Kubik profile picture


Music was born free and freedom is its destiny

About Me

Welcome to weird and wacko music factory. I play guitar, bass and drums since the mid 80's. I have experience in very different styles, such as improvised, electro-acoustic, experimental, electronic, DJ, and indie rock. I also make original soundtracks for films, theatre, performances and video-art. I have two records released in 2001 - "Oblique Musique" and "Metamorphosia" in 2005. In May 2004, I was personally invited by Mike Patton to play the first part of the Fantômas concert in Lisbon. This what Mike Patton said about my second album: Metamorphosia is an amazing record. Kubik is moving into a particular universe, very special. It is a fantastic record and a fantastic music it is a monster!I Also made original soundtracks for two surrealistic movies: "UN CHIEN ANDALOU" - Luis Bunuel /Salvador Dali; and "ENTR'ACTE" - Rene Clair. In May 2006, the new EP by Kubik: http://www.monocromatica.com/netlabel/ More info: kubik.com.pt (in portuguese!). THIS IS ONE OF MY VIDEOS, DIRECTED BY GRURY AND WITH MY MUSIC "PROKO"!:
Get this video and more at MySpace.com
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
«Victor Afonso is a portuguese musician living in Guarda, a city lying near Serra da Estrela (Star Mountain) at some 1000 meters above the sea level. He has been releasing music under the name Kubik (2 albums) as well as in many other projects. Oblique Musique and Metamorphosia albums recorded as Kubik showed up a musician deeply inspired by cinema and also by a great variety of music, from eastern europe folk to contemporary drumnbass. This alloy allowed Kubik to develop a very personalized and surrealistic sound, which defies the listener imagination with a wave of references sequenced in a way that take shape in the form of musical pieces. Infinite Territory is his new release. It is a departure from earlier works, because here Victor Afonso decided to explore electronic music more close to the IDM genre. It is obvious from Infinite Territory that musicians like Amon Tobin or Aphex Twin play an important role as sources of inspiration. This EP is very well balanced between ambient soundscapes and bursts of drillnbass, showing Kubik at the maximum of his skills and inspiration. From phantasmagorical pieces like Bona Fide, to kinetically unstable tracks like Infernis, Plus Ultra and the surrealistic Non Hilum (perhaps the track more related with his previous works), Kubik shows up his personal view of what electronic music (or IDM) can be, with a great capability to create images in the mind of the listener, rather than being purely another kind of dance music. Infinite Territory is therefore a kind of a soundtrack of a lost science-fiction movie, lost in the outskirts of the galaxy (or, more precisely, of the mind), exploring lost territories and lost spirals that liewithin the more pristine forces of nature.» - César A. LaiaTo listen or download the EP "Infinite Territory", click here: http://www.monocromatica.com/netlabel/releases/tube043.htm

My Interests


Member Since: 5/16/2006
Band Website: ohomemquesabiademasiado.blogspot.com
Band Members: Victor Afonso - Electronics, guitars, voices, programming, production. Kubik live in LisboaKubik live in Barcelos
Influences: CHECK THIS OUT: David Shea | Amon Tobin | Christian Marclay | Muslimgauze | Philip Glass | Holger Hiller | Suicide | Squarepusher | Aphex Twin | Prokofiev | Pascal Comelade | Raymond Scott | Danny Elfman | Harry Partch | Faust | Glenn Branca | La Monte Young | DJ Spooky | Ornette Coleman | Bob Ostertag | Can | Faust | Spike Jones | Einstürzende Neubauten | Negativland | Mouse on Mars | Secret Chiefs 3 | Mike Patton | Autechre | Edgar Varèse | Sofa Surfers | Pierre Schaeffer | Shellac | Luigi Russolo | Robert Fripp | Graeme Revell | DJ Rupture | Steve Albini | Brian Eno | Henry Mancini | Ennio Morricone | Naked City | Young Gods | Estradasphere | John Cage | DJ Shadow | Techno Animal | Matmos | Terry Riley | Kid 606 | Atom Heart | Fantômas | Spiritualized | Red Snapper | Foetus | Felix Kubin | Hedningarna | SPK | Spring Heel Jack | Spacemen 3 | DJ Shadow | Liars | Bill Frisell | Art Zoyd | Fred Frith | Kraftwerk | Tortoise | Trans Am | Derek Bailey | Ian Simmonds | Cabaret Voltaire | Deadelus | Coil | Nurse With Wound | Lightning Bolt | Psychic TV Barry Adamson | Ravi Shankar | Mr. Bungle | Throbbing Gristle Photek | Coldcut | Marc Ribot | Bernard Herrmann | Nino Rota | Pan Sonic | Jean Jaqcues Perrey | Luke Vibert | ...CINEMA: Dziga Vertov / Eisenstein / Jean Vigo / Murnau / Fritz Lang / Buster Keaton / Luis Buñuel / Jean Cocteau / Tod Browning / Jacques Tati / Orson Welles / Alain Resnais / Maya Deren / Kubrick / Stan Brahkage / Sam Peckinpah / David Lynch / Chris Marker / Fellini / Visconti / Jan Svankmajer / Godfrey Reggio / Andrei Tarkovski / Godard / Sokurov / Peter Greenaway / Tim Burton / Kurosawa / Carl Dreyer / Michael Haneke / David Cronemberg / Ingmar Bergman / Ozu / Darren Aronofsky / Abel Ferrara / Pasolini / Scorsese / Béla Tarr / Joel Coen / Terry Gilliam / Antonioni / Wim Wenders / David Fincher / Almodovar / Larry Clark / and so many more...
Sounds Like: A weird mix of electronica, experimental, noise rock, IDM, sampling music, pop, lounge, hip-hop, sound poetry, world music, minimalism, tecno, breakbeat, easy listening and so on.Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
Record Label: Zounds Records - www.zounds.pt
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

KUBIK - Download the 6 tracks of my new EP!

Kubik - New release! Kubik - "Infinite Territory" (EP) - Test Tube release (netlabel) REVIEW:«Victor Afonso is a portuguese musician living in Guarda, a city lying near Serra da Estrela (Star Mou...
Posted by Kubik on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 05:13:00 PST

Kubik no top 2005

Eis uma breve recensão sobre as críticas ao meu disco em 2005: KUBIK entre os melhores de 2005 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////EXPRESS O | 31 de Dezembro de 2005 O ano musical por...
Posted by Kubik on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 03:49:00 PST