Tommy P profile picture

Tommy P

a swift kick in the head to that guy. what a doof

About Me


Hi all my name is Tommy! I have the body of a twenty something year old kid, and the soul of a what feels to be a 40 something year old man...I am often times misunderstood, yet always try to be understanding in return. I've accomplished quite a lot for a person my age. I feel as if I've seen more places and done more things most people will ever do or see in the entire lives spent on this planet, so I think it's pretty safe to say that i am one of the luckiest people i know, and i take full advantage of it as often as i can. Please don't mistake my confidence for arrogance theres a lot of things that i do know and a lot i look forward to learning. I don't like to be wasteful, disposable society is one of the biggest disappointments i have because life, and the people around you, should not and are not only get one life so don't waste a minute of it worrying being pissed off, that is only time that could have been used to smile, laugh, love and learn :)

I am currently living in the greatest cities i've yet to live in Atlanta, Georgia. I moved here after living in Orange County California for 3 years and came to the realization that it wasn't my place to stay, don't get me wrong i still love Cali but it was just a bit too vain and expensive for my taste. I am Originally from Chicago, IL where i was an unsuccessful Trance DJ and a minimum wage warehouse worker for a few years after high school, so then I decided to move onto bigger and better things in my life. I am an avid motorcycle enthusiast in fact my only form of transportation is my bike, it is my passion and my dream to ride anywhere and everywhere through anything and everything, and right now i am living it! I enjoy many forms of electronic music (ei. Techno, Trance, Hardstyle, Drum and Bass, Hardcore etc etc..) or doing gymnastics i did Rings for a few years in HS.. and before that a fairly decent aggressive inline skater who competed on an amature circut level...but all that changed when I decided to goto school at the American Motorcycle Institute @ Daytona beach Florida for a few months over the summer of 2004 and that got me a head start on a career in the motorcycle industry. :)

I like to get outside and run a round, weather it be nightlife, out riding, or just going to my friends house to drag them out to do somthing entertaining. i can't stand sitting at home and just being lazy...well maybe one day a week but thats it :P but not as of lately, cause when that happenes i ususally end up here on MySpace trying to find new people to go out with and cause trouble :) but thats just a short story version i have had a million other differant intrests and even more talents and hobbies to boot, i am rediculously funny not to mention easy to get along with and probably have somthing small in common with just about anyone. I love meeting new people and i don't ever turn down a good friend requests,(althought i've cut back alot on the bands...and goofy production agencies i don't party out that much anymore...AND CHRIST MAN I HAVE TOO MANY FUCKING FRIENDS!!

well thats the life story, now lets go over some guildlines about me shall we?

I am extravigantly simple, i don't dress very outlandish to get noticed in the crowd. In fact, most of the time you'll find me by the stage with my arms folded, with a cross look on my face, don't be fooled i really am enjoying myself in my own little way :) i do enjoy being noticed, but more by my actions. im very good at what i do, or at least i try to be in any case, weather it be skating or surfing, fixing somthing, driving, performing as a DJ, i try to push my limits all the time to surprise the people around me...i love it when people are like "holy shit i didn't know you could do that!?!" and most of the time i'll do these things when your not looking ;) So keep an eye out if your ever with me out in public. and also i look for the same in other people. It's the small things that really matter to me, the big picture doesn't mean shit to me if theres no detail

i have come to find that i am a realist, things to me are either Black or White i have no Gray area... my head is by no means in clouds i was taught in order to fly in life, you have to climb a moutian first and then jump off, but once you have reached the peak, take a look around, and ask yourself "is it worth the fall after all the work you've done to get there in the first place?" i am a good hard worker, i don't believe in sitting around doing nothing all the time, just some of the time :P Too much time spent working takes up the time you NEED to have fun unless you have fun doing what it is you do and then your set for life. :)

