The following represents some excerpts from the chapters within 999 Ways 2 Say No 2 A .."No-Good Man..". (Copyright 2005)
Page Length: 176
Chapter 1: Introductory Remarks
Chapter 2: In the Name of Love: My Personal Testimony
Chapter 3: Love 2 Be Defined
.."Love 2 be discovered is love 2 be defined. Love 2 be defined is guaranteed 2 blow your mind. Love 2 be divine within the heart and mind is love that cannot be denied. Love 2 be denied is 2 disguised, used in vain and defamed on behalf of the essence of its name. Love 2 be dismissed allows for you 2 miss out on the joy of love itself. LOve is Valued Eternally is LOVE truly defined..."
Chapter 4: A Woman, a Heart, and the Emotions That Run Through It
.."Is it the breast, the vagina, the ovaries with their ability to conceive, or the X chromosome supplemented for a Y, that truly defines a woman? The answer is absolutely not, times four. What truly defines a woman is her strength, which is the cohesive glue and backbone of every family, in every culture, and on every continent..."
Chapter 5: Relationship Versus Realationship
Chapter 6: Astrology and Men
Chapter 7: One Thing or Two about the No-Good Man
.."The no-good man is pollution with a penis. Like environmental pollutants, he seeks to disrupt and taint the atmosphere of a woman with his negativity......"
.."Women must not be mistaken. The art of grave digging did not die when the last Egyptian tomb was raided thousands of years ago. In fact , the no-good man continues this legacy by being a modern-day grave digger..."
Chapter 8: The No-Good Woman
Chapter 9: Words of Wisdom 2 the Woman in His Life
Chapter 10: The Possible Effects of Being Involved with a No-Good Man
Chapter 11: What a True Good Man Is All About
Chapter 12: Warning Signs
Chapter 13: Learning How 2 Say No
Chapter 14: 999 Ways 2 Say No 2 a No-Good Man
Chapter 15: Colorful Commentary
.."If your cock was stock, Wall Street would have to be relocated to Poor Street..."
.."Although you have been dismissed, I can guarantee that you.."ll be back. Why am I so certain? Because just like a leprechaun, a no-good man will always find his may back to gold..."
.."Has anyone ever told you that you should try to work for CBS? And no, it is not because of your potential to be a good journalist. It.."s because of your constant bullshit..."
.."You can take vitamins A, B, C and D, but noting can compare to vitamin ME. And without it, wherever you stand, you will forever be a malnourished man..."
Chapter 16: Steps 2 Success: The Proper Way 2 Heal
Chapter 17: Excerpts of Encouragement:
.."Platinum Pussycat.."
When the vagina comes too easy, she.."s labeled as a slut. Then when it takes too long to open up, she.."s considered difficult and too much.
If you were to ask me which one do I choose, I would have to say the latter. In my world of rules and relationships, it takes more than a fine face to make my crossed legs unravel. With me, it.."s the mind and intellect that truly matter.
For what lies three feet below my face and deep within the depths of my waist is equivalent to what.."s found inside the mines of Africa. It is not silver, or bronze, and it is not even gold. It is a diamond dipped in platinum, and when it.."s finally revealed, oh what a sight to behold. Meow!
Chapter 18: Dating Guidelines
Chapter 19: Affirmation
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