Ahoy, mateys! I be back! I be a retired Rear Admiral from the US Navy. I loves the ladies n' I loves me seaman....that be seaman...not semen!! Create or get your
very own MySpace Layouts
Blowin' me pipe n' havin' me pipe blown.
I be likin' to meat..I means meet ye all. Landlubbers, ladies...ye name it, ye ol' Admiral would love to meet ye. .. width="425" height="350" ..
Village People,WHAM!, K.D. Lang, Right Said Fred, Ricky Martin .. width="425" height="350" ..
Battle of The Bulge, Brokeback Mountain, Platoon, anything with Patrick Swayze
Mork & Mindy, Brady Brunch, Bosom Buddies, Flipper
Sheep: Why We Love 'Em; Men Love Cars & Women Love Penis
John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Captain Kangaroo, Dick Cheney, Ronald Reagan, Tricky Dick Nixon, Slick Willy Clinton