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AMS Systems


About Me

This page is the lighter side of AMS Systems, with links to blogs of various sorts (the Mad SoundMan's blog, thoughts on 911, and the drummer's blog known as "Bang it Harder"....
    Diary of a Mad SoundMan Trains, Subway Music & More!!! Bang it Harder! My Drum & Percussion Gallery! More to come!
Also here are various links to services that could be of use to others in the sound field, and some additional writing by various members of AMS Systems on topics such as drumming, church sound, and musicians within the context of church services. There are also tutorials on sound and sound systems.
Finally, you'll want to browse through my friends list as there are all sorts of goodies nested away in there (such as the Latin ASCAP page?) as well as some truly extraordinary musician's profiles of music from all walks of life. As of late, this list has grown to include musicians from literally every genre, and from the farthest reaches of the world. So as you see there is plenty here for all, come back often!

Artist of the month:

Teresa Sanchez
This month's featured artist hails from Mexico and her music, which is mostly in Spanish, is a delightful treat with her wonderful guitar and subtle percussion accompaniment to her strong but not over the top voice. She reminds me of the many women folk singers of the sixties who created so much wonderful music…
Teresa's music is treat for the ears, the heart, and the soul.

Teresa Sanchez...

Previous Two Featured Artists:

No Silence Kept
In keeping with last month's selection, here is another awesome metal band from right here in New York called "No Silence Kept", or simply NSK. Having had the pleasure of working with them, I found them to be a fresh new band that's grown and matured to the point where they have a truly awesome stage presence. Musically they are a seriously aggressive knock the walls down bunch of rockers who just happen to be Christian as well. They honestly surprised me the first time I mixed for them at a local talent show about a year or so ago, and when our paths crossed again this year I was impressed at how much further they had taken their craft.
Without further ado, ladies, gentlemen, and fuzzy freaks....
I bring you- NO SILENCE KEPT...
Monika Reeve
Last month's selection for Artist of the month was guitarist Monika Reeves, from Brazil. Her unrestrained brand of music spans thrash, metal, shred, and in her delightful tune “Somho de uma noite Só”, a surprisingly delicate little guitar duo for one who ‘s music contains such fierce, blow the wall down heavy sonic assaults. Metal fans come and see! This is Rock like it was meant to be, utterly uncivilized!

My Interests

...............ATTENTION DRUMMERS & PERCUSSIONISTS!!!!.............Don't forget to take a look at my Drum & Percussion Gallery ................Reviews of Interesting Subway musicians can be found by CLICKING RIGHT HERE ....................!!!COMING SOON!!! search of a NEW & IMPROVED MUSIC PLAYER................THIS MONTH"S FEATURED ARTIST....Check out the AMS Systems featured MySpace artists to the right-------..........................Scroll down for more groovy things to check out!!!!!!!..................

I'd like to meet:

Welcome to AMS Systems' MySpace Page...................................Scroll down and enjoy our page, there are links to blog content of various sorts, comments on 911 from the 'Mad Soundman of AMS Systems' and much much ............MORE............................. MySpace HOME




FAVORITE? sound systems designed to meet your needsLike minded individuals who are in the sound business and are inclined to sit and discuss old tour stories, disasters and memorable moments. Those who love music, or who are musicians and feel inclined to share what they have with others, are welcome to comment, and join us here.

Subway Music:

I have a confession to make,...
I am a sucker for a good subway musician who can play well, and has the showmanship to stand out in the competitive crowd that makes up the subway performers.

Now for those who are not from New York, or have yet to come here, or have been living in a vacuum for the last century and don't know what I'm talking about- Let me go into a bit of explanation. I ask the rest of you all to bear with me as I really do want everyone to be able to understand what I'm talking about here.
A vast percentage, and in the case of Manhattan itself, one hundred percent of the trains we use to get around every day are underground, thus we call them the "subway". In England I believe you call them the "tubes", but I digress here.
The real point I wish to get to is that under the streets of Manhattan exists an unofficial collective of the most diverse manifestations of musical talent that spans all genres, ages, and genders... I have been the sole audience to a solitary young woman and her guitar on West 4th street at two in the morning as she sang folk ballads with all her heart,...I've heard a young saxophone player on the grand central to times square shuttle train belt out reasonable jazz renditions of old gospel spirituals, and I have seen an older blind gentleman play his accordion with enough gusto that I cannot but help to put money in his cup and smile as I do so.
In Grand Central Station I have seen a woman play a large saw with a cello bow and produce a haunting, yet enchanting music all her own and I have heard blues men play their songs to packed platforms of people who certainly were in a hurry to get somewhere before the music captured them for a moment. The endless variety never ceases to amaze me.
I truly just love them all!
I am especially fond of the Hispanic youth who plays a respectable classical violin well enough that I really don't care about the fact that it seems that he always plays the same three pieces. He's good, and he could be doing worse things with his time to get money than playing the violin in the subway.
With so many to choose from, I still find that there are three bands which I feel require a special shout out:
    A duo called "Black and White", who play electric violin and acoustic guitar in a flamenco influenced style that is just amazing; I have actually heard people walk up to them and tell them that they are the most amazing performers they have ever seen! The Jazz ensemble known as "Yaz Band" (You can read more about them on their website- ); And of course my all time space rock favorites- Heth and Jed (with both a MySpace page , and a website )

