Go to - http://www.futurehi.net if you like these ideas. It is very comprehensive. My favorite site on the internet. Please look at the forum and examine your ideas. go here: http://www.futurehi.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=406 -----Harmony Positive vibrationEcstacy Positive Progression of HumanityPlease Share your ideas.
People of all race, color, gender, and religions.GOD?"The human tribe will become truely ONE family and man's consciousness can be freed from the shackles of mechanical culture and enabled to roam the cosmos." - McLuhan (When speaking the "The Global Villiage" which he believed the internet might someday lead to.Please add your ideas HERE at the forum on futurehi.nethttp://www.futurehi.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4 06 -----
Ravi Shankar and Anoushka Shankar. Boards of Canada. Einstein on The Beach by Phillip Glass. Shpongle. Lemon Jelly. -Friends: please mention music that makes you feel ecstatic and I will add it to this section.
Waking Life. What the Bleep. The Matrix. The Fountain.
Let's make a station that's worth watching, eh?
The Art of Everyday Ecstacy. The Art of Sexual Ecstacy. Be Here Now. Journey of Awakening. The Tao Te Ching. The Bhagavad-Gita. The Bible. Shankara's Crest Jewel of Discrimination. A Theory Of Everything. Boomeritis. The Fabric of Reality. -please sugguest more : )
the Divine Energy