spend every moment the legislators are in session in Raleigh fighting for your rights and representing your concerns.These days, time is a valuable commodity...If you don't have the time to get actively involved, how about you give your five lousy bucks for the cause?For the price of one or two beers at any event, you can participate in the very important motorcycle rights battle going on every day.If you send your name and address along, we'll send you a cool helmet sticker that says: "HEY, I gave my five lousy bucks" for your contribution. That way when other bikers ask you what it is supposed to mean, you can just tell them!Send contributions to: NC BikePAC, PO Box 1554, Shallotte, NC 28470Thank you for your support!
OUR MISSION1) To form a united motorcycle rider's organization at the state and local level. 2) To promote fair legislation insuring all motorcyclists freedom of choice. 3) To work toward the elimination of prejudicial attitudes toward motorcyclists. 4) To promote motorcycle safety, rider training, and public awareness programs. 5) To improve the public image of motorcycling by participating in public service and charitable projects. 6) To foster a sense of brotherhood, sisterhood, and cooperation between all motorcyclists in our state.