I have no Respect for thoes who do not earn they're keep, the spoiled beutiful people who have life planned out and handed to them by someone else. now please don't confuse this for the rich and and famous, i don't judge anyone i havn't met face to face, shaken hands with and tried to talk to, cause I don't feel that is my right. and i expect no one to do the same to me...if you've met me and you don't like me based upon what you've encountered i Respect that, if you just don't like me cause of an encounter someone else has had with me, and you've herd bad things from so and so, then fuck you have some balls and confront me about it and then my Respect has been earned. I was raised to hate the 16 year old gurl with the brand new mustang that her parents bought for her, i was told shes been given what i was trying so hard to work for. so pardon me if i make crude remarks it happens and i don't hate you for it it's just a reaction that i have, if your cool and you worked hard for what you have (and if it matters to you) then you'll prove me wrong and will have my Resepect. i Resepect people who have all that they want, and live life because it makes them happy. i discourage people working a "steady job" beacuse "they have to" or it "pays the bills" fuck that your not trying hard enough, if you work hard you can make enough money doing anything. i Resepct thoes who can say "these are the things that i have always wanted in life, and this is what i did to earn them" you have my up most regaurds.

i don't bullshit, im not a story teller...i used to be when i was a kid, and then i realized that no one cared what i had or what i did, but that they liked me cause of what did with them right then and there. Im not afraid to say "i don't know" anymore because i don't know everything. but you better believe if you come to me with a question, i will do everythig i can to answer it or i will find someone who will have the answer for you. thats a gurentee

i act how you treat me, i interact with the world around me according to how it treats me, when life gives me lemons i make lemon-aide i guess you could say, i adapt very well to my surroundings very easily probably why i have very little problems getting along with most people, the only people i don't interact well with are thoes who do not wish to be interacted with. this trait also reflects my charicter traits twards how i talk to you.... some conversations i have just blow my own mind sometimes the things i say and thoughts i have can be increadable even to my own disbeliefe, these moments come out when i speak with individuals at such a level that is wise beyond my years, and it's usually because im speaking with someone who is the same way :) if your just cool and wanna have fun and laugh and enjoy life , then i'll enjoy be happy to join you and share that with you. there are times when you wanna act out and do fun random things i can do that too ;) .....but if you are going to treat me as a child and tell me im an idiot and negative, well then thats exactly how i am going to act ;) "treat others as you wish to be treated"

when i say somthing i mean it, and if you ask me my opinion im going to give it to you, in the most tactful way possible. i'll try not to hurt your feelings unless i feel that hurting them is necessary to get my point across

i give advise for free, it doesn't cost you a thing to ask me. "hey i have a problem can you help me out?" my best work comes when im doing a favor for a friend cause thats when it matters to me most

i am very much about, meeting other real people, a good conversation is worth my time to actually go out and meet some of you. people who arn't about actual meet ups need not apply, granted i can't meet all of you cause that is impossible theres over 2500 of you spread out across the globe, but however i do like to travel for no good reason and if i know im going to be where you are i will not hesitate to call you or give you my number to get ahold of me, i hate being alone.

I am 100% Asshole.
. I am one of those people who know everything, and you try to prove me wrong but fail miserably, only allowing me to feel even more smug. That and my amazingly positive attitude makes most people i insult want to grind their teeth away to nothing Take the
Asshole/Bitch Test
@ FualiDotCom
Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK] You are Super-Cool !
Woah! Step back - the future's so bright for you it's blinding me! You are the coolest of the cool. Everyone looks up to you as the benchmark for being coooool. The fonze was your grandfather. Any cooler and you'd freeze! WOO it's chilly in here.
Cool quizzes at Go-Quiz.comB-)

My Interests

Riding long distances on my Motorcycle, everything else is just a long story of what i used to do but i have had A LOT of past interests...OH, and giant robots that blow things up

I'd like to meet:

Let me tell you first who I DO NOT want to meet. I do not wish to meet......people who lie, people who try to be someone else, and people who put down others to make themselves feel better...fuck you i hope people like you suffer when you die. I like goal oriented people, the ones who have a dream and make it happen by working for it, and not just sit and hope that one day they're dreams are just going to fall into place, fuckin' lazy bastards...

