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Profesional actor CV/Resume: ''Don't let anyb

About Me

I am a guy who sets his mind on doing or creating something and achieve it. I know sooner or later I will come out on top in what I set out to do and defeat is and will never be an option. I love my 2 sons and they mean the world to me. I say: Go get and take what you dream about don't let it stay a dream...

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My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

PEOPLE THAT INSPIRE ME AS AN ACTOR: Jack Black, Mel Gibson, Peter Jackson, Tony Scott, Stephan Spielberg, Demi Moore, Jenifer Aniston, Brad Pitt, Leonardo deCaprio, Bruce Willis, Sameul L Jackson, Kevin Spacey, Michael Cane, Sean Connery,



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Sport 24 Desperate Housewives Meduim Lost Old TV Shows ie. The A-Team etc. War history and National Geographics


The Murder of Princess Diana
Uploaded by Lifetime_armywives


Mel Gibson (Actor) Danie Gerber (Springbok rugby player)