Jesus, the Way, the Life, the truth! I am interested in doing His will, so that I may seek fulfilment in him.
I've met more amazing people in my life that I cannot say I have a need. God promises he will take us to heights unimaginable.I am open to His leading, and hope I meet you along the way.May HIS peace reside confidently in your heart.
Praise and Worship, all the days of my life.
When I see the one about my life when I face Him, I want it to be approved in His sight.
It has an off button. That was refreshing.
I have way too many books. I read the beginnings of many great books I never finish. Would you be surprised if I said, "the Bible?"
The God who called out through the rain to calm the storm in me in 1991. Oh yeah, and the Fonz!