.......sherm sticks Running faster than time
VisionariesSouls on the +++ cruizethe invisible eagle that watches the wizardz... souls that want to talk about the new daze...Shuck & Jivesterz The Stairway To Nowhere...
RAD PYRAMID, ^60WattMindFuk^,From Monuments To Masses, Maria Callas, Kraut, Psych, Math, Free, Haze, Sherm, Moti, TOMO... Cha Cha Chas, pcp propulsion integrity fractel session
Entrophy .. width="425" height="350" ..
Hiedeger, Hesse, Emerson, Vidal, Phillip K. Dick, Perkins....
Jan Hammer,John RonnisThe Musketeers, The circle of adacity,,,