Now one day I was passing through Grand central station and there was Yaz doing their thing. The tenor sax player is the consummate entertainer who obviously loves what he does, and if the band were any tighter there would have to be a law against it. I of course stopped to listen, as I'd not heard them in a while. It was just great to see them again, especially Yasuyuki, the Tenor saxophone player from Japan who leads the band. Unfortunately the show was brought to a premature end by a non uniformed police officer who could have cared less about the fact that they were drawing a large crowd that was really having a good time, or that Yaz is an "MTA Music under New York" featured musician (they were flying the banner prominently), and that Yaz had all his permits in order. The officer didn't even look at Yaz's paperwork, he just told them to shut it down.I walked up to the front and handed them some money right in front of the officer just to spite him...I really don't see what his problem was, and he wouldn't clarify his reasoning. Needless to say, I was very annoyed at him, as were most of those present who were enjoying Yaz and his exuberant music. There is enough competition for these performance spots, and it is hard enough to get into the Music Under New York program, not to mention the hardships of simply being a street performer and subway musician, without having to deal with the harassment of the local law enforcement. I find it worth noting that I have never seen a uniformed police officer do anything like what I witnessed that day, and I find it utterly disgraceful that a detective should take it upon himself to do this in Grand Central Station and deny us our respite from the tedious flow of the day in some utterly enchanting jazz music. I would have loved to have seen this police officer try that with the break dance crews that usually hang out in that spot late at night and which draw large crowds of their own. I do believe he would have had to use his radio to call for backup!
But enough on these matters....
Anyone out there have any special or favorite subway performer they feel stand out from the rest? There are so many that I could hardly even begin to list half of them, but do let us try to give them their due...
Comments are welcome at all times.

Helping Others

I recently had an interesting exchange with someone who claimed that since we can hardly help the starving men, women and children on our own streets, what business do we have trying to help those abroad. While I understood him, I cannot find it in my heart to agree. You see, it is true that in the united states all manner of atrocities are committed. We do have homeless people on our streets. Children suffer here. Some are abused. Some die. This, is an indisputable fact. Yet because of this I should throw in the towel and sit back, and do nothing? Or perhaps I should only focus on matters here rather than abroad?

I am not naive, I know that after feeding one child in a third world country that there will still be others who are hungry, I am well aware that in the overall scheme of things, as life on this planet grinds on, little will have changed because I contributed to the food on the table of one child. Women will still be abused, human rights in China will remain non-existent, the environment will still be in peril, and here in the United States we will still have homeless people.

Yet, We will have done something. That my friends, has value in this life...

Without further ado, I bring you things that can be done....

Why are the Tibetans protesting?

Self Defense is
my Human Right

Click on the photo above, Help save a life!

On Sunday, January 28th, Nazanin makes history and indelibly stamps the word "HOPE" in the hearts and minds of all who thought that their little could not make a difference in this world....
Click on the photo above to hear her story of suffering, injustice, and ultimately, freedom!

Together we saved Nazanin, but there is still much work to do. Click on the banner bellow to see what else you can do to make a difference in another young girls life.


KEEP A CHILD ALIVE is an urgent response to the AIDS pandemic ravaging Africa. With 25 million already dead, the disease continues, wiping out whole societies, threatening economic infrastructure and creating tragic devastation in the family structure. There are currently 12 million AIDS Orphans in Africa alone. How much longer will we sit by while millions of people die from a treatable disease? Anti-retroviral (ARV) treatment has transformed the lives of people with AIDS in the West, returning them from sickness to health. But less than 5% of Africans with AIDS have access to these life-saving drugs.



Most Notable Artists

This is a new addition to the profile, a section that has been a long time in coming, and which over time I hope to add to. These are performers, bands, and musicians who through their contributions and sacrifices have made music something worth listening to, and who in some cases have gone beyond the scope of mere performance and entertainment nad have pressed forward in an attempt to actually make this planet more hospitable for us all....

