In Memory of Jack The ManDog - Praying for Winston profile picture

In Memory of Jack The ManDog - Praying for Winston


About Me

I am the ManDog. It is my job to protect my human, my truck, and my perimeter. I patrol the property with my tail curled high over my back, and when I smell or see an animal I bark in my very deep voice: "Get away! This is Jackie's yard!" I don't like the mailman or the UPS man, no matter how many times they come. They can keep their biscuits. I don't like it when people come too close to my truck. I bark at the vehicle that pulls up beside me at a stop light. I bark in my very deep voice: "Get away! Too close to Jackie's truck!" I don't like it when they reach toward my truck at the drive through window, but when we drive away I eat fries. I am the ManDog.
Thanks Rocky!
This is my photo from the LAIKA Space Mission. Thanks to my friend Rocky for suiting me up for this mission.
Thanks for the trip to the Grand Canyon Smiley!
Goin' to the beach.
My human takes me to the beach. I get quite excited and can't wait for the back door to be opened. I want to bound out, but I wait patiently while my human unfolds and places my ramp. There are other dogs on the beach and I want to go up to them stiff-legged with my high curl vibrating, because I am a ManDog, but my human says no. As a minor act of rebellion I grab my leash in my teeth and prance and bounce along leading myself. My human tells me she will beat the blood out of me if I don't drop my leash and I become even more gleeful, for this is a game we play. We walk for a while and my human lets me stop and sniff as I want. Although I am 10 years old, I become quite excited when my human pulls my floating kong on a rope out of a pocket. Of course, I like the floating frisbee too. As soon as the leash is unsnapped I am off for the ocean, looking over my shoulder for my kong. Even if it is cold, it doesn't bother me, because I am a ManDog with very thick fur that sheds the water so that I do not get wet down to the skin. Nevertheless, if it is chilly my human towels me carefully until I am dry, and rubs my old legs. It is important that I do not overdo and become stiff. I really like it when I get to take my daily exercise at the beach.
I celebrated my 10th birthday in 2006. A good time was had by all. My friend Earl prepared doggie peanut brittle. I could hardly wait for it to cool. It smelled REALLY good. I had Frosty Paws too. Afterward we went for a walk on the trail and I saw Mr. King (snake - stay away!) and shortly thereafter Mr. Black Racer. Then we went for a ride and I hung my head out the window and let my ears stand up in the breeze. If felt so good my tail was waving. On the Elbow Road dogs chased my truck, and I jumped all over the back barking in my very deep voice: "Get away from Jackie's truck!" Would you like some doggie peanut brittle? Here is the recipe:
ManDog's Peanut Brittle
1 cup Dannon natural yogurt
1 cup natural peanut butter
2 beaten eggs
Mix these three together and then add 3 cups of dry kibble. Pour onto greased baking pan. Bake 30 minutes at 275. Then turn over and bake 30 more minutes. Break into pieces when cool.
The Jack Pack
I would like to introduce you to my pack. We are all former stray dogs. I was found in the ditch in 1996 when I was about 6 weeks old. Bellus was dropped off at the front gate when she was about 6 weeks old. Waco was trapped from the woods when he was a pup. Buzz jumped in the car at a busy convenience store - they said the dog catcher was on the way to get him. Baby Red Snapper wandered up with bite wounds and a couple of broken bones. Her tail was almost severed in half, but the vet. was able to save it. Troubadour walked up one day weighing only 38 pounds. The vet. said that he should weigh about 65. Jammin' Lady was lying at the front gate at 5 o'clock AM one morning. She is the youngest. Bellus, Waco, and Baby Red Snapper were 14 years old in 2006. They all came in 1992. We are all spayed and neutered.
why you want to hate me
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My Interests

Mostest and Bestest

Food is my passion; begging is my art. (Turn off my music player if you want to hear me speak to you.)
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Perimeter Checking
Stink Rolling
Make an on-line slide show at


Luv it. All of it.


Black Dogs Can't Jump

I like the movie "Black Dogs Can't Jump". But I can jump, so I know it isn't so.