I don't wanna meet people who sit around and talk about how cool yesterday was, i couldn't tell you about all the cool shit i have done in the past cause i don't too busy thinking about the cool shit im gonna do tomarrow B-)

to thoes who wanna message me, heres what your in for!

First off, i turned off that god awful IM agent thingy thats on here cause it's slow and a big pain in the ass, if you wanna say somthin send me a message i check that shit all the time!! and by all means do not hesitate to say hello :) i love hearing from new people all the time, but i mean don't have that just be not gonna lie i delete messages that say "hey whats up?" "or "hows it going" "nice pics" "your hot talk to me"...thats bullshit im not gonna respond to that, if you see somthing interesting about me please ask about it, if you don't and you still wanna send somthing make it at least entertaining, the people i talk to the most are the ones who make me LMAO or the ones who pick my brain...i had a teacher in HS who would gives tests that were fill in the blank, never multiple choice, and he always said "if you don't know the answer, then at least make it something funny for me to read... and if it's really funny i'll give you credit for it" :P and i agree with this completely.If you message me with a question, i WILL most certainly answer it, depending on if it is serious or not

oh yea the ..1 question I receive the most let me answer for you now


now this doesn't mean if your gay i won't talk to you, 3 of my favorite friends on here are gay guys and i adore them!! (Ed, the King himself Rio and of course the OG Fruticake Tony
YES i do have AIM but not when im at work, and i won't give you my name just because you ask for it, it has to be earned i have too many people added to my buddy lists that are just there for decoration, message me on here if you and i get a good convo that i can't type out fast enough then i'll give you my SN ;)

i love to talk to educated people, i like to argue... and whats even worse is i like to win. this is where the asshole encounter often comes into play, a few people would say i am an asshole. and you know what i'd say your correct if you take what i say personally then yea im a mother fucker. but we could have a screaming match and so long as your cool about it in the end you could completely disagree with me so long as you believe firmly in your words and arn't full of shit then i'm cool with you B)

Toms' Perfect Lady

I would like to meet a girl who has already, or truely wants to LIVE life, see the world, and experience the vitality that surrounds them and reaches even farther out of the box than thought possible, and when she finally does reach it...she realizes it's not enough and wants to live and learn even more. I want a gurl whose words i can fall in love with, not just love to look at, someone i can talk to about completely nothing and and be totally content with. I do not want a gurl who has to be dependent on me, shes got to have her own 2 feet to stand on, I would like a girl who wants, and is grateful for my support. I don't need an attention whore....i don't need a permenant attachment to my right leg....and i certainly do not need a gurl to fall in love me just because she loves to be in love *thumbs down*
She doesn't have to like everything i like, or even have the same interests as me, i mean it's a great plus but it is unnecessary, in fact a girl with an opposite spectum of intrests is almost preffered so i can have somthing new to learn about rather than already knowing what she knows. i want a gurl who can astonish me with simple acts of kindness and tid bits of knowlege, someone who interacts and loves to interact with other people as much as i do. I need a funny gurl, one who can take a joke every now and then, and maybe even throw some flack back at me when needed, without having fear of me getting upset. i want a girl who thinks about what she says before she says it and at the same time, says what is on her mind without regard of it's effect. Honesty. secrets are no good, my life is completely open and you can know anything you like, but more than likely im not gonna tell you if you don't ask first, and i need you to be the same way. Trust. i could go on with this forever but thats good for now, im sure i'll add more as it comes to me.


i like what you don't expect me too, but what i love most is the music that lets me sing like a moron in my truck..