Here is,....
The Mad Soundman's
Hall Of Fame..

    Elvis, For being the first to shake up the status quo. He is the undisputed king of Rock and Roll, and whether you like his music or not, it is to him whom you owe the fact that you can listen to music that is different than that of your neighbors, parents, and generations past.
    Elvis is on the Web...

    The Imperials, a band that backed Elvis for many years and has what is probably one of the longest running stretches of performances, tours, and gold records in spite of the fact that they are not a band commonly spoken of. I had the pleasure of mixing at the soundboard one fine evening years ago when they were playing at a youth rally held at Harvard University. The weather was wild that evening, we all got snowed in as a blizzard pounded the area and the governor issued a state of emergency asking everyone to stay inside. Of course, with such fine music we were happy to do so!
    The Imperials Website (official)

    The Beatles, For revolutionizing the stage performance like no other performer in the music world since Elvis. They have broadened the world’s musical horizons and taking rock and roll in creative new directions. They simply are, the Fab Four

    Neil Young, For a life time of memorable and soul stirring music, Current anti war efforts, and for having a heart that yearns for peace.
    Neil Young

    Jerry Garcia / The Grateful Dead, Doing his thing for so very long and keeping it real. They refused to sell out to the music industry and they Showed the world that you can make a living and not sell out. They were our musical family, those lovable hippies on stage that we could not get enough of, whom we loved even when, or especially when, Jerry would flub a note or the mix wasn't exactly right at the soundboard. We will miss them, they are a phenomenon not to be repeated ever.
    The Greatful Dead
    Grateful Dead
    Live at San Francisco Civic Auditorium, Jan 30th 1987

    Ravi Shankar, The consummate world class artist who has presented a different take on music to the world. It was he who finally broke through to the mainstream with his magnificent playing and who introduced many of us for the first time to the droning, soothing sounds of the Sitar. His music will live on for generations and will continue to influence performers of every music genre from classical, to jazz, to pop~
    Ravi Shankar

    Philip Glass, A composer who moved classical music in directions not previously considered and revitalized the classical music scene. Many who would not otherwise have considered themselves fans of classical music started with him and then went on to explore the older masters, and remained there happily to this day. He is a master of expanding the concept of minimalism and is the composer who together with Robert Wilson birthed the epic masterpiece
    Einstein on the beach …
    Philip Glass

    David Gilmore / Pink Floyd, the longest running space rock / psychedelic band since the genre was first explored in the sixties. We thank them for once more broadening our views as to where music could go given enough creative freedom and for giving us the masterpiece “Animals”
    I find it a tragic reflection on what has become of the music business when I consider the fact that individual egos and money eventually destroyed the creative family that was the band, Pink Floyd. Perhaps others following in their footsteps may learn from these mistakes? I sincerely hope so...
    Pink Floyd

    Joan Baez, for taking what were often unpopular stands with here music and politically, and for quite simply having the single most distinct voice in folk music even to this day. She still tours, and still has that magnificent voice that rings clear like fine crystal!
    Joan Baez

    Bob Marley, the man who took Reggie music and burst free from the confines of the Caribbean, sprinkling it about the far corners of the world.

    Bob Dylan, For faithfully walking in the steps of such great men as Woody Guthrie, and his son Arlo Guthrie, He has given us a life time of spectacular music!
    Bob Dylan, the wordsmith of a generation

    The Rolling Stones, For not allowing his trousers to fall down during the concert at Altamont raceway in 1969, imagine what a riot that would have caused? Here is a man who never grows up no matter how old he may grow. Three cheers for Mick Jagger and the Stones!
    The Stones

    Richard Feynman, the Nobel prize winner who showed us all that you can play congas or bongo drums, indulge one’s love of music and beautiful women, and still be taken seriously as a world class mathematician and physicist. He was the rock star of the ‘50s & ‘60s Geek set before it was sexy to be a genius


Una Canción No Bastará La Banda De Edgar Lira

Here's a Band from Texas that rightfully lays claim to the genre of 'Latin Rock'. In my honest and humble opinion this group of guys rock big time! While the lyrical content is in Spanish, the music speaks for itself, and for those who do understand the Spanish language, it packs a double punch as the message they contain speaks directly and simply to the heart of the common soul.

More from them here:

And here:

Through music the soul of man shouts out and is heard! Enjoy the sounds, Spread the word

Is This The Death of Washington Sq. Park?

