Smelling stuff, I like to r-u-n-n-o-f-t, EATING, going on wild rampages with plastic grocery bags, I tried to eat a burr today.
50 thingsh about me
1. Where is your dad right now?: idk I've never met him. His name is Beers Vanilla Twister and that's all I know. I think he lives with the Amish somewhere in northern Indiana
2. Last time you kissed someone?: Today
3. Name five things you did today.
1) Jumped off Shteven's bed
2) Ran around outshide in the rain
3) peed on shome grassh
4) peed on the fenshe
5) Came in the houshe and rolled around trying to dry off on the furniture
4. Last person you text messaged?: Ish thish text messhaging?
5. What kind of phone do you have?: Mom hash a shilver one, I can hear Grrahamshparrow on it shometimesh
7. Where does your best friend work?: Shomewhere in Colorado, he ish a pilot
8. What are you listening to?: Nothing
9. What do you smell like?: I shmell sho good! I have been outshide in the rain so I shmell jusht like a Shpring shower only with a lovely aroma of Bishon Frishe mixed in. LOVELY
10. what color are your eyes?: Deep, dark, brown, with jusht a hint of a sherry color
11. Have you ever done a chinese fire drill?: That'sh what I do when I am running in circles yelling "Habba" Habba ish Chinese for-Let's run around in circles and yell Habba.
12. What color is your bedroom floor?: Gray, with a couple of yellow shpotsh. oopsh
13. Do you have a chair in your room?: yesh
14. What are you doing tomorrow?: The same thing I do every day...try to take over the world
17. Do you know someone named Betsy?: no
18. What color is your mom's hair?;
19. Do you have a dog? Breed? Name?:
Yesh...Mutt, Gush Nicholson
20. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid?:
Gus taught me to sing the Fire Truck Siren song
22. When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings?:
I don't remember
24. Do you play an instrument?:
The plastic grocery bag
25. Do you like fire?:
26. Are you allergic to anything?:
27. Do you have a crush on anyone?:
Yes, Reina, Mayzie, Cali, Jammin Lady, I thought Lasshie waz pretty hot until I found out she waz a dude.
28. Best friend?:
Shteven and Grraham
29. Have you ever been to a spa?:
No, but my mom works at one. She does skincare stuff. I wash thinking a bikini wax would be niche for Shummer.
30. Did you take science all four years of high school?:
Yesh...I wash a shciencetologisht
31. Do you like butterflies?:
32. Do you miss someone right now?:
Yes, Grraham
33. Do you think they miss you too?:
34. Have you ever seen your school counselor?:
Yesh...I wash very confushed after finding out that Lassie wash a DUDE.
35. Have you ever wanted to be a teacher?:
No, I really don't like kids
36. Whats something you've learned about life?:
If you have to throw up don't jump on the bed to do it
37. Whats your favorite color?:
38. Is anyone jealous of you?:
YES...all the dogs in town
39. Ever been stuck in an elevator?:
I don't believe so
40. What does your mom call you?:
Kobee Allen, Kobina, Kobee Wobee, Kobee Diane, Lopez. Kobers, you little @*!#
42. What does you hair look like right now?:
Long and Curly
43. Has a friend ever used you?:
Ishabelle makes mom think I get into the trash.
44. Has anyone told you that they like you more than a friend?:
45. What have you eaten today?:
a piece of wet grass, kibble, a shmall lick of shpaghettios, several unknown particles off the kitchen floor.
46. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?:
48. Who was the last person you drove with?:
49. What are you looking forward to?:
Seeing Grraham when he flies back in May. Shimon and Reggie might come and see me soon. Barking at nothing at all just to see Mom jump.
50. How are you today???:
Jack the Mandog in canine, Lassie, Chuck Norris, Dog, Leon Redbone, Jack Nicholson, Mishtur Fly,
Carly, Jack and Reggie's new puppy--He is out! Hish name ish SHIMON. GRAHAM was HERE visiting me. He went home :(
Jay Medlin, AC/DC, Barry White, Metal, Dishco, Korn, Static X, Linkin Park, Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin, David Bowie, The Ramones,
The Neverending Story, Pirates of the Caribbean, Gladitor, John Wayne movies, Hook,
The middle school's Harry Potter and Firewing tasted good...
Lopez the Heavy, Samson, Rollo Jacob Smith, Jack the Mandog.
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