MySpace Manifesto 1.0
What I do with my life
Quite possibly the most irritating question to answer. Who cares what I do for a living? Does it make me less of a person that I lack a college degree, and work in Admin? Does the fact that I don't pull in six figures make me somehow lacking as a human being? I have no desire to sell my soul to a corporation. Sure, that's the kind of thing everyone says when they're 15, and they soon grow out of it when the real world approaches. But, I get by. I'm a good person. I have been told I have a very kind heart, and that I'm smart, interesting, blah blah blah.
I don't need a billion in the bank to feel validated. I realize that in today's society, that makes me one of two things. An America-hating loafer, or a complete moron.
I write. I don't get paid for it, but it's the only thing on this planet that I could say I truly would love to do day in and day out. The only reason I can think of for getting a high powered job, is the ability to come and go as I please, and do as little work as possible, all the while pulling in huge paychecks.
So, if you ask me what I do, that's it. I write. Plays mostly, though I have several ideas for documentary films. If I never make a dime off it, that's fine. I will have done just what I wanted to do, on my own terms, and to me, that's a life fully lived.
Where I live
I live in Los Angeles, California. Some people are envious, some people feel sorry for me. As for myself, I'm glad. People may think of this as a cultural wasteland, but it's home, and I've come in contact with quite a few people that I don't believe I would have in other places. There is a multiplicity here, and a certain anonymity that I quite enjoy. It's an observer's city. A place where many are obsessed with self to an insane degree. So much so that someone who wants to listen and/or watch is considered a prized commodity. Perhaps not though. I mean, I don't suppose people really NEED someone to listen to talk in this city.
Nevertheless, I wouldn't want to have been born anywhere else. Having said that, I'm ready to move to London. Just as soon as they open up thos old borders. Yep.
Okay, it's a touchy subject. I ain't got none, okay? Right out there on the table. I think everything is random chance. We are alive because cosmic dust happened to form just the right distance away from a middling star. Also because this planet can sustain water, which as everyone knows, is the basis of our lives. Well...that and Carbon, obviously. I think we are a walking collection of electical impulses and chemical reactions, and as soon as those things stop, we are gone. There is no higher being, no afterlife, and nothing beyond this.
I do not have any need for a God. I lack something inside of me that needs a father figure. Nobody is looking out for me, and nobody's going to punish the evildoers. Clean thoughts and moral codes will not get us pie in the sky when we die. I do not believe in invisible men, nor do I particularly feel like I need to base my life on the teachings of a book written thousands of years ago.
That being said, I have absolutely no problem with those who do have faith. I accept that perhaps they are right, and I'm wrong. I gave up calling myself an Athiest, but it's understandable if that's what I'm perceived to be. I do not believe in trying to argue people to my way of thinking, and I appreciate the same courtesy.
Yeah, I'm a dork. Sometimes I trip, sometimes I stutter, and sometimes I make obscure comments that fall flat. I play video games, though not as much as some... I read books, and like to sprinkle Monty Python and Young Ones quotes into conversation. I'm obsessed with Britain, and sometimes put on that accent. I get called a Geek and a Nerd regularly, and I think of them as compliments.
I develop obsessions, and have to know everything about a certain subject. I then move on to something else, but never quite give up on liking what had grabbed me previously. As a result, I know a little about a lot of things.
I'm sarcastic. I'm irritable. I have no patience for small talk. I'm not going to be the life of the party, and there is no social butterfly waiting to break free. I do not need fixing, and I'm happy with myself just the way I am. I'm also nice to people, and I get along well with mostly everyone I come in contact with. I'm a solitary beast though, and I prefer small groups to the big crowd. I do not need the love of many to make me feel good about myself, though I would love to have a few more friends. At the same time, I've got some good ones in my life, after clearing out some of the bad ones. So, it all evens out in the end. Quality over quantity, after all.
Pop culture detritus
I love pop culture. You can put all of the things I love most under this umbrella. From music, to books, to stand up freaking comedians. I truly enjoy some things that seem to have gotten lost in history. Do you like Beatrice Lillie? I do. Silent favorite. Kirsty MacColl is my goddess, but I also enjoy the odd Cambodian rock song as well. Perhaps not the most important things in the world, but they make me happy. Nobody is going to pay me to know in which order the Marx Brothers were born, but I'm glad I have this information.
Yeah, I'm never going to have a picture of me on Myspace showing off my tight abs. I can't possibly think of an attribute that could mean any less to the person I am.
Hell, I can't stand looking at what most people consider "hot" anyway. It looks so fake and uninteresting to me. Even the most aesthetically pleasing person will give way to age, so my philosophy is they'd better have something going on inside.
I suppose not being a visual person makes me more adamant on this point than most though. I accept that.
My list
1- I like making lists.
2- I don't watch much TV, because I'm a rebel like that.
3- I've read a lot of books, and yet I still work in Admin. Maybe I should have pointed my talents elsewhere...
4- I laugh like a retard when something strikes me as funny. This usually results in an Asthma attack.
5- Give me a can of Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, and I'll grin like an idiot.
6- Know anything about Kirsty MacColl before I meet you, and I'll love you forever.
7- The 99 cent store. It IS my friend.
8- The bike shop can't turn my Schwinn into a cruiser because it's from a Dept store. So, I'm cheap AND I have gears. Damn it.
9- If my cat doesn't stop rubbing her head against my hand as I type...she's going to get it.
10- I'm the luckiest person in the whole world, because I met the kindest, most wonderful person ever. Hope I don't screw it up.
Since I get to talking to people on here who inevitably want to get into IM stuff, dis be me:
yahoo- xapnomapcase
AIM- MacCollFan
MSN- [email protected]
ICQ- 111098003
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