Mad Soundman's Note:
One of my most memorable and soothing moments, was in stark contrast to my experience of the 2006 Ground Zero Ceremony (which itself shook me to the core of my soul). After the deep grieving at ground zero I welcomed the embrace of Washington square park, and it's magnificent people. The very presence of the people and the musicians and the hoola hoop lady who exhibited endless stamina calmed me and for the first time of the day I smiled rather than cried. Alas, it seems the days of the square's heritage are numbered unless we as New Yorkers do something about it.

Do what you have to do quickly New Yorkers, time is not something we have a lot of here. A good start is to visit this film maker's profile, join his friend's list and spread this even farther and to more people!

More Madness:

I had the pleasure yesterday (July 25th 2007), of viewing a screening of the documentary “straightening out Washington square park” by Matt Davis, whom I also had the pleasure to meet before the movie. For those who do not know of this wonderful, magnificent park, I suggest doing a U-Tube search of Washington square park and taking the afternoon to view not only the multitude of video content on this gathering place, but also Matt’s own documentary as well.

Since you can watch this incredible documentary right here on my page, I won’t say much about it here beyond commenting that the added content since the last time I saw it certainly was wonderful, and that the same things that I found infuriating are thankfully still in the documentary. You truly need to see these things to appreciate just how far we have drifted from the ideals of Democracy. Sometimes, it is good to get mad!

It was however, after the film that the real magic of the evening took place. Matt stood at the front and asked if anyone had any questions, and within a matter of two or three minutes the entire room had become a hotbed of information being exchanged as people asked questions and others responded with answers.

I learned much about the state of the lawsuit filed in order to stop the destruction of the park, I also took note of the fact that many people who were directly involved in the Park’s fate (Community Board leaders, members of the ADA committee formed to address NYC park’s accessibility to the disabled, several of the litigants in the actual lawsuit, a journalist and others) were present. I couldn’t help but smile as I looked at Matt standing at the front of this crowd and I wondered if he had foreseen his documentary being the central point to facilitate these people being together and doing exactly what they were doing there that evening.

One person who was present asked the question to others of what other options and things are there that can be done. I filed the question away and afterwards chewed on it for a bit, thinking to myself that there simply had to be others like myself, who while not residing in the district still have deep personal bonds with the park and the way in which it is used. There must be others living in the surrounding boroughs who come here for the music, to relax in a way that they can't anywhere else, and to see and meet people who even if just for that instant are special, magical, and impart to you the visitor something special.

I simply cannot believe that there are no others who have not come here, and walked away with something that made them better somehow. This is bigger than just Greenwich Village, albeit no one can deny that the Park is the Heart of if not the last remaining icon standing in memory of what the village once was. This park has been a hub of cultural and political revolution for generations, it has been a place where ideas are exchanged and learning took place. It cannot be simply erased, and to modify the park in the manner in which the planners and the parks commission are proposing would do just that.

Let me be fair here and say that the plans for a symmetrical fountain and level grounds are in and of themselves,… well, “pretty”. They would be fine for the construction of any new park grounds, and there are certainly many locals which would welcome the architect’s designs. Greenwich Village is not such a place seeing as we already have a functional park that serves us well. The community clearly has no desire for a new park, they want the current park renovated.

Let’s examine that word for a moment, seeing as the parks commission and the city apparently have lost sight of what the definition of renovation is….

ren•o•vate Spelled Pronunciation[ren-uh-veyt],
–verb (used with object)
    To restore to good condition; make new or as if new again; repairTo reinvigorate; refresh; revive
The American Heritage Dictionary states:
    To restore to an earlier condition, as by repairing or remodeling.To impart new vigor to; revive.
Finally, Wordnet states that renovation is:

    The act of improving by renewing and restoring;The state of being restored to its former good condition;
Source: (

Yes, I’m being rather tongue in cheek with my humor…
…admittedly (and perhaps it is just such a misapplication of the word that those wishing to erase Washington Square Park have been practicing) one could argue that “to make new” could apply to an entirely new park, the word in it’s entire definition makes clear that the purpose of renovation is to restore, to bring back the previous state of “newness”….

Renovating Washington Square Park should involve fixing the problems that exist, not inventing new aesthetic ones that bother no one and which will cost more money than the city has to carry out the project. Renovation is the act of REFRESHING the face of Washington Square, not REPLACING it with an architect’s vision of what he arrogantly feels should be there instead. Renovation must take place with the consent of the community that uses the Park, not behind closed doors and private meetings. Renovation, when applied to such a treasure as is Washington Square Park, should proceed with care and make every effort to preserve the historical and cultural heritage of the park as well as to augment, NOT ELIMINATE, the manner in which the community is using the park.

