Projekt Terrror MP3 sample (click on the link):
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Interview from Metal Maniacs (Halloween issue 2007)Interview from Unrestrained magazine, Canada:Interview from Metal Maniacs zine, USA:
(interviews from Metal Maniacs zine, USA).
STALAGGH, Abruptum, Sunn O))), Emit, Silencer, Bunkur, Tomb, 20.SV, Mutiilation, Planet Aids, Lugubrum, Deathspell Omega, Clandestine Blaze, Katharsis, Burzum, Darkthrone
Projekt Nihil digipack cd
Projekt Terrror cd
Projekt Misanthropia cd
Drawing by one of the mental patients who performed on Projekt Terrror. These drawings came with the first 50 copies of the STALAGGH DVD (Autumn Winds prods).Drawing of the mental patient (R.I.P.) who performed on Projekt Nihil. This drawing can be found on the inside of the digipack edition of Projekt Nihil.
STALAGGH releases can be ordered from:Total Holocaust records ----
Autopsy kitchten records --- Autumn Winds productions --- Basilisk productions
Some reviews:We've had records from some hateful, extreme, heavy and truly black bands in the past but Stalaggh definitely out-hate and out-black them all. Named for WWII concentration camps (the extra 'g' and 'h' stand for 'global holocaust'), this Dutch blackdoom industrialnoise horde, are often compared to Abruptum, for their extreme and ultra personal approcach to music making, but they take it even a step farther. Not content with harsh hateful vocals, Stalaggh actively set out to recruit mental patients and convicted murders, by using connections working in mental hospitals and carefully planning their recording sessions to coincide with the two days a month patients are allowed to leave the hospital. Woah. The main vocalist featured on the first 30+ minute track (originally released as Projekt: Nihil) is a convicted murderer who stabbed his mother 30 times when he was 16 years old, and subsequently spent the next 11 years in prisons, juvenile detention facilities and mental hospitals. Apparently he suffered from an extreme aggresion disorder, anorexia nervosa and a host of other mental problems. During the recording sessions he indulged in very excessive self-mutilation while howling and wailing through all his hate and pain and fury. Sadly, he killed himself mere months after the recordings were made. The second half hour track (originally released as Project: Terrror) features vocals from three different mental patients, one female. Wow. That's some seriously intense and messed up shit for sure. A rare and maybe problematic instance of music that straddles that blurry line barely dividing art and exploitation, a stretching of the boundaries, an exploration of how far one can go to tap into primal emotions and create music that is emotionally pure, no matter how hard it is to listen to or understand. But the results do definitely convey that hate and despair and misery, which probably can only actually be attained by going to such great lengths. This stuff is so bizarre and so fucked up but somehow strangely beautiful as well. The sheets of noise smear and shift, occasionally attaining an almost drone like quality (albeit an extremely harsh one) . Nihilistik Terrror is a massive, mind frying, soul shattering, freaked out, slab of droning, fuzzy, buzzy, whitenoise brutality, not black metal, not even metal really, more a sort of industrial noisescape, most definitely black, and bleak and harsh, but these are not songs, they are slow shifting sonic fields of squealing shrieking distortion, grinding ear shredding ambience, crunchy and gritty and NOISY! Definitely one for the extreme noise fanatics and lovers of the harsh and brutal, but black metallers who dug later Abruptum might check this out as well. There might be riffs here, maybe even songs, but if there are, they are buried under an impossibly dense ocean of sound, layer after layer of white hot noise and sonic sludge, all swirling maniacally around the terrified, vitriolic, angry, hateful, freaked out howls and screams of real human beings with truly damaged psyches. So intense! Includes both original releases, remastered and sonically even more harsh and aggressive, with a previously unreleased bonus track.
I'm not quite sure what I'm witnessing here. This maybe the most terrifying music I've ever heard in my existence. Ultra harsh noise and feedback with screams and cries of a mentally unstable creature . I'm not even sure it's human at this time. I'm truly unnerved and a bit envious that one project and make this kind of anti music so well. I bow at there altar. Stalaggh is a sickness that will grown under your skin and fester if your into harsh extreme non music releases. I really can't wait to hear more and I think this CD may have made me deaf to all other noise in the world . Noise release of 2006 for this reviewer. Get this now or be left always wanting.
Nihilstik Terror features both previous Stalaggh full lengths remastered on one horrible disc. (remixed by Xardas of Veinen) From word go this disc has a feeling of nothing but your greatest possible fears, vocals are done by the mentally deranged to add a real feeling of hate, you can hear this deep deep under layer upon layer of Noise and Fuzz. Nothing like any of the other child-like Black Noise bands coming out of every bedroom in America; here you will find nothing but true feeling. Project Nihil is the first track and like Project Terrror this is near 35 minutes in length, this track has no sort of structure and no usual instruments are present [guitars, drums etc.] Here and there you can hear some dungeon like sounds as if the vocalist is trapped; ready for death, but thats about as normal as this recording is... This track really is a nightmare coming from your speakers; the noise element here is very strong and this is the main point of this track, the foreground if you prefer. Somehow this merges into nothing when combined with the other distortions going on and if in the right mind frame the over-volumed noise simply disapears and all you can hear is the screams, have to focus in quite a bit for this to happen though. Project Terror starts off similar to Project Nihil in the sense that the noise element here is very strong, again the vocals are very deep down in the mix but are more present than ever before. This time alot more hissy and distortions can be heard and the track allthough no rythm or tune is obviously going on it feels almost like a faster track; as if things are changing quicker... Within this track the feeling of schizofrenia isn't near, but is present, who knows what the layered screams are telling you to do without you even knowing, what messages are hidden in the darkest depths of this song whilst you are trying to focus in and listen the way it should be done. The 3rd track is nothing like the above tracks, this time its a 5 minute journey without the noise, just layer upon layer which have been distorted, twisted, put backwards, slowed, fasten etc. etc. I can even here some sort of Bass present behind the vocals, this is by no means a structured usual song of course; but I think this is about as normal as Stalaggh will ever get... the best vocals are found in this track also. This CD is not a Black Metal release... Whatever music you are interested in this is defiently the worst nightmare you will ever hear. Somewhere between a usual noise artist and then mixed with the most fucked up vocals from any Black Noise release you can ever imagine.