I love to sing and dance, tho there are those who say I'm not so good at it. Got to do what you love, no matter how stupid you look. Right? I love my kids, and sometimes love to get away from them! :-)Your Theme Song:
"Daydream Believer", The Monkees
'What is your theme song?' at QuizGalaxy.com
Looking for some interesting new friends who like to have good clean fun. We can be strictly internet pals or maybe (once I know you) we can meet in person.
I LOVE music! I'll listen to just about anything. I would have to say my fav' is late 80's early 90's pop, but I also like rock, country, metal, oldies, big band and even rap. Anything I can DANCE to or that pulls at my heart strings will work for me!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTiLET_dAro ...Speeks volumes about me
How sad is this...The last movie I saw was on a plane, actually I saw two...One on my way to Scotland and one on the way back. I remember "Casanova" was one and the other was "Failure to Launch" I wasn't impressed with either. I hear "Cars" was cute so I promised the kids we would go see it. But I will need to find a sitter for the baby if we hope to enjoy it!
All day I watch PBS kids (remember I have 3 little kids) but once the babies are in bed. I like CSI, NCIS, HOUSE, and educational programing (ie, Discovery Chanel, History Chanel) but really late at night (I'm talking 10-11pm) I watch "adult swim" on the cartoon network.
In truth, I HATE to read. However I'm in school so I have to read my text books...I passed Statistics last semester, now I'm on to Philosophy. Only 2 more classes to go.
Teddy Roosevelt, I think he was a man before his time.