I suggest today that the city and all those behind the plans to erase Washington Square Park as we know it have lost sight of what it means to renovate something.

Or perhaps they have not, and there are yet other darker motives behind all this.

One thing I do know is this. If we stand still and allow the Park to be taken away, it will not be long before the city starts treating all park property as something the current political party can do with as they please. Profit and greed are powerful motivators. Simply ask the residents of Park Slope trying to save their beautiful 200 plus year old brownstones , or those who desperately tried to save the park beside Yankee Stadium and lost. That is a park that is no more and supposed is to be replaced by a pathetically inadequate collection of so called “park areas”.

I have seen a small park area in Howard Beach that was commonly used by the neighboring community and local baseball teams replaced by the city with a school and a private track and field, no longer open to the public. I am sure it is a good school, but I cannot help but wonder where the neighborhood children play now? I have seen Real Estate developers purchase property and tear down solid, beautiful 150 year old homes and replace them with a tightly packed cluster of rather ugly and cheaply built shoe boxes that I doubt will last the next fifty or sixty years. In my 44 years on this god Earth I have been witness to the loss of Rockaway’s Play Land, a wonderful amusement park with one of the last wood roller coasters around and which today is home to overpriced condominiums. Play Land was Built in 1901, and became world renowned as the home of the Cinerama coaster which I just mentioned. (see , , and )

Believe me, I may be the Mad Soundman, but it is not madness I speak of when I suggest that if we simply allow this to pas the day will not be too far off when the great lawn of central park will be home to sky scrapers and Bethesda Fountain with it’s beautiful terrace will end up being the private court to a collection of high priced condos. How much longer would it take before the Alice in Wonderland statue is dug up and removed? Or Cleopatra’s Needle placed on display in the Museum of Natural History? Shall we wait perhaps until beloved Belvedere Castle is either sold off to some private individual or perhaps even torn down to make room for the next tallest building in Manhattan?

We must find a way to keep Washington Square Park out of the hands of private funding, and in the hands of the people who use it and love it and understand it best.

Enough madness for now,
The Mad Soundman

Notes: Today, July 26, 2007, there is a meeting with the community board and the city parks commission to allegedly discuss the plans for renovation of the park. The following Monday (the 29th ) there will be another meeting. While I don’t think I will be able to attend, I do intend to follow up and find out more about the outcome of these meetings, and I will be writing more about this in the days to come.

January 2008
The end is upon us, Trees have already been cut down, and the park, although still listed as a tourist attraction, is no longer attractive nor are photographers welcome... The blood of the soul that was Washington Square Park, is on the hands of those who set out to erase this wonderful landmark, it is blood that cries out, and it cannot ever be washed clean.

More to come...
The Mad Soundman

Dear Mr. President... Do you sleep well at night?

A short clip on hunger, it's victims, and money that could be better spent. Enough said....

My Blog

What will we do when it’s all gone?

The loss of our architectural historyThis week I am going to take a few moments to write about life above ground for a bit. Last entry was about Jackie Mason and his final series of live performances ...
Posted by AMS Systems on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 03:06:00 PST

Washington Square Park Documentary Screening

NOTE: there have been additions to this blog entry:Event updates towards the final days of the Park's existenceSeveral entries about the end.... (one movie clip)My visit to the park after the fountain...
Posted by AMS Systems on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 01:24:00 PST

Mad Soundman at the South Street Seaport Bash on the 4th of July

I hope every one had a wonderful Fourth of July!The Mad Sound man this year decided to do something a little different, and hang out at the South Street Sea Port...I usually avoid huge crowds during t...
Posted by AMS Systems on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 02:24:00 PST

Yaz at the Blue Mahoe (With Pictures)

Hello every one!For Memorial day Weekend I thought I'd write about an evening I recently spent having dinner and listening to, what else? Wonderful music!Just a while back one of my favorite subway ja...
Posted by AMS Systems on Sat, 26 May 2007 02:40:00 PST

Yaz in Brooklyn

A breif  encounter of the 'Yaz' kind...In my travels through the labrynth that is the New York City Subway system I often come accross musician friends that are performing, are about to perform, ...
Posted by AMS Systems on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 12:33:00 PST

Yazband at Blue Mahoe's on 14th street

Yaz's JazzAs some of you may have already figured out from my comments about subway musicians in New York, I love the music created by the Japanese Saxophone player known as Yaz. He is a pleasure...
Posted by AMS Systems on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 09:57:00 PST