hey yall my name is Lala and i am from kansas..i have heard all the jokes about the kansas and the wizard of oz.. and dorthy and all that..lol i did however try to click my heals 3 times with my red ruby slipers.. (ok my black hoochtie shoes) and said their is no place like home hopeing it would get me to the land of auss... (get it auss=oz??..lol) umm hey u think b ecause it was hootchie shoes and not ruby shoes was the reasons??...lol hey the dog toto lives next door to my aunt.. lol.. for reals his name is toto...lol
anyways i will add everyone and i will try to leave a coments.. but i maybe slow about posting.. sorry about that.. just bear with me..
give Lala_alaL more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
You're the Chatter Beast. You have pretty simple
needs: violence, violence, and food. You're
also one of the oldest Cenobites, and have
undergone so many 'modifications' that you're
more beast than man now. Not even you
remembers who you really are.. or were.
Which Cenobite are you? (includes pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla
You are light. You have a very sparkling
personality, and always love to help others.
You always look for the good in people and
never hurt people. You cant stand to see
people hurt and can help some peoples wounds
and scares heal. Many people think ov you
as popular and sometimes envy you. Also many
people look up to you, and you are a good
What element, and personality are you??((detailed results)) ~*^With anime pics of course ^-^ ^___^^*~
brought to you by Quizilla
EARTH! you can be happy at most time and you admire
the things around you. Earth seems to be your
strength as so is life. Life may seem too
stressful sometimes so you would most likely
be outside looking at things such as the
sunset or the moon and it's surroundings even
on earth.
What is Your Hidden Power? ( guys and girls)
brought to you by Quizilla
his vid is done by dj Dedtony.. a good friend of mine.. the whole guy thing has a bit of a story to it on how it got started.. wich isnt my story to give..lol but the song poem and the song its self and this vid is great.. anyways check it out..
"Fading" from the CD GRECHEN
Download High Rez Video (22.6MB)