i have no time to invest in the uncertainty of man, only the beauty of unpredictability in life.......I'd like to meet peace, love and beauty on a daily basis, for that is surely the recipe for joy and cause of my gratitude...I respect truth as the ultimate importance, but i will not settle for it without some form of peace."If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live." Martin Luther King Jr.
music comes from the soul of man and i am not a victim of the emotions that sometimes take me, for i am a keeper of the components which make me. a believer, a revolutionary hopefilled being molded by the patience that i am so keen to conceive. systematic, automatic, cognition of the peace, the pieces of my mind are what compose the manifestation of my beliefs. life is surely worth living and being grateful for. the engine that drives my soul is the generosity of human interaction and the compassion which comes from understanding that we are all just searching for the same thing and being at the same time pained by the same common themes. we are all as one. i stand up tall in adversity and i for one still believe, for this is all we have. the dream is what we see, so it seems fitting to keep on mantra de jack d.
Bob Marley - Could You Be Loved
not a major advocate, a small minor possibly................................
people who know how to be real.who connect. selfless people with so much soul. people who will die for their beliefs. people who have grown as a rose out of concrete, defied the odds and followed their dream. people seen by some as crazy and mad, for they are the genuises i believe...and people who realize that the mysterious nature of living is what gives infinite joy.