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About Me

I hear music in my head.

I have a bunch of instruments, a couple computers, and a lot of cables and odds and ends.
I put them together in various combinations in an attempt to connect with your ears.


Debut album now available at
Noise Factory Records

as well as

My Interests


Member Since: 3/28/2005
Band Website: nybbl.com
Influences: (in no particular order) Bjork, Mercury Rev, Boards of Canada, Chris Clark, mum, Sigur Ros, Yo La Tengo, Radiohead, Do Make Say Think, Broken Social Scene, The Roots, Claro Intellecto, Def Jux, Anticon, Godspeed You Black Emporer, Lewis, Prhizzm, he can jog, Prefuse 73, my bloody valentine, Saul Williams, The Books, Jim O'Rourke, Tribe Called Quest, Sonic Youth, Songs:Ohia, Oval, Plastikman, Machine Drum, Low, Aphex Twin, Mogwai, kawula, Talib Kweli, Captain Beefheart, Flaming Lips, Willie Nelson, Antipop Consortium, The Beatles, Talking Heads, Fennesz, Miles Davis, DNTEL, and on and on
Sounds Like: A slow roasted portabello mushroom sauced up with warm analog melodies and galloping guitars swoons.
Record Label: Noise Factory Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

oh its been so long my loves

ages it seems.so much has been quiet musically. no excuses, just the truth.i've been busy of course, with everything else under the sun. school seemed like a good thing to do again some time ago, and ...
Posted by nybbl on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 12:50:00 PST

The Path From A Point .. Out Now!

Nybbl's debut album on Noise Factory Records, "The Path From a Point is in the Shape of a Heart",  has been ushered into the material world safely and is waiting for your ears to embrace it. Lo...
Posted by nybbl on Sat, 03 Sep 2005 08:00:00 PST