I eat little pieces of Chi and Zen like you for breakfast; i'm iron fortified, however vulnerable to paper cuts; i have infinite patience; i've met a woman who's an artist in paris that can kick my ass in three seconds -of course she is a mande muda master and can kick the stuffing out of 99.9% of humanity, which is entertaining because it would be cool to see some redneck grab her ass in a bar and lose his arm while flying through a second story window; i sleep less than 5 hours a night, yet each day i feel like i could run through a wall; i've run through a wall before; i've also been thrown through a wall by my brother, but it was all in fun; more...
English major beware: i'd like to meet anyone who can actually keep up - from (a certain unnamed country) who's people are known for being particularly patriotic about partying late into the morning, who frequently tease people of other origins by suggesting that no one can keep up with them. If you've been out with them in their discos then you know exactly who I mean. "I had 'em, Billy, you hear me? Had 'em."
Give me your tired, your hungry, your poor musicians, artists, poets, visionaries, your strutting wannabes, your pretentious coke-heads, your rockers, your scared cats, your booking agents, your media planners, come pirate my music and dance for free...
working on it with my band.
a: "we got kicked out because of you."
b: "shut up."
that's how that conversation went.
burn the couch
let the guides kindle it
lower the plastering knife
your share of my life
was your voice in my eyes
you wanted my sensibilities
and i don't remember
what they were
but you paid for them
as i changed the channel
to flames
my head is a jungle
burned to plant coke
for dealer in a plaid suit
who wanted to test drive my car
because today was backwards
he should never drive on 'yadrutas'
so don't even ask
pretend you're oblivious
it won't be hard
and i'll carry my leash
next door
one of my friends did the creative on an advert for a dog translation device. i'd order one, but i don't have a dog right now and don't want the responsibility of borrowing a friend's dog to use as a guinea pig. what's more, i don't know of any variety of guinea pig that barks, another possible test. there is a mouse that howls (called the 'wolf mouse' or 'scorpion mouse' because it howls after it kills a scorpion). if i could have a pet right now i'd have a dog or a scorpion mouse, but i travel too much and the animal would develop neurosis or social disorders from the lack of attention. the scorpion mouse is too small to be fitted with the device, so that leaves the option of attempting to rewire the thing so that it translates human speech into barking. when i get done with that job i'm going to play bruce springstein records through it. but i have a feeling that all it will do is howl.