First things 1st, Music is life...

lemme give you a rough idea as to what i listen to, cause i hate the cop out answer of "anything but country" i meet more of you people and your so daym picky it's not even funny

i like anything Electronic, a discussion of electronic music is a 2 hour convo in and of it's self Trance, Drum and Bass, Hardcore, Techno, House, even industrial..theres a special place in my heart for it all

In fact, be sure to hit up my boys Zew and the crew for the Chi-town underground show every Wednesday and Friday night at 8pm CST ..
Tune in now: 128k 56k 24k

PUNK, i have some punk root to me from when i used to skate back HS and Jr. High that along with alot of METAL that was we jammed to, i still goto shows every now and again, it makes for good times and it helps you drive fast :)

UNDERGROUND HIP HOP, let me reiderate underground along with some old school i do not like 50 cent and i wish very bad things upon Eminem with very good reason...but i like shit thats not to publicised im kinda new to this genre but i very much enjoy it, so don't go crazy on me if what i like isn't underground enough for yah

Im a big talker when it comes to music, im the person that when you come into my house i will ask you first, what kind of music do you like, and based on your answer i will burn you somthing right then and there somthing that you've never herd in your life and will think is the best shit ever...i love exposing people to new music, it's great to watch a persons mind spread open like a flower once they've herd somthing they like...granted im not right all the time, but so long as your not hardcore country i bet i can tickle your music fancey

alot of new stuff, im not a big fan of....most of the stuff you see on MTV, im not a big fan of, so if your one of thoes people who is content with turning on any radio station you hear once your in the car, you and i are going to have a screaming match on a road trip :P


Battle Royale, ichi the killer, Audition, Strange Brew, Point Break, Ferris Bulers day off, Army of Darkness and any and all anime


i havn't watched TV in months...i often used to ask my friends how they could live w/o it.....then i found MySpace and my question was answered :P


Rand McNalley map books


My Dad, Gary Busey, Ed Rodriguze, Daryl Traver, Nigel Patrick, Tom "TC" Collins, and this guy..... width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ....

My Blog


so yea i have videos of my races posted, and i like showing them off cause it makes me feel cool :P so yea" ds&friendID=123847&n=2&My...
Posted by Tommy P on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 11:19:00 PST

OK OK OK i give in, i look like Bam ok?! now help me out by voting for me!

Ok so obviously i can't make my point clear enough for most of you to get it through your heads that i don't enjoy being reminded that i resemble the MTV super hero, Bam Margera...So because of this i...
Posted by Tommy P on Sun, 18 Dec 2005 04:48:00 PST

heres 50 things to keep a guy in love with you

i saw this on someones Blog only it was for girls and alot of it made me laugh so i took it upon myself to write one for us guys so here yah go 1. pay me a compliment, us guys act hard but we're al...
Posted by Tommy P on Tue, 06 Sep 2005 07:43:00 PST

words from the past

so i took a trip home to Chicago over the weekend and my mom gave me a box of old rave flyers and empty CD cases and also among the clutter was an old notebook that had some skribbles from past though...
Posted by Tommy P on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

new job in the HB!!!!!

ok so i've been driving to Azusa every morning now for the past freakin 3 months, and don't get me wrong i loved working at Berts....Louie and Bryan and Anthony and Steve-O, Slick Rick, Jeff C and Mik...
Posted by Tommy P on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

what i look for in a gurl...

This is Hot!!! if you would like to catch my attention, do somthing differant by being yourself, no make up no fancy clothes no bare asses or half covered boobies...just good fun unless your drun...
Posted by Tommy P on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Crappy Blog Entries

deleted my last 2 entries because i felt that this should be the place where i share my good news. not complain to you all about the low points in life... going back and reading some of my previous...
Posted by Tommy P on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Sin City Madness!

So i wasn't going to post about this weekends happenings but, it was just that amazing and i just so happen to have this much time to kill at 5:30am so i feel the need to share! :) so it has long b...
Posted by Tommy P on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

what a shit ass weekend...

for everyone! someone gimmie some good news i have been bombarded by nothing but shitty days...and cars getting towed, and people being assholes, to friends with money problems, family and personal is...
Posted by Tommy P on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

this effin sucks...

i donno im bored...come hug me
Posted by Tommy P on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST