Nelson Mandela, Maya Angelou, Kofi Annan, Colon Powell (already met his wife), Linda Johnson, Bill Gates, Billy Cox, Mitch Mitchell, Erika Badu, Ben Parsons (heart surgon), Les Paul, Carl Sagan (missed him, my father met him), Oprah, Russell Simmons, Larry Ellison, John Conyers, U2, Oprah, Douglas Wilder, Chuck-D, Barry Gordy, Jayne Kennedy, Willy Gary, Queen Latifa, Fela Kuti (If he were still alive)
All of it...
Horror and Documentaries
History & Discover channels and simular stations. Most of the rest are only there to keep you captivated until the commericals come on.
Klan Destine (Daryl Davis), Soul on Ice (Eldridge Clever), Race Matters (Professor Cornel West), The Debt (Randel Roberts), The Excorcist (William Peter Blatty), Brown Eyed Handsome Man; The life and hard times of Chuck Berry (Bruce Pegg)
My Parents, my father in law James Little, Thergood Marshall, Malcom X, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Marcus Garvey, Secrectary Of State Colen Powell, Jimi Hendrix, Howlin Wolf, James Brown, Guy Bluford (Astronaut), Michael Anderson (Astronaut), Johnny Johnson, Fela Kuti