fave foodfruits chocolate cheez sushidrinkgreen tea corn tea red winescentwhite musk from the body shopcityaround westjapan(kansai) osaka
BjOrK robin frin from NIN trent reznor jyakuchyou setouchi akihiro miwa ghost of yukio mishima ghost of akira kurosawa just you
Bjork! BoJrK! bOjRK! BOjRk! BoJrK! bJoRk! this diva from iceland is the no'1!!kate bush nine inch nailsdrop the fearsigur rosmumbrian enojoni mitchelYMOaphex twin radioheadtricky massive attackporticeheadasian dub foundathionringo shiina james ihamy bloody valentain slintdj krushbuffalow daughterblonde redheadneubauteinnusch nuschialec empiresquarepusheratari teenage riot
baz luhrmans romeo&juliet tim drums dancer in the dark dolls by takeshi kitano black lizard(kurotokage which akihiro miwa is on) alien2&4 girls interrupted amelie the lost children betty blue gargoile breaking the waves jyuon my sussygirl asian horror(not splatter just ghost/spiritual) jamon jamon the lord to home the juniper tree(bjork is on) dream-yume- by kurosawa Â@sweetie peparmint candy tin drum european and old and classic japanese and asianfilms are myfavorte to watching no much of hollywoodentertaiment!
no terry!
gorden temple by yukio mishima J.D salinger rolling stones rocking'on buzz cut
mymum who grew me up on herstomack and gave a birth of me to thisbeautifulcaosworld and maiko