My next favorite movie is "Milos The Fresh Cat". Cats are welcome here.


Thanks to Tattooed Wench.


Minding Animals by Mark Bekoff; Dogs by Desmond Morris; Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home by Rupert Sheldrake; Geriatrics and Gerontology of the Dog and Cat by Johnny C. Hoskins; Canine Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy by Millis, Levine, and Taylor; Canine Body Language - A Photographic Guide by Brenda Aloff; Pit Road Pets by Laura Lacy; Lives of North American Birds by Kenn Kaufman; Just Gus - A Rescued Dog And the Woman He Loved by Laurie Williams; Woman's Best Friend - Women Writers on the Dogs in Their Lives edited by Megan McMorris; The Emotional Lives of Animals by Mark Bekoff.


Thank you for visiting me. Come back soon! We'll go ponding.

Thanks Lynn.

My Blog

Itchmo Interview With Nathan Winograd

Posted on Wednesday, February 27th at Itchmo. - By Jennifer Moore News for cats and dogs from Itchmo. Jennifer Moore: Was there a defining moment for you, where you decided animal welfare was where yo...
Posted by In Memory of Jack The ManDog - Praying for Winston on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 07:56:00 PST

Who’s Looking Out For The Dogs?

Latest on Dr. Victoria Hampshire Case The case I am referring to pertains to Proheart 6, an injected dog heartworm drug that Wyeth pulled from the market in September 2004 under pressure fro...
Posted by In Memory of Jack The ManDog - Praying for Winston on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:33:00 PST

Index For This Blog

11/1/06  Who Is Jack The ManDog?  11/3/06  Veterinary Drug Information 11/18/06  Susanah and Rex 12/17/06  Transport of Two GSDs 12/31/06  Winston Leaves The Shelter 1/1...
Posted by In Memory of Jack The ManDog - Praying for Winston on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 09:03:00 PST

How Children’s Experiences With Animals Help Them Form a Sense of Self

Through interaction with animals children incorporate into the self a knowledge of what experiences with animals make them feel good and not so good. For example, a child who finds that sharing in th...
Posted by In Memory of Jack The ManDog - Praying for Winston on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 04:22:00 PST

The Buffet

After two months of hard, snowy winter spent sniffing out and digging up hickory nuts, beechnuts, and acorns from the frozen earth, I was thrilled to discover a large supply of nuts and seeds suspende...
Posted by In Memory of Jack The ManDog - Praying for Winston on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 04:51:00 PST

South Carolinas Dirty Little Secret

After reading several articles in the news about animal shelters in other states that were cited for substandard conditions and practices by various state authorities such as the Department ...
Posted by In Memory of Jack The ManDog - Praying for Winston on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 06:42:00 PST

Bestest and Mostest

I finished having Jack's stone engraved, etched in black, and set up on its base.  Actually it's been done for a while but I just haven't put up any pics of it.  Here is the front and the back:We used...
Posted by In Memory of Jack The ManDog - Praying for Winston on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 08:28:00 PST

Aroooooooooooooo! Canine Rabies Challenge Studies Begin

The Rabies Challenge Fund is pleased to announce that the canine rabies challenge studies have begun!!! Permission is granted to post and cross-post the text of our press release below. Regards, Kris ...
Posted by In Memory of Jack The ManDog - Praying for Winston on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 05:38:00 PST

The Dove

Luke crawled slowly and carefully along the edge of Miss Minnie's hedge on his knees and elbows, the pellet gun he had gotten for Christmas a couple of months ago resting sideways across the cradle of...
Posted by In Memory of Jack The ManDog - Praying for Winston on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 12:22:00 PST

How Gizmo Got His Hope Back

As he looked out of his kennel at the people who had come to visit, Gizmo wondered if anyone had come for him. It had been a long time since anyone had stopped in front of him and exclaimed, "Oh, wha...
Posted by In Memory of Jack The ManDog - Praying for Winston on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 03:35:00 PST