The PHUNKGUERILLA is a network of European musicians and composers, who Cosmo already worked with on different projects throughout his career. The idea was to unite all these people, and to focus their musical potential on one project: THE PHUNKGUERILLA.Cosmo puts different writing teams together, from the pool of musicians and arranges the so called "Guerilla-sessions", where his colleagues are invited to give their best. These "Guerilla-sessions" are a kind of creative brainstorming. The ideas, that come up in these sessions are evaluated by Cosmo afterwards.Cosmo: "This way of song writing is completely different than composing with only a guitar or in front of a computer. I always bring a few ideas into the session and we’ll jam on it and see where the journey is gonna take us".To avoid the journey going into the wrong direction, Cosmo functions as a kind of style guard. Highest requirement: IT’ GOT TO BE PHUNKY!The musical influences of the PHUNKGUERILLA are Prince, Marvin Gay, George Clinton & The P Funk All Stars, Sly and The Family Stone, Mr. James Brown, Chic…Cosmo: "Our music must fulfil simply three criteria: Those songs have to inspire the people to dance, to reflect and/or to have great sex".So far the sessions have always been taken place under exclusion of the public, but the PHUNKGUERILLA is about to bring these Guerilla-session up on the stages of Berlin, Dortmund and Cologne.We’ll keep u informed about the Guerilla-sessions under dates.PRODUCTION
Claus Fischer -who already worked for Lionel Richie, Chaka Khan and Stefan Raab not only at the bass- and Cosmo Klein take over the productional side of the PHUNKGUERILLA. Cosmo and Claus are the absolute, productional dream team for the PHUNKGUERILLA.With Cosmos background concerning song writing/arrangement and Claus' background as a producer and multi-instrumentalist the two just work hand in hand to make it phunky as hell.The first demos of the PHUNKGUERILLA are already online. The first record will be released in 2009.Please visit us at: