To avoid confusion, I am not an obsessed fan of Southgate and Sikfuk . I am/was in both bands. I do guitars for Southgate and did bass for Sikfuk. For those that want to hear other music of mine, I created Steve-ass Drunk because 4 tracks just isn't enough. I will also probably debut new Southgate songs on there later on or put up some old tracks when there's not enough room on the Southgate site.
The views and comments of Drunk-ass Steve do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Sober-ass Steve for they are two seperate entities. That said, it doesn't really matter. If Drunk-ass Steve has said/done something to offend someone, chances are quite good that Sober-ass Steve finds you to be equally the weak-minded pussy that Drunk-ass Steve does. Empathy does not flow through this body that chemically induces Dissociative Identity Disorder intentionally.
If you have added/viewed this profile, regardless of the personality responsible, you should be well aware of the emotional risks involved upon the first viewing the content of this space. If you do not like it, that is not only your problem, but also your fault. You would not have kept reading if you were offended unless you have some masochistic desire to be offended or pissed off. If that is the case, you may require psychiatric evaluation. I may be in that field and maybe could help direct you, but you people are the types of assholes that RIAA and the MPAA suck dick for by censoring something you could easily avoid, hence ridiculous censorship in the media. Neither Drunk-ass Steve, nor Sober-ass Steve give a fuck about you and wish death upon you.
Doomeastvan's "Repent Sinner" Video:
And for the ladies, shit I will never be able to comprehend. My friend's merchandise of handbags and accessories of some sort. Don't ask me, I don't know anything about this. Just go there and buy.
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