Member Since: 5/16/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Victor Afonso - Electronics, guitars, voices, programming, production.
Kubik live in LisboaKubik live in Barcelos
Influences: CHECK THIS OUT:
David Shea | Amon Tobin | Christian Marclay | Muslimgauze | Philip Glass | Holger Hiller | Suicide | Squarepusher | Aphex Twin | Prokofiev | Pascal Comelade | Raymond Scott | Danny Elfman | Harry Partch | Faust | Glenn Branca | La Monte Young | DJ Spooky | Ornette Coleman | Bob Ostertag | Can | Faust | Spike Jones | Einstürzende Neubauten | Negativland | Mouse on Mars | Secret Chiefs 3 | Mike Patton | Autechre | Edgar Varèse | Sofa Surfers | Pierre Schaeffer | Shellac | Luigi Russolo | Robert Fripp | Graeme Revell | DJ Rupture | Steve Albini | Brian Eno | Henry Mancini | Ennio Morricone | Naked City | Young Gods | Estradasphere | John Cage | DJ Shadow | Techno Animal | Matmos | Terry Riley | Kid 606 | Atom Heart | Fantômas | Spiritualized | Red Snapper | Foetus | Felix Kubin | Hedningarna | SPK | Spring Heel Jack | Spacemen 3 | DJ Shadow | Liars | Bill Frisell | Art Zoyd | Fred Frith | Kraftwerk | Tortoise | Trans Am | Derek Bailey | Ian Simmonds | Cabaret Voltaire | Deadelus | Coil | Nurse With Wound | Lightning Bolt | Psychic TV Barry Adamson | Ravi Shankar | Mr. Bungle | Throbbing Gristle Photek | Coldcut | Marc Ribot | Bernard Herrmann | Nino Rota | Pan Sonic | Jean Jaqcues Perrey | Luke Vibert | ...CINEMA: Dziga Vertov / Eisenstein / Jean Vigo / Murnau / Fritz Lang / Buster Keaton / Luis Buñuel / Jean Cocteau / Tod Browning / Jacques Tati / Orson Welles / Alain Resnais / Maya Deren / Kubrick / Stan Brahkage / Sam Peckinpah / David Lynch / Chris Marker / Fellini / Visconti / Jan Svankmajer / Godfrey Reggio / Andrei Tarkovski / Godard / Sokurov / Peter Greenaway / Tim Burton / Kurosawa / Carl Dreyer / Michael Haneke / David Cronemberg / Ingmar Bergman / Ozu / Darren Aronofsky / Abel Ferrara / Pasolini / Scorsese / Béla Tarr / Joel Coen / Terry Gilliam / Antonioni / Wim Wenders / David Fincher / Almodovar / Larry Clark / and so many more...
Sounds Like: A weird mix of electronica, experimental, noise rock, IDM, sampling music, pop, lounge, hip-hop, sound poetry, world music, minimalism, tecno, breakbeat, easy listening and so on.Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
Record Label: Zounds Records -
Type of Label: Indie